Remember for a second

The quiet night engulfed the magnificent palace complex that was beautiful day and day, and the main hall in the center towered into the clouds, as conspicuous and lonely as a group of chickens.

The behemoth hidden in the darkness is silent and silent. The heaviness of staring makes the chest dull and breathless. When exposed to the mysterious and unpredictable, you will feel more and more small, just like the mayfly cannot see its whole picture. The gods, even if mortals exhaust their imaginations, it is difficult to spy on the thoughts of higher beings.

In the quiet darkness, the hidden figure walked back and forth, sometimes panting, sometimes slumped, and sometimes looking out the window from afar, looking so embarrassed and unhappy.

Moonlight reflected, those bloodshot eyes were clear and penetrating, - flashed by.

After hysterical embarrassment, forced attire, and the last conscience was deliberately covered up, the seemingly exhausted heart went crazy because of the torture.

He held his head in pain, but the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he made sure that it was true and false, so that people could not distinguish the true from the false, including his own subjective feelings.

Tuk, tuk, footsteps sounded from the silent corridor, abrupt and heart-pounding.

He held his forehead, his pupils contracted, and he gasped for breath, as if he was nervous or something.

He went crazy, holding his head, hitting the cold hard wall again and again, gradually, the white wall paint was dyed dark red, no one knew what he was going through, the sound was crisp and clear. Infiltrated again. bang, bang, bang

Crackling. Moonlight was introduced into the dark room, and the door of the locked room was opened.

The clown mask's masking scene begins, and the faceless actors take to the stage to perform.

Ahhhhh!! Fire, fire! Fire! Don't try to lie to me, y'all",

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