Although the mutated insects, birds, and beasts appeared earlier, the people above expected that the time of the Lantern Ghost King's crossing was likely to be earlier. For this reason, all the fortifications in the ghost domain outside the safe zone have been built overtime. Up to now, when the advance army before the ghost king comes, the ghost tide formed by countless low-level ghosts is expected to arrive more than a week in advance, and the special police stranded outside the safe zone The laborers can safely evacuate into the safe zone under the cover of the fortifications.

The splashing darkness covered the blue and clear sky, and the extremely dense ghost aura ravaged Huangquan like a whistling wind. Wherever it went, endless ghosts and evil spirits were born, and they joined the first wave of ghosts in a daze. Near the safety zone, the originally normal soil was quickly stained black, the plants withered and shattered, and occasionally mutated, the whole body was pitch black, twisted ferociously, like thorns growing from hell.

The ghost king's transit brought not only a powerful and unrivaled ghost king, but also a surging ghost energy and resentment that accompanied the ghost king, which could pollute all land and sea. Wherever the ghost king went, it turned into a ghost domain. This is the power that a ghost king raised by a ghost raiser will never have.

This is also the reason why human beings have always avoided fighting with the ghost king near the safe zone.

Even if the ghost king is defeated, the final result will only be a loss for both sides.

People who may have watched the tide on the Qiantang River or faced the tsunami can feel the panic and fear from the heart when the boundless ghost tide comes. The mighty ghosts are like surging tides, majestic and capable of destroying all creatures that dare to stand in front.

Any human being is extremely insignificant in front of the ghost tide. Under great pressure, people with a little unsteady will will be affected by this terrifying ghost energy and resentment that sweeps everything. ghost.

It wasn't until they hit the first line of defense that the mighty ghost tide that seemed to be able to sweep everything away finally stopped. The temporary wall was neither strong nor high, but the simple and simple lines drawn on it with blood-red cinnabar lit up like the sun in an instant, and the dazzling light instantly smoothed out the ghost tide that started.

The black tide formed by the group of ghosts slowed down, and this time hundreds of ghosts died. The people who saw this scene couldn't help cheering up, but they were quickly replenished by the low-level ghosts that kept breeding with ghost aura. In half a minute, the ghost tide came back again, hitting the defense line like a wave.

The dazzling red light came on again, devouring the ghosts, but it was dimmer than the first time. The power of the talisman is not infinite. The original bright red cinnabar color became lighter and darker under the continuous erosion of ghost energy. However, the tide of ghosts never stops, and the strong ghost energy pours into the group of ghosts, leaving only an infinite and strong desire to destroy and devour, and they are not afraid of death to attack the defense line again and again. It's a terrifyingly twisted insanity that can suffocate anyone facing the battlefield.

At this moment, a person suddenly appeared on the wall.

Compared with the mighty ghost tide, this thin and hunched figure is extremely small, as if it will be swallowed by the monstrous momentum in the next moment. The foul-smelling wind roared and blew violently on his wrinkled old face, but the old man was not moved at all.


Suddenly, he snorted coldly. The sound was not loud, but it miraculously echoed in the ears of everyone outside the safe zone.

"It's just some middle- and low-level weak ghosts, and the chickens and dogs dare to be arrogant."


The **** evil spirit that shot up to the sky from behind the old man blatantly smashed through the ghost fog and black clouds, and blood red replaced the darkness. The old man raised his hand, his right arm was full of thick blood tumbling and flowing, and in the blood blood seemed to be able to see the phantoms of countless resentful souls struggling in despair. Blood replaced the skin and bones of his arms, and the stench and boiling blood turned into wisps of blood, turning the entire sky blood red.

It is a hundred times more spectacular than the sky full of fire and clouds.

Different shades of blood are reflected on the dark clouds, and a huge **** palm print that occupies half of the sky can be vaguely seen. It was as if a giant outside the clouds pressed his **** palm into the clouds. The **** coercion from the sky was too terrifying. When it fully appeared, all the ghosts who lost their minds and only had brutal killing intent hesitated in place, and became a mess. Some ghosts with higher levels instinctively turned around and ran away.

But it's too late.


The old man got used to the explosion of his dantian, and slammed down his blood-stained right hand. The huge blood palm prints condensed in the cloud were photographed at the same time. The blood is invisible, and the power is infinite. This blood-red slap directly crushed the ghost fog, and the invincible ghost tide was completely crushed like ants!

"What are you waiting for, little ones!"

The old man said hoarsely: "If you don't practice now, don't you want to face the ghost king directly!"

The moment his voice fell, dozens of black shadows entered the battlefield, all of them were federal special police officers who had just passed the assessment. As the old man said, the ghost tide before the ghost king crosses the border is the last chance to exercise. Only when they adapt to this ghostly environment can they be qualified to fight against the Lantern Ghost King.


The old man was quite dissatisfied and retreated from the defense line, and returned to the temporary command post established outside the safe zone with his hands behind his back. The Ghost King's transit is imminent, and the safe zone is completely closed. Those of them who are fighting outside have no way of retreating back to the safe zone. From the very beginning, they have to fight to the death.

Either carry the ghost king to cross the border and keep the ghost tide out. or die. There is no third way other than this.

"As expected of Chen Xueshou."

Loud laughter came from the door of the temporary command post, and the old master stroked his beard and praised: "The sword is not old."

During the time when Chen Xueshou repelled the first wave of ghosts, Director Zhou and others from the Ministry of Public Security who were originally in the safe zone all came out, including the federal special police who had just passed the assessment and immediately moved to the scene without any rest time.

"Hmph, they're just small fish and shrimp."

Chen Xueshou spat rudely, his face was still gloomy and scary: "The reaction is too slow. There are no ghost generals, no ghost slaves, ghost beasts, if they can't even survive this, I don't think they will go to the lantern Ghost King."

The Lantern Ghost King left his own territory, Ghost Country, and rushed all the way at lightning speed, which was equivalent to an away game outside the human safety zone. Only middle and low-level ghosts condensed under the impact of ghost energy and Yin energy and some ghosts attracted by the breath of the ghost king will form the ghost tide. Compared with the ghost king, the ghost tide stage is indeed the easiest, just like an appetizer.

"After all, the assessment is underway. No one thought that the ghost tide would come at this time."

A good-looking middle-aged woman in a floral shawl said gently, "Don't be too harsh."

"Hmph! They are not harsh in normal times, but they are the ones who die in wartime."

Chen Xueshou was dissatisfied with the harsh words, suddenly remembered something, turned his head to search in the crowd: "Where is that unlucky boy?!"


"Who else could be, of course it's the crazy boy who dared to sword Kan Lingyun master, who grabbed ghost wax with his bare hands."

Chen Xue blew his beard and stared, cursing: "Damn it, the ghost candle will be gone in his hands, he will be unlucky."

Indeed, even though he knew that the ghost candle was burning out quickly, it could only be because the ghost king with the lantern suddenly accelerated his speed and approached the safe zone for some unknown reason. But this world was too coincidental, it happened to be extinguished when Wu Rong held the candle in his hand. This kind of coincidence is really disturbing.

"Ling Yun should have sent him directly to the defense line."


Hearing this, Chen Xueshou still seemed dissatisfied: "Master Bing, he was sent to the defense line...huh?"

He suddenly raised his eyebrows suspiciously: "Why is the old bald donkey Kuchan gone? It's time to arrive even if you take a walk!"

"He went to pick up Huixin."

The old celestial master shook his head: "Huixin should be back in these two days, who knows..."

Who knew that the ghost tide would come so fast.

After hearing his words, everyone fell silent. It took a long time to hear Major General Lu solemnly say: "So, it's You Potan Great Tiankeng—"

"Don't be crowed, let's talk about it when the old bald donkey comes back."

Chen Xueshou walked around restlessly with his hands behind his back, muttering in his mouth. In the end, he gasped impatiently: "You guys wait here, I can't be idle, old man, it's better to kill him early."

After all, he strode away without looking back, but he didn't stop him. After all, it was the first time for these federal special police officers to join forces to fight against the ghost tide. Anything could happen, and someone among them should have supervised the battle.

For a while, the atmosphere in the temporary command post was silent and dignified. After a long time, the middle-aged woman said slowly: "There are less than three days."

The Lantern Ghost King is a five-star ghost king, and there will be five waves of ghosts before the ghost king really arrives. Each time the interval is gradually shortened, the overall strength of the ghosts in the ghost tide will also double. After the first ghost tide, human beings had nearly a day to rest, but the second and third times only had more than half a day. It will be shortened to half a day when it is three or four times, and there is even only an hour between the fourth and fifth times.

This is the valuable experience accumulated by humans in the past when they fought against the five-star ghost king.

"It's hard to say now."

The old heavenly master said gently: "It is possible to advance."

After all, the itinerary of the ghost king carrying the lamp is very urgent, and everything is in advance, and this last journey cannot be speculated according to common sense.

"The military will help."

Major General Lu said. During the ghost tide stage, ordinary ghost breeders and troops can still join the battle.

"Hopefully they can adapt to this pressure soon."

Advance means endless battles, as well as a long-term immersion in a strong ghostly environment, a sudden increase in the chance of ghosts backlashing. Although the federal special police who were invited here are geniuses who are capable of fighting ghost kings, each with their own specialties and rich combat experience. But whether it can adapt to this environment is also unknown. And the old master Chen Xueshou and the others had to gather enough energy to beware of even more terrifying enemies who were likely to follow behind the Lantern Ghost King.

This means that they will not provide much help to the federal special police. Chen Xueshou is already a special case this time.

"They can hold out."

Director Zhou said, staring at the sky where the blood red gradually faded and was replaced by darkness again: "Stay through, this war will make them stronger."

The experience of fighting the ghost king, the replenishment of endless ghost energy and resentment, and even the condensation of many dead ghosts into rare ghost weapons will make the ghost breeder's strength soar.

The premise is that they can survive this life-and-death test.

"Hold on, you must hold on!"

Outside the line of defense, in a corner of Huangquan that is filled with thick black mist, Master Lingyun is earnestly speaking, admonishing the rather absent-minded Wu Rong like a loyal and staunch old minister in ancient times.

"My lord, can we make an agreement in three chapters?"

Master Lingyun watched Wu Rong's gaze carefully, changing his body direction at any time, so as to prevent him from looking at Ghost Mist. Just like an old mother who takes her children away from 'junk' food such as grilled skewers, fried chicken, and cold noodles in the night market. Until Wu Rong finally looked up at him, his eyes showed a little helplessness. Master Lingyun was a little guilty, but he still said firmly:

"The ghost fog is too dirty to eat."

Ling Yun didn't dare to let Wu Rong eat the ghost tide inspired by the ghost king's yin energy. Wu Rong had some physical problems now, and the ghost energy permeated deep in his soul. What if I was stimulated by other ghost kings to leave my body and turned into a ghost!

"There are many ghost kings sealed under the Dragon and Tiger Mountain."

Although he was rational and firm, he had been brainwashed by Hongxiu and others in his previous life. Now that Master Lingyun thought that he had made Wu Rong hungry, he couldn't help but feel guilty and guilty again and again. He began to think about using power for personal gain, and started thinking about those ghost kings who were sealed under Longhu Mountain.

"All kinds of flavors are delicious. After this battle is over, let's go back to Longhu Mountain and eat ghosts while messing with Fu Qing."

Far ghosts can't relieve near hunger.

Wu Rong's sanity is very weak now, he just ate so many ghosts in the miniature sinkhole, but he didn't feel full at all, and he was even hungrier. It's the feeling of being so hungry that you can swallow a big ghost. But Wu Rong felt that Master Lingyun was a little too nervous. Although he was hungry, he was not the kind of person who would eat anything. Although the ghostly aura around him was heavy, it was mixed with countless auras that made him feel conflicted.

That is due to the aura of the ghost king who carries the lamp. The king does not see the king, and most of the ghost kings themselves do not violate the river water. Just like an animal dividing a territory, there should only be one ghost king in a territory. But now the ghost mist inspired by the Lantern Ghost King is mixed with countless its breaths.

It's like a bowl of maocai with both meat and vegetables, which makes people full of desire to eat. But on closer inspection, it is full of finely chopped parsley.

For diners who don't eat coriander, he is not interested in this maocai, no matter how delicious it is. Wu Rong is in this strange and peaceful state right now.

After finally perfunctory Master Lingyun away, Wu Rong took a step towards the direction he had been watching frequently just now.

There is a delicious ghost aura that has not been polluted by the Lantern Ghost King.

"Hey, Wu Rong!"

After Wu Rong left for a while, he saw the figure of the target. Most of the ghost raisers are lone wolves, and few fight in groups. Crazy Qin Qing is a character that others can't avoid, and there is no one around him.

And Qin Qing, who warmly greeted Wu Rong, was struggling to put a ghost skin on himself, with a skull on his head.

"I'm so excited, really, so excited, this is the best stage ever!"

Qin Qing seemed to want to rush over to talk about life with Wu Rong immediately, but it was a pity that the red and green ghost skin restrained him. Even so, his excitement filled the air around him like hot lava.

"I'm starting to get excited, five-star ghost king, oh five-star ghost king, how beautiful you think he will be. I can't wait! I have to dress up the best to fight him, dress up, you understand, right? This is the best stage!"

He finally put on the ghost skin, and took out a string of translucent little ghosts from nowhere, and hung them around his neck like a necklace. Obviously these odds and ends are Qin Qing's own inventory, not the miscellaneous ghosts bred by the breath of the ghost king.

"Of course, I haven't forgotten you! Good brother, when I saw you, I thought we were the same kind of people."

Qin Qing enthusiastically pulled out a string of ghost-like ghost objects that were more ghostly than the one he was wearing now, and threw them to Wu Rong, and sincerely invited: "Come with me, let's dress up beautifully together, and take away everyone's eyeball!"

"For me?"

Wu Rong raised his hand to catch it, feeling it. Although this ghost looks like a small translucent octopus, it has a very heavy ghost aura, as if it is a mixture of many kinds of ghost aura. I don't know how Qin Qing did it, it's that feeling of honey.

"Yes, for you!"

Seeing that Wu Rong didn't refuse, Qin Qing smiled even brighter, and pointed out happily: "It's very good, isn't it? You can hang it around your neck or wear it on your head. It can become longer, it will be very Nice wig…”

"Thank you, then I'm welcome."

Wu Rong said politely, clenched his hand hard, and the ghost turned into a ball of pure Yin Qi, which was swallowed by him. The pervasive sweetness and deliciousness made him squint his eyes comfortably.

"It's really good."

The smile on Qin Qing's face disappeared.

The author has something to say: Qin Qing: We are not all the way!

Qin Qing (face pale): You actually eat wigs!

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