First of all, the first situation is that this spiritual stone has a different kind of hatred for this giant Komodo dragon, and then this spiritual stone wants to hunt this giant lizard to take revenge on Xue.

Well, the second case is easy to talk about. It is this one. It is reported that it has the things needed for this spiritual stone. However, such things are very important to this spiritual stone, and may be an important part of its composition.

Then the third situation, which Lin Yichen couldn't imagine, was that this spiritual stone was here to protect Lin Yichen. But Lin Yichen felt that it couldn't be justified. As far as I'm concerned, no one can give soul and consciousness to a stone.

And no one can make a stone release colorful rays of light and gradually turn these rays of light into colorful crystal stones. All of this is so incredible and incomprehensible.

Even if time really stays in this realm forever, it is impossible to turn this light into crystal. This is not very scientific.

There are many subjects in the plot. The red eyes of the giant lizard gradually disappeared into the spar formation. Gradually, the spar covered the body of the giant Komodo dragon.

Completely wrapped in the fine stone formation, what followed was that extremely dazzling light. This holy light is comparable to the sun. In other words, he was comparable to the core of the sun, because he was so handsome that Lin Yichen had to cover his eyes.

But it didn't seem to have any effect, the light seemed to penetrate people's skin. Directly shining on the human retina, this dazzling light seemed to be able to instantly distract the hostages, but Lin Yichen only felt a slight fever.

There were no other symptoms, but the giant Komodo dragon inside the crystal formation seemed to scream, but due to the tight wrapping of the huge stone crystal. The sound was just the slightest bit.

It is really hard to imagine that this giant Komodo dragon was actually wrapped in this colorful crystal stone and hunted. The screams of the giant Komodo dragon became smaller and smaller, and the red light was almost invisible, being completely eliminated by the colorful light.

The colorful light became more and more powerful, like the sun at noon, but what it emitted was not a warm light, but a cold chill.

The cold murderous aura carried the colorful light and slowly and instantly killed the giant Komodo dragon.

Not even a trace of blood could be seen on the ground, but this made Lin Chen very confused. This world was obviously immortal and time did not flow.

But this five-colored light seems to be able to kill the monster, which is very unreasonable. It can kill the monster in this place where time does not flow, which is enough to show the magic of this spiritual stone.

Slowly, slowly, the colorful light slowly dissipated, and Lin Yichen's eyes gradually became focused. The light is slowly dissipating, and the colorful crystals are also slowly disappearing.

The next scene left Lin Yichen stunned.

The corpse of the giant Komodo dragon was nowhere to be seen. You know, it's a huge beast! Why did it disappear in the blink of an eye?

Lin Yichen looked around, even looking at the sky. The giant Komodo dragon was not found at all, not even a hair was found.

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