Jin Dou nodded, and raised his fist at Qin Yao openly, The person who picked me up is here, so there is no need to trouble Mrs. Qin and Mr. Liu.

But Madam Qin doesn't have to send me to the Kaiyang County government office. I will also pay you one hundred taels in half the hiring fee of two hundred taels.

After saying this, Qin Yao had no reaction, but Liu Ji was already furious.

But before it exploded, it was suppressed by Qin Yao with a wave of his hand.

She looked at Song Zhang who looked slightly surprised. It was obvious that he didn't expect to meet him here.

Nodding slightly at him, Qin Yao's eyes turned back to Jin Dou who had already taken out two silver notes from the middle of the soles of his shoes.

One piece is one hundred taels, the other is fifty taels, a total of one hundred and fifty taels.

One hundred taels is the escort fee, thirty taels is the burial fee, and the extra 20 taels is used as a thank you for their thoughtful care during the past three days.

Jin Dou put the silver notes in the carriage, immediately jumped out of the carriage and got on a pony brought by Song Zhang and others.

The road to the world is long, and we will never see each other again! He hugged his fists towards the carriage and urged the horse to run as if to run away.

Song Zhang glanced at Qin Yao and his wife. Qin Yao didn't say hello obviously, just because he didn't want to ask too much. Naturally, he wouldn't come forward and say more, which would cause trouble for both parties.

He immediately urged his horse to lead the plainclothes officers and soldiers brought from the Yamen to follow the patrol censor sent by the imperial court. The group soon disappeared into the woods, leaving only the sound of galloping horse hooves.

Liu Ji couldn't hold it in any longer. He stood on the carriage shaft and shouted angrily: Jin Dou, you shameless man!

Liu Ji sometimes sees human nature very clearly.

How could such a coincidence happen? It must be that Jin Dou secretly sent a secret message to Song Zhang behind their backs in order to reduce the escort fee.

Eighty taels of silver were missing for nothing. Although the silver might not fall into his hands, Liu Ji still became angrier and angrier as he thought about it, and his heart ached with pain.

At this moment, he didn't care whether he was a censor or not. He urged Song Yu to drive after him. He wanted to scold the shameless old thief to death.

Qin Yao was sitting in the car holding the banknote, but she did not stop Liu Ji from chasing her and scolding her, which shows her attitude.

However, the speed of the carriage was still much slower. As they were cursing, the large group of people in front had already left them far behind.

No matter how much he scolded the other party, he couldn't hear him anymore, so Liu Ji stopped angrily.

Qin Yao handed Liu Ji a kettle and told her expressionlessly: You will gain wisdom after every experience. When you write an order next time, remember to add a note that if the client unilaterally ends the cooperation midway, no matter what the reason, we must Pay the entrusted party the full amount!”

Liu Ji drank half a bottle of water in a big gulp, with a trace of water stains on the corner of his mouth, and nodded heavily to express that he would never forget it in his life!

On Song Zhang's side, he felt relieved as he listened to the increasingly weaker curses behind him.

He raised his eyes to look at the sweaty Master Yushi who was riding in front of him, and sighed helplessly: My lord, why do you want to provoke this couple?

Master Censor didn't dare to speak, it was urgent to escape.

As for Liu Ji's constant pursuit and scolding, he could only say that this was an outcome he had never imagined!

Seeing that the man in front of him didn't respond, Song Zhang felt something was wrong.

Since the censor has found a master guard like Qin Yao, why did he send a secret message to pick him up for this short journey?

How can I put it this way? It's like taking off your pants and farting. It's unnecessary.

Is it really unnecessary?

Song Zhang frowned, and when he looked at the Royal Censor running fast on his horse in front of him, he suddenly felt something in his heart.

He subconsciously looked back at the road behind him, and the small woods were already far behind them.

Logically speaking, no matter how slow the carriage moved, it would have almost driven out of the woods at this time.

But there was no sign of the carriage that should have driven out.

Not knowing what he thought of, Song Zhang's heart suddenly tightened. He urged the horse to speed up, rushed forward to be level with the fast-running Master Yushi, and asked tentatively:

Sir, are you taking this step too risky? If I mean what if, if the enemy tries their best this time, those three people will die.

To put it another way, if those three people had not died, he, the patrol censor, would have faced crazy revenge from the evil ghost empress of Kaiyang County, and life would have been worse than death!

Jin Dou did not slow down and did not look back. He only looked at the road ahead and said coldly: The opponent's target is me. If they know that I am no longer in the car, they will disperse and will not take their lives.

Song Zhang asked suspiciously: Are you so sure, sir?

The other party did not answer directly, but asked him: Are you going to go back and remind them now?

What is more important, the imperial court, or the three common people? I don't think I need to say more, Mr. Song knows it very well!

Song Zhang tightened his grip on the reins, shouted Drive! and urged his men to speed up.

If it is true as the censor said, the enemy cannot find the rightful owner and will pursue them with all their strength.

As for Qin Yao, Song Zhang's intuition told him that it would be impossible for an ordinary killer to take her life.

Song Zhang thought very well.

Qin Yao, who had been tricked by her employer, looked at the two neat rows of masked killers in front of her and regretted why she hadn't just taken off Jin Dou's head and sent it to his enemy in exchange for a large bounty!

Song Yu and Liu Ji stood by the carriage, scanning the assassins who were tightly surrounding the carriage, and swallowed hard.

What is information gap?

That's it for now.

Jin Dou Ren was no longer on their carriage, but his enemies didn't know that.

So it makes sense for people to stop their carriage!

Moreover, people also paid great attention to the news that Qin Yao deliberately released it. Knowing that she was not easy to mess with in Kaiyang County, they directly sent out all the people without any intention of leaving anyone alive.

Mother, madam, do we still have a chance to survive? Liu Ji asked in a low voice with a trembling voice.

Song Yu was speechless. Looking back on the first half of his life, he never thought that he would be hacked to death with a knife.

At this moment, his short life flashed through his mind, and he had made up his mind to risk his life to cover the escape of his wife, who was the only one with a chance of survival.

As long as his wife is alive, his wife and children can be alive.

Based on his understanding of his wife during this period, if he really died, her wife would definitely treat her wife and children at home well.

As for the old man, just let it happen.

As an ordinary slave, at such a critical moment of life and death, the only thing Song Yu could think of was how to maximize the benefits he gained from sacrificing his life.

So, he lowered his head and said loyally to Qin Yao in a low voice: Madam, I am willing to die to cover my wife's escape. I also ask my lady to go all out when she finds the opportunity. Don't waste the opportunity by worrying about me.

Time was running out and Song Yu spoke very quickly, but Qin Yao could clearly hear every word he said.

She can completely understand him making such a choice, but! She, Qin Yao, would never let her men end up like this!

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