Remember for a second

Not long after I came out, I went in again. Compared with the previous Feng: Tang Zuoxi Prison Sightseeing-Day Tour, the prison meal this time was far inferior to the previous one.

Dried and moldy blood scum, with a bowl of light clear water soup, only half a thin mint leaf used as a soup

The prison food in the southern countries is really not very good, and it is not something that can be said at first glance.

Bai Ji silently used two fingers to pick up the half of the mint leaf in the rippling small pond, brought it to his nose and sniffed the smell, shook his head and discarded it casually.

Knowing that this poor mountain and bad waters will definitely not have anything good to entertain criminals, I didn't expect that even this half mint leaf, which is counted as the prisoner's food ration, can be faked.

What kind of mint leaf is this? It's simply a piece I picked up from under a small tree on the side of the road.

The environment is even more disrespectful.

The wooden prison, which was in disrepair and leaked from all sides, smelled like something was rotten and moldy. The wood was obviously damp and moldy. Such a fragile prison didn't know if it could hold the truly vicious criminals.

Funds are stretched to such a degree that corruption is estimated to be commonplace, and the degree of flooding may be from the top to the bottom of the same enemy. If you can be greedy, you will be greedy. Even a small official in charge of the warehouse may guard himself against theft, and a guard and pawn will be exhausted. I tried my best to squeeze the refugees out and the last bit of oil and water.

It's not that the government is unwilling to control the out-of-the-way backcountry, but that it is beyond the reach of the whip and cannot be managed at all.

The various fiefs of the Scarlet Empire have a high degree of autonomy, among which the various forces are complicated and complicated. Some dukes and kingdoms are monolithic from top to bottom, lying about the disaster situation, working together to deceive the relief of the royal family, and causing the royal family to spend a year. If they can't make ends meet, Yin eats eggs and food, and even has to rely on folk relief to make ends meet.

Knock, knock, knock, knock~ The sound of knocking on these moldy wood is difficult to attract people's attention. Onomatopoeia.

What are you arguing about, little girl?? Don't make a fuss if you have nothing to do. If you want to take a break, you can solve it in there. Didn't you see that the man was busy? The soldier who threw the miscellaneous weapons on the ground and played cards was made impatient by Bai Ji. Taking time out, he turned back.

Didn't you already have food delivered to you?? Still hungry? Pigs are not as edible as you! Hold on, there are only two meals a day, and it's not time for dinner!

Crackling! There was a crisp sound when the broken ceramic bowl fell to the ground.

Drops of water splashed on the guards' cards.


Kuan dares to throw pig food on us?? Courting death, you little girl

You all know that this is pig food, why do you want to give us something to eat? Ye Bai Ji pointed out, tilting her head, looking at a few angry guards curiously under the broken black cloak.

Little one, you're so brave! Pig food is naturally fed to unfamiliar animals like you! Understand!?

Sorry, sorry, Mr. Soldier! My sister is still young and can't speak, please don't talk to a child like Laika hurriedly grabbing the guard's hand and begging, hoping that the other party can release Bai Ji.

Who is the animal? Bai Ji, who was shaken violently, did not change her face, and even her voice was ruthless and calm.

Of course it's you, little moths! You bastard moths! The guard's pupils shrank suddenly, and his abusive tone quickly weakened.

Beneath the black lacquer cloak, his eyes like blood droplets shone with scarlet light, like the undead lurking in the terrifying deep sea with no end.

The guard lost his strength and forgot when he let go of the girl's collar. When he woke up, it seemed that nothing had happened. He was still standing in front of the prison's iron bars, and the girl in front of him was looking down like a hamster. nibbled at a bag full of wrinkled dried blood.

When is this fucking prison allowed to supply such expensive food to criminals? Wait, this bag of dried blood seems a little familiar.

This, isn't this the blood of the livestock that I plundered from the untouchables and prepared to use it for supper? ?

When is this girl??

Cut, cut! The evil sect looked at Bai Ji, who had eaten the dried blood, and cast a harmless look at him. The tall guard felt a little bit of fear inexplicably, and involuntarily pushed back a few steps.

What's the matter with you? Why is it like a demonic barrier all of a sudden, is it possible that you are still afraid of this kind of little one? The guards on the side didn't understand what happened.

Tsk, you're just scared, have you forgotten who the two girls asked for by name? Don't say it's me, let's try one of them?? The guard snorted and stepped back calmly. step.

Che, I'm too lazy to care about you. Go away, the cards are soaked wet, play with wool, a group of core goods. Hey, you stay and watch, if they run away, you have to lose your head. Understand?

Damn, why is it me again

Hey, what to eat? Bai Ji broke off a piece of dried blood and handed it to Laika.

I'm not hungry, can you eat it? Woohoo! Feeling two little hands open her mouth, Laika was startled at first, but when she reacted and resisted subconsciously, half of the blood had dried up. swallowed in the stomach

Any more? Laika asked subconsciously.

Don't you want to eat it? SF light novel

I feel like I'm a little hungry too. Laika rubbed her belly button.

Well, I'll give you a little bit, just a little bit. Bai Ji - while puffing her cheeks - said.

The atmosphere is contagious, and Laika, who was originally arrested and imprisoned on trumped-up charges, suddenly didn't panic at all, and even nibbled on a cookie with the naturally dumb Bai Ji.

An unpleasant sound came from the rusted hinge of the iron door, and the cold wind poured in indicates that someone had opened the iron door that should have been locked from the outside, and the sound of footsteps came from the damp ground, from far to near.

Hmm, Laika, who was swallowing her pancake, coughed loudly, and hurriedly wiped the residue from the corner of her mouth.

A few guards in messy armors surrounded Bai Ji's vision, holding a cane, and a noble man dressed in gorgeous clothes swaggeringly appeared in Bai Ji's field of vision.

There is nothing wrong with the tops, but the line of sight moves down, and the clothes come into view. Bai Ji, who is nibbling on dried blood and bread, can't help but laugh.

This noble grandfather probably just woke up from the bed? He didn't forget to wear trousers.

However, the nobles of the southern countries are not really poor. Looking at this finely crafted Yonghua robe of high-grade silk, it can be seen that these nobles who were born in poor mountains and rivers are not short of money.

This is strange, the poor soil can't be cultivated, the refugees can hardly pay taxes, how do these southern nobles make money

What does this mean? I asked you to catch one by one, and this also comes with buy-get-one-free? The nobleman with two brown beards

Sir, one of them is her sister, her own sister. The villain felt that she might be useful to you, so he brought it here. The soldier praised his smart move.

Sister?? The nobleman frowned and muttered in a low voice. This Prince of Stone has never heard of a young daughter? How can there be an extra-a sister? Is it an illegitimate daughter?

My Lord asks you, who are you two, the self-proclaimed second daughter of the Prince of Stone, Lycala Sambo?

It's us. Laika was about to answer when Bai Ji took the lead in raising her fair little hand.

Nonsense! It's clearly her right! The guard who was the party involved viciously pierced through.

It doesn't matter, everyone is the same. The noble pointed at Bai Ji nonchalantly. If you say it's you, it's you, open the door and escort this little girl out first.

Wait, Mr. Noble, I'm the second daughter of the Prince of Stone, do you remember me? Years ago, my father brought me here. Laika put her last hope on this man, who looked familiar. on the aristocratic lord.

Prince Stone's second daughter, ah, the nobles came close to the cage and opened their bean-like eyes slightly. Well, I have seen it, I have seen it, otherwise I wouldn't be so sure that they didn't catch the wrong person.

Eh?? Laika was stunned, obviously not turning her head around.

Shouldn't the normal situation be to find out that it was a member of the royal family, the second daughter of the ston family, and then quickly release her??

I still remember your father's arrogant appearance back then. Hehe, you northern lords - always regard the south as a land of barbarians, and I remember the arrogance towards us very clearly. The noble laughed. .

It's really feng shui turns, and now his head is in a different place, and his daughter fell into my hands, the noble said with a wicked smile.

Why, second miss, do you still expect me to let you go? Haha, let me tell you, let alone me, even the current queen is now unable to protect herself!

Hearing this, Bai Ji raised her eyebrows slightly.


My lord, it seems that the guards at this door are a little confused while holding the key.

What? Can't open? Is the key wrong? The nobleman's eyes widened.

No. The iron gate of the prison is in disrepair. The rust is so thick that the keyhole has failed.

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-! How long has this iron gate been repaired? Damn it, what's the use of raising you rice buckets?

Well, it should have been several decades. It's almost dead and can be reimbursed.

I'm not asking if you should reimburse, the noble who repaired the damn iron gate and got the answer was stunned, and the person who answered him didn't seem to be his own guard.

Well, it's probably impossible to repair it, so we can only dismantle it and ask a blacksmith to recast it. Bai Ji analyzed it as he approached the keyhole.

You, when did you come out? The nobleman couldn't believe it, squinting the boss.

Did you come out? Bai Ji pointed at the two iron fences that were broken and bent as a matter of course.

Guards! Where are the guards? Take her down and put her in again!

Keep your voice down, they're sleeping. Bai Ji put her finger on her cherry lips, made a booing gesture, and pointed at the guards who collapsed into a small mountain.

Damn it! The aristocrat realized that he had encountered a tough stubble, and subconsciously took a few steps back.

Be honest, Mr. Noble, honestly tell us everything you know, and you won't. Bai Ji's eyes narrowed as he approached slowly, and the flames in his pupils quickly enlarged.

[Elemental Summons Fireball]

Boom boom boom! The fireball shot and exploded in front of itself, and the rich scorched smell spread out. The noble wiped his sweat, held the palm of the still glowing fire, and took a deep breath.

Oh, stay

However, there are assassins lurking in? Fortunately, Mr. Ben has been prepared. The nobleman wiped the fiery red orb on the scepter and sneered.

Human beings are generally unable to release magic spells, and it cannot be said that demon species generally have this kind of aptitude, just like this little noble in a remote area, whose aptitude is so poor that he cannot release magic spells, so he has to resort to the help of plastic magicians. Magic props.

This Charm Village is quite easy to exchange for more than ten slaves, and it is worth the money.

After the flames had dissipated, sparks scattered everywhere, along with the sterling silver scattered in the air to Sakura's long hair - and was entrained by the wind.

The burnt black at the end of the long hair is returning to its original shape at a speed visible to the naked eye, and under the bangs, the sick face.

Ahhh, - actually, the worm that was cornered, bit her. Indistinct uninterrupted hoarse voice, as if the vocal cords were burned, and they were desperately shaking.

Before he finished speaking, the scorched face that was completely damaged was just repaired - half, the other half can even see the scorched lens that fell out of the eye socket -

Half immature and flawless, half skeleton visible, looking very eerie.

Sure enough, even if a bug has the instinct to protect itself, it won't obediently give in. In less than a few seconds, the severely burned and distorted body completely recovered.

What a beautiful Laika in the silver prison, her eyes were stunned, her sterling silver hair was as bright as a three-dimensional galaxy, and she not only sighed with emotion.

Silver hair? Blood pupil? ?

You, who are you? The noble suddenly felt himself retreating to the root of the wall, turned his head and saw, the wall made of dense black tree trunks pressed against his back, the trunks were like flowing water, wrapped around his limbs and tied his limbs to the tree wall.

[Elemental Summoning. Resin Wall]

He is like a pig on a chopping block, waiting to be slaughtered is the only fate.

You, you are a magician?! The noble looked terrified.

He didn't even see any chanting movements or pre-release spells from the other party.

Hey, look into our eyes and tell us everything you know. Bai Ji picked up the staff dropped by the noble and used it to lift the noble's head.

The wine-red blood-like eyes gradually enlarged in his field of vision, as if he was dyed red by the dark red eyes and dragged into it.

Tell us it's for you to arrest the royal on purpose, tell him his name

Yes, the nobleman's face is painful. .

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