After resting one night at the county inn, Qin Yao and Liu Ji split into two groups early the next morning.

Qin Yao and Song Yu went to buy some daily necessities and snacks to take home to make the children happy.

Liu Ji took his identity documents, went to the Yamen to complete the household registration, added his merits, and applied for the documents needed for the college examination.

Time was tight. In order not to delay the departure time for the hospital examination, Liu Ji only had five days left.

In five days at the latest, he will take all the certification documents and go to Fucheng to meet with Qi Xianguan.

According to Qin Yao's intention, with such a short time, she could go back to the village to prepare the certificates and other matters for him and send them directly to the county, leaving Liu Ji to stay alone in the county to finish the matter first.

It's a pity that someone sticks to her like a dog-skin plaster and insists on going back to the village with her no matter what.

The reason is that the children have not seen their biological father for a long time and they must be allowed to see him.

Besides, if something comes up with homework, Qin Yao won't be able to handle it, so he has to attend.

What do you mean by that? No matter what, we must not delay the important event of the child's study. Liu Ji said seriously.

Song Yu reminded from the side: What Madam said is that no matter how poor you are, you can't give up education, and no matter how hard it is, you can't give up on your children.

Liu Ji Lianlian nodded, Yes, that's what I mean, so madam, you must wait for me to come back, and let's go out of the city together!

Afraid that Qin Yao wouldn't be able to wait any longer, Liu Ji immediately got on his Saobao bookcase and rushed to the county government office.

Qin Yao shrugged and asked Song Yu to set up the carriage and go out for shopping.

There is no shortage of rice, flour, oil and grains at home now, and there has been no shortage of fresh vegetables since Awang opened a vegetable garden.

On the other hand, there is always enough fresh meat and seasonings for a large family.

Qin Yao got up early today, just in time to catch the fresh meat at the meat stall, so she bought half a fan and went back.

The news of Liu Ji's success in the government examination should have reached the county town by now. Even if they don't want to do it themselves, people in the village will come to congratulate them. As a host, you have to treat others to a good meal.

I passed a grocery store on the way and bought a lot of peanuts, fungus, mushrooms and other dry goods.

As for the rest, adding some melon seed candies will be enough. Chicken, duck, fish and meat are all available in the village. Just ask someone to buy them now.

Qin Yao was busy until mid-morning and then returned to the inn.

Liu Ji didn't return until noon, and he was sweating profusely due to the heat.

Qin Yao ordered a simple meal, and after the three of them filled their stomachs at the inn, they set off to return home.

In total, the time away from home this time was longer than expected. Originally, Qin Yao only planned to spend seven or eight days, but she did not expect this delay and she left for half a month.

I don’t know if Sanlang and Si Niang will be angry with her when she returns home.

But turning her head to look at the preserved fruits wrapped in oil paper in the carriage, Qin Yao felt that the problem was not big.

The temperature has been so high these days that the school is worried about students suffering from heat stroke, so it has granted a five-day holiday to allow students to go home to escape the heat.

Today was the first day of vacation. The carriage drove slowly through the official road and turned into a country road. Along the river bank, from time to time, a group of urchins could be seen playing in the water.

The river here is not deep, and the adults don't care much about it. However, the three passers-by Qin Yao were frightened to see it.

As soon as he saw a child about to enter the water, Song Yu immediately shouted loudly.

The children were frightened and dispersed when he yelled.

Even though the water is shallow, it can still drown people. Song Yu shook his head and sighed helplessly.

When the child in Liujia Village fell into the water, Liu Ji was not at home. He later found out after hearing what Song Yu said.

At this moment, looking at the frightened children who ran away, I secretly thought that if he came back to the village and ran into Da Lang taking his younger brothers and sisters to play in the river, he would definitely catch them and punish them.

At this time, the three people who had just driven through Xiahe Village did not know that the whole village had prepared a big surprise for them.

Two days ago, the list of candidates for the Zijin Mansion Examination was posted on the notice outside the Kaiyang County Yamen.

After Liu Fei, who was in the academy, got the news, he rushed over as soon as possible and scanned the list from beginning to end. He didn't have much hope, but when he saw the word Liu Ji at the end, he couldn't help but burst out sharply. Scream!

I got it! I got it! He was so excited that he was spinning around in circles, as if he was the one on the list.

Seeing this, bystanders rushed over to ask who had been hit.

Liu Fei, who always calls Liu Ji by his first name, pointed to the name on the list and said excitedly:

It's my brother, my third brother is on the list!

Others smiled and congratulated him.

Liu Fei hurriedly returned everyone's kindness, looked at the names on the list again, and made sure that he was not hallucinating. He immediately ran back to the academy to pack his luggage. Without stopping, he rushed all the way back to Liujia Village to tell the whole village the good news.

Old Man Liu suppressed his excited heart and trembling hands, and laughed loudly: My ancestors bless you!

Then he asked Liu Bai, Do you know when Yao Niang will return home?

Since the third child has won, he will definitely come back with Yao Niang to meet his parents and fellow villagers!

Liu Bai counted the days, The fastest is tomorrow, the latest is the day after tomorrow, we should be there.

Old man Liu touched the confused heads of the four brothers, the elder brother, the second son, the third son, and the fourth mother-in-law, and waved his hand: We must do it in a big way!

After watching the glory of Liu Dafu's family for so many years, it is impossible not to envy him. This time it was finally his turn to enjoy the glory of Liu Dafu's family.

Mrs. Zhang was also happy, but a little hesitant, Should we wait until Yao Niang comes back to discuss it?

No need! Old Man Liu was full of confidence, Even if Yao Niang knew about it, she would definitely agree to handle it. Don't worry, just go ahead and take care of it.

As he said this, for the first time, Zhang's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were asked to ask for money from him. He had saved some money for his private life over the years, and this time he was happy and used it all.

Old man Liu, who was happily receiving the congratulations of the villagers, did not notice the cannibalistic look in Zhang's eyes.

After sharing the same bed for all these years, she didn't know that the old man actually hid his private money!

Sensing that something was wrong with their mother-in-law, Mr. He and Mrs. Qiu secretly looked at each other, enjoying the envious looks of the women in the village, and slipped away.

Dad said it was a big deal, so naturally they couldn't forget to inform their parents.

Thinking that she would be Xiucai Gong's sister-in-law in the future, He couldn't help but smile.

Taking advantage of his third uncle's favor, now the parents and brothers of her mother's family can't coax her as a grandma?

Ms. Qiu is naturally more worried. After being happy, she starts to figure out the rules for a big event, feeling both happy and worried at the same time.

The four Dalang brothers struggled to squeeze out from the back door of the old house full of people, looked at the blue sky, then looked at the gray and yellow ground, and finally looked at each other, smiling together with big white teeth.

Siniang clenched her fists and said happily: Dad finally got his chance.

Dalang and Erlang also breathed a sigh of relief for their biological father. Dad should be beaten less in the future, and the family will become more harmonious~

Sanlang was a man of action, so he called Little Laifu, who was still having fun with the village children in the old house, Let's go to the entrance of the village and wait for my mother and father!

Aniang said she would bring him delicious food when she came back. Thinking of the sweet and sour candied haws and the appetizing preserved fruits, Saburo swallowed with greed.

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