At this time, the corner of the man's mouth moved slightly, and the other facial features were hidden under the mask, except for the eyes and mouth, which were very obvious.

Jiang Fuyue's alert was fully open, and the killing intent flashed in her eyes, so fast that it was impossible to fathom!

However, he saw the man's bottomless eyes sank suddenly, and the muscles in his whole body were instantly tense, like a wealthy wolf ready to go in the dark, exuding an extremely dangerous atmosphere of confrontation.

It was a retaliation and... a warning to her murderous intent just now.

What a keen insight! Jiang Fuyue's heart sank slightly.

Since she can't fight recklessly, she can only outsmart her. In any case, it takes one second to drag her for one second, and her physical strength needs time to recover.

Under the peaked cap, Jiang Fuyue smiled faintly and deliberately lowered her voice. The first time she opened her mouth, it was a man's thick voice: "Who are you? Why are you chasing me?"

The man looked at her, his eyes as dark as luminous, like two dark colored glazes surging under the moonlight, "You set the fire."

His voice also seemed to be abnormally hoarse, but the thought passed by in a flash, and Jiang Fuyue didn't care.

What she cared about was that he used a declarative sentence in this sentence.

"Did you see it?" Her eyes sank.

The man does not answer.

Jiang Fuyue calmly glanced at the trash can beside her, then kicked her leg, the trash can immediately smashed at the man opposite, and when would you wait if you didn't run?

The man's brows twitched slightly, and he flexibly dodged in a flash, and quickly stepped forward to chase.

There are still ten meters, five meters, Jiang Fuyue has already taken out the key in advance, and now her eyes are full of the car in front of her.

Seeing that victory was in sight, but the dark shadow not far from her feet quickly approached and caught up. She felt that the man behind her raised his hand to stop her, and a cold air was entwined from her neck.

Jiang Fuyue was startled and reacted very quickly, dodged almost at the same time, and then raised her leg and punched the man.

But the man did not evade or retreat, but instead stepped forward and took her attack abruptly.

Jiang Fuyue was secretly surprised. When the two fists collided, she could clearly feel the strength of this man. Although she took the opportunity to retreat when the situation was not good, she was still shocked and numb, and it took three steps to retreat. Stay in shape.

At this time, the man suddenly bullied his body forward, and a strong masculine scent rushed toward his face, strong, domineering, and indifferent.

There's a bit of weird déjà vu...

Jiang Fuyue immediately bowed and stepped back, but the man couldn't help but lift the peaked cap on her head. The blue silk that was originally coiled behind her head fell down instantly. Under the moonlight, it was like a black curtain that was suddenly laid down. Thousands of lights.

But that face was still a man's face.


Just when the other party was startled, Jiang Fuyue seized the opportunity, turned around and ran wildly, a beautiful blue silk fluttering in the night wind, like seaweed swimming and washing away in the depths of the sea.

The moment he turned around, the man saw a profile face that was neither delicate nor beautiful.

Surely it's a man? !

His eyebrows twitched suddenly, and a rare look of anger flashed in his eyes, and he immediately chased after him.

At this time, Jiang Fuyue had already turned over flexibly on the spot, opened the door neatly and got into the car, started the engine immediately, and the black Honda suddenly jumped forward and walked away.

Seeing that the street scene behind her was getting farther and farther, her heart was completely put down.

Fortunately, Liu Sisi didn't drive the car away, otherwise, she wouldn't know how to get out today.

What the hell does that Doctor X mean? Chasing after her?

Fortunately, finally safe.

Just as Jiang Fuyue was rejoicing, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a black figure in the rearview mirror rapidly approaching at a speed visible to the naked eye. She was surprised, and her eyes were blank for a moment—

Is this man crazy? !

Actually use two legs to chase four wheels?

Obviously he has escaped the siege, how can Jiang Fuyue be caught up by him again?

Quickly refuel and increase gear, slam on the accelerator, but I always feel that I have forgotten something.

Out of the corner of the eye, she saw the wide open car window, she secretly thought that something was wrong, and quickly pressed the central control lock.

But it was too late. The man's figure was like a leopard, and he jumped up with the wide open car window. His vigorous body was strong in the dark night, carrying a deadly cold breath.

Jiang Fuyue had to brake quickly, and the harsh creaking sound cut through the quiet night sky, and it also sounded the horn for this fierce confrontation.

At the same time, others have already shot!

The man's movements were as fast as lightning, and the black figure was very flexible in the narrow and cramped carriage. Jiang Fuyue was very close to him.

The two hands pinched her waist so hard that it almost broke.

"You are a woman." affirmative tone.

Jiang Fuyue gritted her teeth: "How long do you want to pinch?!"

The man's hand suddenly loosened, as if being scalded by a soldering iron, he quickly retracted it.

Jiang Fuyue's waist was light. Although she was puzzled, she didn't have time to think about it at the critical moment. She raised her leg and quickly attacked the man's lower plate. The angle was tricky and her strength was not weak.

Just as she stepped out, the man also moved, took advantage of the situation to bully him, turned over neatly, and forced her into the back of the chair. His long, strong legs restrained her knees, and clasped her two wrists with one hand. , raised above his head, and looked down at her like a black cloud.

Jiang Fuyue raised her eyes suddenly, the anger in her eyes unconcealed but unexpectedly bumped into a pair of deep black pupils, she was stunned for a moment.

First of all, this man is unfamiliar, but he feels very familiar to her.

Taking advantage of the dim light in the car, she suddenly squinted at the man, her eyes like torches, very strict.

Unfortunately, I couldn't see everything I wanted to see, and was blocked by a mask.

But those eyes were dark and bright, as if they had absorbed the darkness of the universe and swallowed up the depth of the boundless starry sky.

Inside, there is absolute power and lingering, with the arrogance of looking down at all living beings, but inadvertently, indifference and coldness flow out.

Just as the man looked back, Jiang Fuyue bent her elbows and took advantage of her strength, one hand broke free from the man's palm, and quickly attacked the inside of the man's thigh.

The other side's expression froze, and after reacting, he turned sideways to avoid it, but Jiang Fuyue seemed to have expected his next reaction, and the strength of the attack quickly changed direction and followed.

As soon as he grasped, closed, and tightened, the man's tall body suddenly stiffened, his eyes suddenly cold, like a cold knife, and the whole person was like an ice sculpture standing upright on the pole.

Jiang Fuyue's expression also froze, and there was a rare layer of red at the base of her ears.

She, this catch... is enough to kill her.

At the same time, Jiang Fuyue opened the central control lock and took the opportunity to slam the car door. She bowed her waist and landed on the man's chest, she wanted to kick him down!

The man slammed out, turned over, and just as he landed steadily, the black Honda had long since disappeared...

When Jiang Fuyue returned to the hotel, Liu Sisi had already gone out to look for her for a few laps, and started to sit still, ready to contact Liu Jinzhong.

By the time he was tidy up and embarrassed, the hour hand had already pointed to zero in the morning.

Liu Sisi: "The group of people are well-trained and obviously prepared. I suspect they are for the carnelian, otherwise they will not let me leave easily."

Later, she wanted to go back and find Jiang Fuyue.

She was also afraid that Jiang Fuyue had already escaped, and if she was caught when she went back, she would be held back, so she could only go back to the hotel and wait.

If Jiang Fuyue still hasn't returned after midnight, she will contact Uncle Liu immediately.

Jiang Fuyue: "Lou Mingxin's person."

During this period of time, Liu Sisi was trained. In addition to practical skills and fighting skills, Liu Jinzhong would also tell her some things about shopping malls from time to time. You don’t need to go into too much depth, but at least which company, which industry it belongs to, and who is currently at the helm, All have to do some research.

Otherwise, if you ask three questions, how can you follow Jiang Fuyue in the future?

As long as it's not academic study, Liu Sisi can accept it. She regards these wealthy relationships as novels, and what happened is a bloody drama, and she grasps it quickly.

Therefore, she not only knows who Lou Mingxin is, but also has a certain understanding of the Lou family behind her.

"Sure enough, it's her! If you can't shoot it, grab it! What's the deal?"

Jiang Fuyue shrugged: "Stupid stuff."

Liu Sisi: I suspect you have wanted to say this for a long time.

"Then what do we do now? They won't give up if they can't get the carnelian, and they will find them again!"

Jiang Fuyue took out the red jade seal and played with it in her hand. She had already taken off her mask, and she looked charming and mysterious with a half-smile but not a smile.

Liu Sisi was almost dumbfounded.

"It seems that we can only get rid of this thing as soon as possible."

"But at this price, there should be no suitable buyer for a while."

"Who said that?" Jiang Fuyue smiled even more.

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