When Wang Jin woke up, a little fish belly white was just showing on the horizon.

He fell asleep last night and could not see what the post house had become. Looking at it today, he realized how terrible the fire was last night.

What came to my nose was the faint smell of burnt wood and rubble. The entire inn had been burned down, and the furnishings in the house and the corpses of the dead soldiers had been turned into black ashes, leaving only a ruins blackened by smoke.

Qin Yao took a shovel and was putting out fires everywhere.

She stared at the fire all night, and after extinguishing the last sparks with soil, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking back, he saw that Wang Jin had woken up and was sitting on the straw mat in a daze, looking at him. He raised his hand and waved to him, Morning!

Morning. Wang Jin hesitated for a moment before reacting and nodded.

You stayed up all night just to watch the fire? he asked tentatively.

Seeing Qin Yao nodding, there was surprise in her eyes, Why?

Qin Yao threw the shovel into the carriage, clapped her hands, picked up the water and took a sip. Then she looked at the green hills in front of her and said:

It's midsummer right now. If even a spark splashes out, the green water and green mountains in front of us will be burned to the ground. It will take more than ten years or decades for these plants and trees to grow into this large mountain forest. It would be a pity to burn them.

Humans have brought too much harm to nature, just think that I am making amends for mankind. Qin Yao said half seriously and half jokingly.

Wang Jin's lips twitched slightly, and he stopped asking why. Seeing the sky gradually getting brighter, he asked Qin Yao if she wanted to rest for a while.

No, let's go. Get to Fucheng early so I can catch up on my sleep.

Qin Yao whistled, and Lao Huang ran back immediately.

The two set up their bikes and set off immediately without eating breakfast.

The next short journey was much easier than before. As the capital city approaches, more and more business travelers are encountered on the road.

There are many people with mixed eyes, but it is safe for Qin Yao and the two of them.

Even though the posthouse was burned down, the government was inevitably alarmed.

Leaving the boundary of Kaiyang County, Qin Yao didn't know which side the officials were on. Just when she was about to push Wang Jin out alone to use as a shield, Wang Jin first raised his hand and made a calm gesture to her.

It's okay, I'm one of my own.

Wang Jin whispered these words, jumped off the carriage, and walked confidently towards the officers and soldiers surrounding the carriage.

He revealed his identity.

The officers and soldiers looked at each other.

The next moment, the leading officer and soldier waved his hand and gave an order: Take down these two criminals who burned down the inn and flouted the king's law!

It's over, Qin Yao whispered in her heart.

Wang Jin couldn't care less about being surprised, and quickly looked back at Qin Yao to show that he really didn't know why things developed like this, and he didn't mean to harm her.

Qin Yao glanced at him speechlessly, pulled out the knife case, connected the knife and stick, picked up the two-meter-long sword and jumped out of the carriage, pulled Wang Jin behind her, and blocked the officers and soldiers who wanted to take him.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yao would actually draw a sword at the officers and soldiers. The officers and soldiers were shocked at first, and then they became angry and shouted:

How dare you arrest a murderer!

Qin Yao stood motionless in front of Wang Jin, raised her eyes to look at the leading officers and soldiers on horseback, and said loudly:

You soldiers, are you going to arrest innocent passers-by without asking any questions? May I ask which government office you are from sending the officers and soldiers?

The official smiled contemptuously, How dare you, a reckless woman, ask the official where I am from?

His expression turned cold, Get it for me! No matter whether you are dead or injured!

After hearing this, the officers and soldiers under his command no longer cared about it, and immediately swung their swords to attack Qin Yao.

These are officers and soldiers, not bandits or assassins who dare not meet people. If they really take action, Qin Yao will at least be accused of injuring an officer and soldier of the imperial court.

It would be okay if she was alone, she could have run away.

But she is not alone. Not only is she the head of Liujia Village, but if she is really investigated, the entire clan will be wiped out!

Just when Qin Yao was struggling to retreat step by step, Wang Jin changed his previous shameless behavior and suddenly raised the censor's token high and said in a deep voice:

I am Wang Jin, the imperial censor appointed by the emperor. This time I go to Zijin Mansion to carry out supervision duties on behalf of the emperor. Anyone who dares to obstruct me will be equivalent to obstructing the emperor and offending the saint, and will be punished by death!

After saying that, he immediately ordered Qin Yao: Qin Yao, I order you to quickly capture all these bold madmen who have offended the saints and submit them to the prefect's Yamen for punishment!

Hearing this, Qin Yao looked back at him, Sir, are you sure you will protect me?

Wang Jin nodded heavily, his expression serious and serious.

Qin Yao immediately raised her eyebrows, and then she took action!

While the officers and soldiers were shocked by Wang Jin's words about taking responsibility for the emperor, Qin Yao suddenly moved the sword in his hand.

With one stroke of the long knife, it swept across the area!

Turning the knife head, they all fell down under the heavy blow of the iron rod.

Not to mention resisting, before she even reacted, the long knife had been put away, and the hemp rope was thrown out. I don't know how she moved, but with a few swipes, she tied the person's hands and tied them up.


Qin Yao clapped her hands and stood up, looked up at the only officer and soldier leader who was still riding a horse, and asked with a kind smile: Are you going to come down and capture yourself or should I help you?

The officer and soldier's eyes were wide open, angry and frightened, with words written all over his face: How dare you!

But his lips moved a few times, and he was so angry that he couldn't say a word.

Qin Yao didn't have much patience. Seeing that he didn't answer, she helped him make a choice, hit him with a stick, swept him off his horse, quickly bullied him, tied his hands, and grabbed a handful of hay on the roadside to block it. He wanted to curse loudly.

Excuse me, Lord Censor, what should we do next? Qin Yao asked seriously.

It looked like she was just an innocent worker who had no choice but to obey his orders, but in fact, everything she did was not of her own free will.

Wang Jin glanced at her unaccustomedly, looked at the dozen or so officers and soldiers in front of him, pondered for a moment, and then ordered:

You keep driving, and I'll lead these bold madmen who despise saints on horseback. Let's go into the city and go straight to the prefect's Yamen!

Qin Yao clasped her fists and said, I have the order.

So he handed the rope in his hand and climbed onto the carriage neatly.

The officers and soldiers were very shocked, what happened? The direction of development of things is completely different from what they expected!

Shouldn't they be the ones who hunt down the murderer?

How could he have turned into a murderer?

A large group of people came to the majestic city gate of Zijin Mansion. It was not only the bound officers and soldiers who were so confused, but also curious passers-by and the guards guarding the city.

Wang Jin had already seen through these brats, and without explaining, he took out the Censor's Order with a sullen face and threw it into the guard's arms impatiently.

The four guards looked at Wang Jin and the group of familiar-looking colleagues he was holding with their eyes widened.

At this moment, the silence was louder than the sound. Wang Jin glanced at him from above, and the four guards trembled. They hurriedly handed back the token with both hands respectfully, and knelt down to salute: I'm waiting to see you, Mr. Censor!

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