“Well, this restaurant shouldn’t have disappointed you, right?”

Lin Badly sat back and asked.

“Well, barely passed.” Miyano Shiho held his chin without fat and looked at the cat lying in the distance that seemed to be asleep in the light, and replied softly.

“This is barely passing, it seems that your standards for food are still quite strict.” Lin Feng replied softly, picking up the skewer that was still steaming with aroma and eating it.

I have to say that the store recommended by Xiaolan is really okay.

Although the skewers here have the same name as those in his hometown, they are two very different things.

The skewers in his hometown pay attention to the unique charcoal flavor of a barbecue, and with a variety of powders, people will have an addictive feeling when they eat, the more they eat, the more they do, there is not much pursuit of the taste of the food itself.

In a very figurative sentence, just this seasoning, charcoal grilled leather shoes are still delicious.

However, in the Japanese side of the skewers, they pay great attention to the taste of the food itself, and pay attention to the original taste of the food itself.

Seasonings and the like can only play a supporting role, not much to put and play the role of embellishment.

Lin Bad is not a delicacy, for him, these two are delicious, just like Loli Royal Sister, each has its own love.

“I can’t see that you will be a person with such leisure and elegance… You can find this kind of place. Miyano Shiho slightly changed his opinion of Lin Bad: “I thought you were the kind of guy who can only fight and kill.” ”

“Actually, you’re right, I’m just a guy who can only fight and kill……… I also learned about this shop when I asked a friend. Lin Bad admitted very frankly that he was a martial artist, and there was nothing to hide.

Hearing this, Miyano Shiho said unexpectedly: “So it is, a very reasonable explanation.” ”

After eating two more skewers, Lin Guo felt almost the same, he picked up a tissue and wiped his mouth, and said, “Okay, everything that should be eaten is also eaten, we should also talk about business, let’s change places.” ”

“Hmm…” Shiho Miyano nodded, this is indeed not suitable for talking about some sensitive things,

Lin bad checkout and left.

After getting into the car, Lin Bad asked, “Go to your house?” ”

Shiho Miyano thought for a moment, then nodded: “Good.” ”

“Hehe, I can’t see it, you’re quite direct.” Lin Bad laughed while driving.

“I just don’t want to waste precious time elsewhere~.” Shiho Miyano replied lightly.

“Uh-huh, that’s right. Don’t waste precious time. Lin Bad felt that this sentence was not wrong at all.

“In that case… Start now? Miyano Shiho turned to Lin Bad and said, she wanted to start early and end early.

“Here? Is it suitable? Lin Wei was quite surprised when he heard this, but he didn’t expect Shiho Miyano to be so open and bold in this regard, which was completely inconsistent with her iceberg-like appearance.

But if you think about it, most of the people who come back from studying abroad are influenced by liberal thought, which is not too surprising.

But……… Is this the legendary outside cold and internal heat?

Loved, loved.

Miyano Shiho thought about it, and felt that if the conversation was carried out in the car, the other party’s attention would probably not be concentrated, or he felt that he would temporarily slow down, anyway, it was a matter of ten minutes, and he could also think about how to persuade him again.

So she nodded and said, “Here… It’s really not suitable, let’s go back and talk about it, so that you can also concentrate. ”

“That’s right, that way, you can also concentrate.” Lin Bad heard that Miyano Shiho was provoked, and he was very sorry in his heart, why was he surprised just now? Wouldn’t it be nice to just promise to come down?

He believed that with his self-control, there would be no scene of car crashes and deaths.

But since everyone said so, that is, a matter of ten minutes, endure it for a while.


Lin Badao followed Miyano Shiho into the house, changed into slippers and entered the living room, and found that the decoration here was no different from other places, a standard apartment-style house.

None of that, though, matters, what matters next.

Lin Wei sat down on the sofa, took off his coat and asked, “Start now?” ”

Shiho Miyano put a glass of water in front of him and said, “Wait a minute, I’ll go change my clothes.” ”

“Well, it’s time for a change of clothes.” Lin Bad felt that it was too difficult to take off the work clothes, and it was indeed necessary to change one.

After Miyano entered the room, he changed into less formal casual clothes before returning to the living room.

After she came out of the room, she turned around and read out the draft she had typed a long time ago: “Okay, we can start talking now, it’s about the ——————.”

Before the words were finished, Shiho Miyano’s voice stopped abruptly, and she looked stupidly at Lin Huang in the living room of her house, taking off her shirt, revealing a very toned muscle line.

This muscle hit her eyes, and his action hit her head.

She didn’t understand at all why the other party suddenly undressed!!

For a while, Shiho Miyano was speechless and didn’t know what to say.

When Lin Bad walked towards her, she was still dumbfounded and didn’t react.

It wasn’t until he walked in front of him that Shiho Miyano came to her senses, she screamed, and then pushed Lin Bad away, turned herself sharply, and shouted with a red face: “What are you doing!! Rogue!! ”

At this time, her performance is no different from that of normal girls.

“What for?” Lin Bad was motionless after being pushed by Miyano Shiho, and he said with a smile: “What else can you do?” Coming to your house on Valentine’s Day is definitely something that only adults can do. ”

“You you you you……… You misunderstood!! Miyano Shiho clasped her hands together, her tone could not hide the nervousness and shyness, she quickly explained: “I called you here for this matter at all!” ”

“It’s really not…” Lin Wei sighed in disappointment when he heard this, but he was not so disappointed.

After all, he felt that how could Shiho Miyano be such a casual girl.

Sure enough, I thought wrong……… What a shame.

Lin Badao threw himself inside the sofa and said listlessly: “You too, don’t make it clear……… I thought you were really trying to be a woman. Harm, waste of my time. ”

Caught off guard, Shiho Miyano felt nervousness that he had never felt before, and he was overwhelmed, worried about what to do if the other party really didn’t fit the person and pounced directly.

But fortunately, that guy still has some principles and bottom lines.

Shiho Miyano forced himself to calm down and took a few long breaths, controlling his gaffe and trying to return himself to his usual calm state.

After feeling that he had recovered, Shiho Miyano maintained an indifferent face, turned around again, and saw Lin Bad sitting on his sofa bare-chested, and suddenly (De Zhao) the whole person became unnatural.

The indifferent face immediately crumbled.

She can’t stay as cold as usual!!

Usually, there is no such shirtless pervert in front of him at all!!

Shiho Miyano didn’t want to look at the chest muscles of that house, but they would move and move, jumping left and right, repeatedly matryoshka dolls, and holding her eyes.

Shiho Miyano quickly closed his eyes and repeatedly hypnotized himself in his mind: nothing to look at, nothing to look at.

Isn’t it just a bunch of muscle protein, what’s so good?

Besides, muscles like this were not untouched when she dissected corpses.

Shiho Miyano was a little puzzled, she felt very strange, why did her eyes always look at disobediently?

I couldn’t control my eyes.

Obviously I don’t want to see it myself at all!!

Is it because I see too little? So in the face of something new, you unconsciously look back twice?

Uh-huh, it must be so.

Otherwise, I have no reason to look at his pectorals.

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