Song Zhang handed the horse to his entourage, stepped forward, squatted down in front of Qin Yao, pointed to the soil on the ground for demonstration, and asked the question again.

Except for the conditions you mentioned before, can't we plant on other land?

Qin Yao didn't expect that he would come so low-key, bringing only one entourage, not even saying hello before coming, and being so sneaky.

However, it was also obvious that Song Zhang did not intend to let the villagers know his identity. He nodded to him as a greeting and replied:

It can be grown in other places, but it will greatly affect the quality of the melons.

Song Zhang seemed to have listened in vain and said to himself: Lianggua comes from the Western Regions and is rarely seen in the Central Plains. I didn't expect that Madam Qin even knows how to grow this Lianggua.

Qin Yao twitched the corner of her mouth. Seeing Ms. Zhang's confused look, she stood up and explained, Mom, a guest is here. I'll take the guest home first.

Although Zhang didn't know who Song Zhang was, she had some vague guesses. After all, Liu Zhongcai had said before that the county magistrate would visit Qin Yao's house.

He waved his hands hurriedly, Go ahead, go ahead, I'm here.

After saying that, he smiled politely at Song Zhang.

Song Zhang nodded politely, stood up and gave a junior salute to Mrs. Zhang, called his entourage, and happily followed Qin Yao's pace.

Last time I went to Jinshi Town, I only went to a few other villages, but I missed the beautiful village Liujia Village. Song Zhang said with some surprise.

Qin Yao didn't say anything, so he asked curiously: I heard that the great scholar also built a courtyard in your village to stay there for a long time. I wonder which one it is?

Mentioning the house, Qin Yao's eyes lit up slightly. She stopped by the bridge and raised her hand to point deep into the village, Here, over there, do you see the vacant terrace? It's over there.

Sir, would you like to go over and take a look? Qin Yao said with a hint of enthusiasm in her tone, It was designed by Mr. himself and renovated from an abandoned old house in the village. It is a very special lotus courtyard.

After saying that, he glanced at Song Zhang again and added: If you are interested, you can also choose an old house with great scenery in the village and renovate it yourself.

Without waiting for Song Zhang to speak, he continued to speak ahead of him: After the renovation, you can live here as long as you want. After all, you are the county magistrate. If I knew that you wanted to stay here often, the village would definitely hand over the land deed to the old house. No. It’ll cost you a penny!”

The followers were all moved after hearing this, not because of the old house in Liujiacun, but because they could live next to the great scholar.

He immediately looked at his county magistrate expectantly and said, Sir, didn't you always say that you would find an opportunity to pay a visit to Mr. Gongliang? Today is just the right day.

Qin Yao smiled apologetically: I'm sorry, the scholar is not in the Lotus Courtyard now, but I can see him in another three days.

Counting the days, Gong Liangxiao will arrive in three days.

Song Zhang's entourage sighed regretfully. He thought he would see the great scholar today.

But if no one is here, it would be good to go and see the yard. Qin Yao continued to encourage.

She suddenly discovered that Song Zhang was also a good customer.

If the wealthy businessmen and gentry in Kaiyang County know that the county magistrate has also renovated an old house in Liujia Village, why don't they come here after hearing the news?

By then, the homestead in Liujiacun will be worth a lot of money!

Song Zhang stared at Qin Yao suspiciously for two seconds, unable to figure out why she was so actively recommending the old house in Liujiacun to him.

However, since he has come here, the scholar can't see him. It's okay to take a look at the house where he lives.

Ms. Qin is so kind, let's go and have a look. Song Zhang responded with a smile.

Qin Yao finally smiled at him, raised her hand to make an invitation gesture, and led the way. As she walked, she introduced how beautiful the four seasons of Liujiacun were and how healing it was to live here.

Song Zhang didn't have much contact with Qin Yao. All in all, they only met twice when they suppressed the bandits and last time outside the Ding family ancestral hall.

Most of the time, he heard about Qin Yao from others.

Some say she is a ferocious shrew, some say she is a cold hunter with perfect shots, and some say she is the domineering leader of Liujia Village.

But no matter which way, no one has told him that she talks so secretly!

The three of them finally arrived at the Lotus Courtyard, and only then did Song Zhang's various sales pitches with hints and expressions stop.

He looked at Qin Yao who walked forward to find the key to open the door, and secretly exhaled a big breath.

The owner was away, so no one took care of the house, which had already fallen into a layer of dust.

Qin Yao opened the door and fanned it a few times before shaking off the dust floating in the air.

This is thanks to the light rain these past few days, otherwise I would have sucked in a lot of dust when I came in.

Qin Yao patted her pants and planned to call Awang and Liu Ji to come over and clean the house tomorrow.

Turning around, he saw Song Zhang politely standing at the door, looking curiously. He waved and shouted, Come in and see if everything is okay. The rooms are all locked. I don't have the key, so just take a look in the yard.

Qi Xianguan and Gong Liangxiao's aesthetics are quite good. The courtyard no longer looks simple from the outside, but it is full of details inside. Various ingenious arrangements and the whims of the owners make people's hearts beat.

The attendant suppressed his excitement and asked politely: Ms. Qin, is this really an abandoned house?

Qin Yao nodded, Yes, we still have a sketch of what it looked like before. If you don't believe it, come to my house later and I can show it to you.

Speaking of this sketch, it didn’t come easy.

It was Qi Xianguan who couldn't stand that his junior brother couldn't even draw, so he took Liu Ji hand in hand and painted it with difficulty for three days, based on the old house in Lian Yuan.

Unexpectedly, when I took it out again, I could compare it with the current Lotus Courtyard before and after the renovation.

How's it going? Are you a little bit excited?

Qin Yao asked confidently after locking the gate of Lianyuan and leading Song Zhang to his home.

The entourage nodded wildly, but when Song Zhang glared at him, he quickly lowered his head and led the horse to follow him honestly.

Seeing that his entourage was at peace, Song Zhang smiled lightly and said calmly: It's not bad.

Qin Yao did not give up and said with a smile: Sir, please support rural development. How about choosing an abandoned house to show off to the wealthy gentry in the county?

Song Zhang was worthy of being a county magistrate, and he immediately smelled something unusual in these words.

Although they are both poor villages, Liujiacun looks better and better every year. Anyone would be curious and want to come here to find out.

It turned out that Song Zhang only speculated from the various information he had that the changes in Liujiacun were related to Qin Yao.

Now when he heard Qin Yao's words, he was sure that she was the source.

A woman in her early twenties who had been exiled from other places was not only extremely powerful, she could suppress bandits and kill tigers, she could also come up with ingenious things such as water mills and magical book boxes to build factories, and she also knew how to grow Western melons and build a seedling nursery.

She is so omniscient and omnipotent that no one believes that she is not a god.

But unfortunately, she is alone.

At this moment, there was flesh and blood, standing before him alive. (End of chapter)

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