It is impossible for a pottery bowl to break into pieces out of thin air, and Yin Le has not learned how to hit a cow from a distance.

So Dalang looked up in shock, where is the escort? Where are people?

Yin Le walked out from behind the pillar, holding two darts tied with strings in his hands. The two broken bowls just now were smashed by these two special darts.

How is it, are you trustworthy now? Yin Le came to the brother and sister and asked with a smile on his hips.

Siniang let out a wow, stared at the dart in her hand with big eyes and asked curiously: Senior Sister Le, why do you tie a string to the dart?

Dalang also looked over curiously. Although he didn't want to say it, he was convinced.

After all, Senior Sister Le has only started practicing martial arts for more than two months. If she hadn't secretly worked hard, it would have been impossible to master this hidden weapon in such a short period of time.

Yin Le brought his twined dart to the brother and sister to show them.

The tails of other people's darts were tied with red strings and other marks, but hers was better, all tied with long, strong multi-strand strings.

Yin Le asked proudly: Won't it? This way I don't have to run around picking up darts!

Of course, she also kept eight untied ones that could be used for longer distances.

Moreover, if the distance is too far and the rope is too long, it will increase the weight and resistance, and the power of the dart will be greatly reduced.

Erlang and Sanlang ran over, looked at the stringed darts, and looked at the broken pottery bowl on the ground, and whispered in unison: Can it still be like this?

Why not? Yin Le put the darts into his belt, squatted down and collected the broken pottery pieces while saying:

Good things may not be suitable for you, but what suits you is the best.

The four brothers and sisters nodded, learning and learning.

Thinking of the rent collection tomorrow, the senior and four children looked at each other, quickly put away the dishes, and started preparing for tomorrow's rent collection together. They were both excited and looking forward to it.

Qin Yao returned to the bedroom, closed the door to block out the noisy sounds in the courtyard, lit the candlestick in the room, sat down at the table, and opened the letter that she had not read before.

When I opened the letter, it was different from the cumbersome style before. This time there were only two pages.

Qin Yao raised her eyebrows when she saw the four playful words How do you say hello to my wife at the beginning, and suddenly felt that this busy and tiring day was finally a little more interesting.

[Madam, Awang and I have arrived at Yingtian Mansion safely. If nothing else happens, I will have already entered the examination room when you receive the letter. Wish me high school! Madam! 】

The rest of the article is filled with Liu Ji's greetings to his family.

[Madam, how are you doing, Dalang? How is Erlang? How is Saburo? How is Si Niang? Are Lao Huang and Lao Qing okay? How are you? 】

[Awang and I are very good, the teacher is very good, the junior brother is also very good, Shitou and Agu are both very good]

Qin Yao's face wrinkled. She reasonably suspected that Liu Ji was counting the words just to fill up the letter paper to make it look better.

At the end of the letter, there is a sentence that is not so nonsense: [My wife, I miss you very much. 】

Hiss~ Qin Yao suddenly felt her teeth sour. She raised her eyes and saw that there was the honey and black plum drink that Mrs. Li had just brought on the table. She quickly picked it up and took a big sip.

The sweetness of honey instantly swept away the acid, and my teeth finally felt better.

Qin Yao put down the letter and turned around. Outside the wide open window, stars were scattered in the night sky.

Several lanterns in the courtyard were swaying gently in the breeze. The people who were noisy in the courtyard just now disappeared without knowing it. The whole world was so quiet that you could clearly hear the sound of the mountain breeze.

Yin Le! It's time for extra classes!

Qin Yao stood up suddenly, shouted towards the backyard, strode out, rolled up her sleeves and walked towards the back hill.

Yin Le's nervous response came from the newly built side room in the backyard, and then the door opened. Yin Le was fastening his training clothes while anxiously keeping up with his master's progress.

The master and the apprentice did not come down from the back mountain until the beginning of Haishi. Yin Le was already exhausted.

One advantage of the Li family moving back is that the master and apprentice who return home at night can take a shower and then go back to their room to sleep.

A large pot of water was heated in the stove. The master and the apprentice each had a bucket of hot water. One was in the old shower room, and the other was in the newly built shower room in the backyard. After a hurried battle bath, all the lights in the courtyard were turned off, and everything became quiet. .

Before falling asleep, Qin Yao was still thinking about how to divert the hatred of the villagers tomorrow morning.

After thinking about it, I gave up.

Let’s think about tomorrow’s matters. I’ll go to see Duke Zhou!

After a good night's sleep, Qin Yao woke up naturally.

In the early morning, Yin Le went out to fetch water. Whether it was because she was used to it or because she was too sleepy, she didn't hear it at all.

When Qin Yao got up, the family's ox cart and horse carriage had been set up and parked outside the gate.

The four brothers and sisters specially changed into cool linen clothes that were convenient for walking, and were loading the things they wanted to bring to the car.

I bring several pairs of baskets with me at home, so I can carry more rice back and save myself two trips.

There are also abacus and scale, these are the most important items and must not be left behind.

All the pens, inks, paper and inkstones were put in Erlang's book box. He stuffed the whole book box into the car, clapped his hands, and then came back for breakfast.

Today's breakfast is light, with white porridge and side dishes. It's so comforting to have this on a hot morning.

After breakfast, the five mother and son, plus one Yin Le, went out together.

Yin Le drove the carriage with Erlang, Sanlang and Si Niang.

Qin Yao was not too relieved when Da Lang drove the ox cart by himself. She rode in the same cart with him to the village well and found that the young man was driving the ox cart in a decent manner, so she felt relieved.

Slow down on the road. Qin Yao warned.

Several people smiled and drove steadily away from Liujiacun and towards the town.

Qin Yao watched them drive away until no one was seen, then she looked away, calmed down, and started to do business.

The tax collection document copied from Li Zhengna was unfolded, smeared with the gruel brought from home, blew a little, and took advantage of the sticky feeling to stick the document on the village notice board.

The villagers gathered around and asked with concern: Village chief, is this the food tax document?

Seeing Qin Yao nodding, more villagers gathered around. People gathered around the notice board, and those who were literate read out the contents of the document to other villagers.

Qin Yao stood aside, always making additions.

When she saw that the villagers were shocked when they learned about the increase in grain taxes this year and were about to question her, Qin Yao shouted first:

I know everyone is in a hurry, but please don't be anxious and listen to me!

All the villagers looked towards her.

Qin Yao was surrounded by pairs of eyes full of anger and confusion. She gritted her teeth and condemned solemnly:

It's all because Li Zheng kept it a secret, otherwise I wouldn't have found out about the imperial court's increase in grain tax when I came back from town last night, causing everyone to be so unprepared and aggrieved.

The confusion in the eyes of the villagers suddenly became clear, and they said to Qin Yao angrily: It's not the village chief's fault, but it's Li Zheng who concealed such huge news and only revealed it later. Everyone will be unhappy!

Li Zheng, who was far away in the town, suddenly sneezed loudly and looked strangely at the scorching sun above his head.

It's not cold. Why does your back feel so cold? (End of chapter)

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