After My Death, The Villain Blackened Again

Chapter 512: You are my fingertips starlight

Whenever someone enters the door, Li Che yells and lets people get out. No one dares to disturb him in such a situation.

When Yange went, Li Che just yelled at a caretaker, and the pillows were thrown on the floor at the door.

As soon as Yange opened the door, he heard Li Che shout, "Don't bother me, get out ..."

He didn't hear the response from the door. He shuddered and turned to look at it.

Yange stood at the door, staring at him timidly.

Li Che can lose his temper with anyone without hesitation, but in front of Yange, he really can't wait to put her little white flower on the apex of her heart so that she won't experience any wind and rain. Go roar at her.

The anger on his face immediately turned into surprise when he saw Yange: "Huanhuan, what's up today? Aren't you going to class?"

Yan Song shook his head.

When I entered the door, I put down the two thermos pots, and then put down the painting tools on the back. She pulled the heavy curtains without consulting Li Che.

As soon as the curtains were opened, the sun came in, and the room glowed.

But for Li Che, the bright sunlight was too dazzling.

What he hated most was that someone opened the curtains and was stabbed by the sun. He squinted his eyes subconsciously, but didn't respond.

Yange came back to him and typed on his mobile phone: "There is still a week to go to class. My dad asked me to look at you more than two days."

At the end, I typed again: I just saw that your family brought food and ate together. I haven't eaten yet. In the morning, my dad ran over without waking up. "

Li Che saw her setting up the bed table, and put a plate of food on the table, and then gave him and her a bowl of porridge.

I didn't want to eat it.

She sat opposite him, eating slowly and joyfully, with a look of joy and joy, and typing on her mobile phone from time to time asked him: "The porridge is cold, why not eat it?"

She's so embarrassed, isn't she?

He could only eat the porridge with her.

She drank up the rest of the porridge in the pot, and quietly typed and said to him: Your porridge is really delicious. Yesterday, the pork rib soup was delicious, but not much.

He sent a message and asked Zhang's mother to stew the ribs soup at noon, and stew more.

After eating, she did not remove the table, but put her painting tools on the table.

It was the first time he had seen her drawing a comic, and her tools were all new to him.

When he opened the link she sent to him, he saw that under her comics, many comments were reminded.

She writes on the drawing board: I draw, do you help me fill it?

Li Che shook his head: "I can't do this, I'm not professional."

Singing and laughing: It's all right, I don't think you can change the coloring, and then change it, mainly because I want to explore my own new vision from another angle.

All said so professional, how could Li Che refuse.

Besides, she smiled so softly and happily, his heart softened.

This morning, time passed so unknowingly.

He sometimes looked at the words of speech immersed in comics.

Doing things you like well and being glorified on them are extremely happy when you think about them.

The sun fell on her hair, reflecting many light spots.

He reached out, choked her hair, and immediately retracted his hand.

She didn't realize that she had been focusing on painting.

He found out a long time ago that Xiao Baihua's serious drawing looks the best and the best.

All the smiles on her face were not as serious as when she was painting.

Let him just look at it like this without knowing it.

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