The heat was in a fixed position somewhere on his body. Lin Yichen didn't know why it was like this, but the heat coming from his body made him feel extremely angry, like a king who was angry when he saw his treasonous son.

Lin Yichen felt like his heart was roaring, just like the waves hitting the shore, violent and ferocious. That overwhelming feeling surged in Lin Yichen's heart.

It felt like the explosion in my mind that penetrated the clouds and cracked the stone, as if there were countless slings, banging the countless stones on my head.

The feeling of the white claw scratching his heart made Lin Yichen feel angry, but he didn't know why he felt so angry. The anger in his heart made Lin Yichen feel uneasy. This was not his true inner thoughts.

But he just couldn't control this power. This power came out of nowhere, and Lin Yichen was helpless. This power that came from nowhere made Lin Yichen feel very impatient.

This power seemed to fall from the sky, covering Lin Yichen's entire body and mind. The pressure in my heart was like that huge boulder. Can crush the entire heart into pieces.

And this force is getting stronger and stronger, traveling through clouds and gravel. Just like the sun's rays, it continuously accumulates on Lin Yichen and keeps doubling.

These sources of power shuttled back and forth within Lin Yichen's body. Just like the school of fish in the sea, Pangbo's secret book.

The inner restlessness is getting more and more swollen, as if it is about to explode through the entire body. The vigorous power follows the blood flow throughout the body, infiltrating every cell in the body.

Make every cell active, as if the blood of the soldiers who are about to go into battle is surging.

The giant Komodo dragon with glowing red eyes looked at Lin Yichen ferociously, wanting to devour him.

The huge claws were rubbing against the ground as they walked. Although they walked very slowly, their momentum was undeniable. It was as majestic as a king approaching his ministers.

Lin Yichen slowly felt the power gathering in a certain place. Lin Yichen felt that the power was accumulating in his chest and spreading throughout his body.

Lin Yichen suddenly remembered something?

He suddenly remembered, wasn't that the gem left to him by the old man? Although Lin Yichen didn't know what he was using it for, Chen Chen knew that it was not an extraordinary thing and that it had extraordinary power.

At this time, Lin Yichen seemed to know the use of this thing.

Lin Yichen used the blessing of his mind to bring out the gem. The gem seemed to be alive.

The gem slowly rose up and stopped in front of Lin Yichen's forehead, and stopped moving. From that moment on, the snack was emitting colorful light, dazzling, unusual, and gorgeous.

Lin Yichen didn't know how to describe this gem. Apart from making himself angry and these colorful lights, it seemed to have no other use.

The gem kept radiating light outwards. Although it was small, the light seemed to be infinite, as if it were a miniature sun.

But the rays of the sun are not as condensed as the rays emitted by this gemstone. This cohesion is like the beam collector, which can turn those fragmented lights into a sharp light knife.

He kept releasing his own light, as if he had endless light. Lin Yichen didn't know where the light came from or how it could be endless.

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