Remember for a second

No one can tell exactly when, the collision of swords, lights, swords and shadows and dripping blood replaced the happiness of a happy family, the desolate countryside replaced the vitality and prosperity, and the laughter and laughter were replaced by grief.

The era of chaos and chaos, when everyone was still immersed in the comfortable life brought by peace, silently enveloped this huge empire, the nightmare came, and the internal conflict began.

Rural towns full of traffic are now ten rooms and nine empty, blood and resentment submerged like an unexpected flood - houses are everywhere, a family's peace and tranquility are crumbling, and happiness is disintegrating.

The relationship between the various principalities seems to become tense in an instant, and the influence of the royal court is extremely weakened in the unscrupulous open and secret infighting.

Before all the blood race people knew it, the nameless war had started, and the conflict between the dukes and kingdoms was getting bigger and bigger, and it seemed that they were fighting for something.

Political struggles have even risen to bloodshed, armed fights, accompanied by the looting and slaughter of a village in the territory. This internal conflict seems to have lost all room for peace talks.

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Whoever puts down the sword first will lose, and the loser will become the stepping stone of the winner, and the family will be lost and dead.

The two lords are at war with each other, and the effect is immeasurable, and the final result is likely to be a head-to-head confrontation between a group of lords.

At such a critical time, the royal family, who had the right to speak and the responsibility for resolving disputes, kept silent, even canceled the half-monthly court meeting, and stayed behind closed doors.

The nobles were indifferent to such anomalous behavior of the royal family—they were busy thinking about each other's territories and people.

The mainstay who saw the situation clearly was determined to protect the country and was unable to return to the sky, so he could only choose to protect himself wisely so as not to burn his fief in the war.

The high-ranking dukes and kings seem to be in a state of immortality, and they are divided into several factions to wage endless wars.

At this moment, the Scarlet Empire is no longer unified, and the royal family's rule over the Empire exists in name only.

The people who were kept in the dark wondered what had happened to their lord and why he had become so bellicose and brutal.

Are they being tricked, their temperaments have changed drastically, or is there something driving them to do this? Maybe no one except the dukes knows why.

They are full of hatred for each other, and they don't have the slightest brotherhood and brotherhood. long time

Or perhaps, they are not innocent, and the people who lost their families and their lives in the war are the victims of Quanyi.

War brings not only famine and death.

The economy has declined and the national strength has been damaged. Due to the long-term and endless war, several parties have been exhausted, deserted soldiers constantly, and chaotic troops have grown. Villages without the protection of soldiers have become sheep that anyone can kill in the struggle.

Just like right now.

- Gang robbers are eyeing - an unfortunate village, they look like a group of rogue rogues who have broken away from the army, as can be seen from the armor, leather armor, and habits they maintain.

Villages without the protection of soldiers were under attack and plunder, of course, a one-sided result, and now they are tapping their spoils.

The grains plundered from the villages have been enough for all of them to wander without worry for a long time. Women and children, such inconvenient things should be killed, but they left these living mouths behind.

Most of the able-bodied people were killed, leaving behind these women, children and old people who couldn't resist, and I don't know what they were thinking, didn't the children's milky crying sound bored, or... .

Hey, what are you looking at that tin can over there? Be careful of getting into trouble!

Oh, I almost forgot that they can see themselves, they are all used to the perspective of bystanders, almost forgot that they also exist.

The man in armor didn't say anything. He slowly passed by with his high horse on his back. He was still on his way. At the very least, he had to enter the Principality of Rifford before tonight, and glanced at the horizon. = two

Sir, this man is a little strange, do you want to

One more thing is worse than one less thing, just leave it alone, it will save you from long nights. The officer thought for a while, but did not order his subordinates to provoke the armored man who swaggered by in front of him.

What about the corpses piled up in the village? All of them were transported over and absorbed with the blood dagger, otherwise it would be a waste of money.

Yes. The adjutant ordered his subordinates to move faster. In a short while, the corpses with tragic appearances were transported to the village.

Don't cry, little brat, believe it or not, I will kill you now?! - The celebrity bandit was impatient with the child's crying, and scolded angrily.

How can children who are not familiar with the world know this, they only know the simple truth of being afraid and crying when they are afraid.

Damn stinky baby!  …

Okay, what are you doing with a brat who has just been born, if the number of these jobs decreases, you will be punished.

Where's the blood dagger, what are you hiding for, why don't you take it out soon? After everything is cleaned up, it's time for us to evacuate. The leader is well-informed and cautious.

Here, don't worry, sir, I've taken good care of it.

The adjutant hehe-laughs, and takes out a bright silver dagger sealed with a scabbard from a small box.

The daggers plunged towards the corpses of the villagers, and soon, a red thread could be clearly seen from the corpses along the ridge of the knife and into the red ball at the end of the hilt. .

Where did you get this dagger from?

Of course... huh?? The rogue looked vigilantly at the armored man who had come to him at some point.

Mr. Canned Man, the two of us have nothing to do with each other, please don't cause trouble and make trouble for yourself. It is better to have less than one more thing. The bandit captain stopped his subordinates from drawing the knife and gave a warning.

Very restrained, are you soldiers? When did you retire? Was it too hard and too tiring to endure the long-term battle and became a deserter, or were you carrying out some kind of shady order?

You are challenging my tolerance limit, we have nothing to say to you, get out of here, don't mind your own business! The bandit captain's tone was a little more unkind.

You haven't answered my question yet, who gave you this silver dagger? Ji Bai insisted.

The bandit leader was obviously annoyed by Ji Bai's troublesome entanglement, and shouted This is what you asked for. .

Hey hey... A sharp, sharp saber spear can easily penetrate poor-quality cloth armor, although it is troublesome to deal with a tin can, just subdue him, take off his helmet, and cut off his head. .

That is, when the rogues arranged their tactical cooperation and formed a formation - when they rushed forward, the two particles of gray and black and pure white merged into one.

Bang dang! With the dull metal collision, the rogues felt that their knives had slashed on the thick rock, and the knives were broken into two complete fragments without even splashing any sparks.

As if in the blink of an eye, the weapons chopped on the armor were all shattered, and the sound was endless, like glass and iron hitting the calm water.

or Mu fiction

The rogues widened their eyes. Even if they despised the enemy in their aura, they did not dare to be careless in their strategy. They had calculated many possibilities in their minds, and imagined that the other party was a peerless master. This kind of tactics the opponent would take, but he never thought that the actions the opponent would take would be so simple.

Without dodging and guarding, simply relying on the armor on his body to intercept all the oncoming attacks, his simple and rude behavior also makes people feel impeccable.

A rogue wanted to forcibly take off his armor and mask, but the other party's armor seemed to be inlaid on his body, let alone unplug it,

He didn't use any superb and breathtaking swordsmanship, just one sword at a time, beheading the rogues who came up like moths to the fire, breaking the leather armor on their bodies with one sword, the blade tore the wound, pierced through the Flesh, - - sword, at least two or three rogues will fall down

This is a one-sided battle 5. The leader of the rogue who immediately released the evacuation information, mounted his horse and fled with his surviving subordinates. Ji Bai watched the figures drifting away, and had no plans to chase.

He lowered his head and picked up the silver dagger on the ground to look at it. Under the setting sun, the red hilt counterweight ball glowed a bewitching color.

The strange silver seven falls into the people, which is undoubtedly a huge disaster for the blood race, especially in such a situation where the army is in chaos and the people are struggling to survive.

The people of Limin work hard, but they can only go to bed hungry every day, not to mention that the army often comes to loot, murder and set fire to all evils. .

Just imagine what would happen one day when a poor commoner who could not afford to eat got this silver dagger that could overstep the imperial power.

With the capital that can subvert the imperial power, the royal family is no longer an existence that cannot be rebellious.

An old farmer who spends his life on the farmland doesn't understand this, how can people who understand like noble lords not understand it?

It is not good for the royal family to let these daggers fall into the people. They are good at playing power and tricks. It should be well controlled by the people.

He threw the dagger into the world of the dead, and glanced at the people who were looking at him with gratitude and fear.

To tell the truth, he doesn't want to save them, wasting time and possibly getting into trouble that he didn't expect. It really doesn't make sense. Even if he saves them, how will the next batch of them be swept away? Short-sighted people do everything Do not understand, a full meal may make them forget that resources are still in a dangerous state of shortage, and they will be full of sadness and think about what to do until misfortune befalls them.

I don't like this kind of leisurely character. …

You always think like this before saving the villages. So far, you have saved seven villages along the way. You could have arrived yesterday morning. The voice in your head ruthlessly interrupted Ji Bai's thoughts.

Continue to sweep your land. Ji Baimo got on his horse emotionally, and continued on his way without saying anything.

The Scarlet Empire is no longer peaceful, its hegemony is rampant, and the people are struggling. It is very similar to the human federation that is riddled with holes.

No matter how powerful the race is, there will be days when it will decline, just like the blood spirit empire back then.

There is still a long way to go to the Principality of Levorno. Because of the delay, it is not realistic to reach the city gate before dark.

Moreover, Ji Bai was not sure that he would be able to enter the city, although there was a self-made man in the city of Laifuruo.

There are familiar acquaintances, but I don't expect her to help him. Now that disaster is imminent, even the imperial city has issued a wanted order for him. He will burn high incense to bless.

The horseshoe flew in, and soon he saw the towering walls of the border town of Levorno.

After all, it is a powerful principality. The material of the city wall is made of glass and stone. The pure white city wall seems to be constantly maintained and wiped by people. Even at night with low visibility, it can be seen clearly.

The guards on the city wall were holding torches. As one of the powerful principalities of Leforno, the guards’ armed guards were absolutely decent. They were many times stronger than the stragglers of the southern countries.

To Ji Bai's surprise, his forged identity, a knight on his way, did not arouse suspicion from the guards. Ji Bai was a little surprised that he had been refused entry to the city by several small fiefs for reasons such as problem with his identity certificate and so on. Now, to be honest, he didn't have much hope or that these little lords didn't plan to let any suspicious people into the city in order to protect themselves, and this armor almost put the label I am a suspicious person on his head.

Ji Bai, who was leading the horse into the city, pondered doubtfully, but he did not see the color of the two guards outside the door who were silently addressing each other.

Yo, another traveler is here, but it's really rare. The sky is gone, my husband, do you want to stay in a hotel?

Hmm? Ji Bai, who was in deep thought, was attracted by the innkeeper who was passing by.

Mr. Traveler, don't rush to leave, you may not be able to find another store after passing this store. There is only such a store in this area for dozens of miles. If you want to find the next store, you may have to walk for a long time, and it is already dark. late

Ji Bai looked at the sky: Seeping that is indeed the case. A Excuse me, do you have any vacancies in your store?

There is only one shop in a ten-mile radius, and it's not full of customers yet. It's a bit strange, isn't it?

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