After the Blind Date, My Identity As a Scientist Was Exposed

Chapter 390: Intervention of the beautiful country

After the affairs of the island countries were thoroughly exposed, they immediately attracted the attention of the senior officials of the countries.

Especially the countries that are very close to the island countries are the most nervous, and at the same time express serious protests against the actions of the island countries!

They all rely on the sea, and fisheries are a huge financial income.

Many people still rely on fisheries for their survival.

Now that the ocean is completely polluted, how will they live in the future?

The stick country originally had resentment against the island country, and the hatred accumulated between the two countries is quite a bit, and now it is even more because of this incident.

They strongly protested against the actions of the island country, believing that the island country should be responsible for this matter!

Immediately afterwards, other countries stepped forward and rejected products from island countries, especially marine products.

For a while, the island country fell into public criticism.

They hurriedly asked for help from the beautiful country, hoping to get help. This is their only hope.

In White Palace, after Wang Wang received help from the island country, he immediately held a meeting to discuss the matter.

Wang Wang looked at the people present and said, "What do you think of this matter? The island country is in a very dangerous situation and needs our help."

"Understand the king, I think we should help the island country. Only by allowing the island country to continue to stand with us can we better sanction the Dragon Kingdom!" Soon, a five-star general immediately stood up and said his views.

They build bases in the island countries in order to use the island countries as a springboard to better fight in the dragon country.

After all, the beautiful country is too far away from the dragon country. In case a war really starts, it will take too long to come over.

However, a base has been established in an island country. After the war breaks out, the island country will definitely be involved, and the fleet can rest in the island country’s base, which is very convenient.

Understanding Wang nodded and agreed with him.

However, although the island country cannot be given up, it can be said that the island country is guilty of public outrage, and it is not easy to settle this matter.

After all, there is the Dragon Nation behind this, and other countries are not a big problem. The main thing is to suppress the Dragon Nation.

"What should we do? It's a fact that the island countries put nuclear waste water in, and Dragon Kingdom has the evidence. The island countries store a lot of waste water, which must be solved. For now, the best way to deal with things is to dump them. ."

Wang understands that there is nothing wrong with this, after all, the beautiful country does the same.

It's just that now the island nations stand up to block guns for them.

The world's media are in the hands of beautiful countries, so there are not many voices attacking beautiful countries, and they have been suppressed.

Everyone was silent. After a while, someone said, "Our beautiful country must speak out first and support the beautiful country. Then the countries that we allied with will stand by us and use other interests to induce those who oppose it."

"I believe that except for the Dragon Kingdom, no other countries will reject us, and they have no such ability!"

Speaking of this, a touch of complacency appeared on his face.

Although during this period of time, the beautiful country has always been at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the dragon country, but the beautiful country still has its dominance.

Moreover, in the days when Chen Zhe is away, the beautiful country has been developing.

Even if the strength of the Dragon Kingdom is very strong, the beautiful country is not weak.

Many countries have conflicts with the Dragon Kingdom, and everyone is afraid that the Dragon Kingdom will retaliate against them after the real rise of the Dragon Kingdom, so in the end they all stand behind the beautiful country.

With this power, it is not difficult to make ordinary countries surrender.

The most important thing is the Dragon Kingdom.

Understand Wang thought for a while, and groaned: "Continue to expand on the Internet, and count all the problems on the head of the Dragon Kingdom. Their voice on the Internet is very weak, where we are the real hegemon!"

"As long as ordinary people all over the world think it is the problem of the Dragon Kingdom, even if they know the truth, what about it? Blame yourself for not having the absolute right to speak!"

Knowing Wang grinned and sneered, and soon the beautiful country began to act.

They openly stood up to support the island country, believing that there is nothing wrong with what the island country did.

The ocean will not be polluted because of this, it is the Dragon Kingdom deliberately exaggerating it.

The behavior of the beautiful country is puzzling, why still support the island country now?

Soon, many countries have come forward to support the island country. They even plan to purchase products from the island country and use actions to tell others that there is no problem with the island country.

This series of behaviors has confused many people.

Seeing that so many countries are supporting the island countries, the people of all countries are very puzzled.

Haven't they all been attacking island nations before? Why is it gone now?

Is there really no problem with things in island countries?

Subsequently, a large number of articles and speeches attacking the Dragon Kingdom appeared on the Internet, and even blamed them on the Dragon Kingdom himself.

This also made Longguo people very angry. The beautiful country wanted to make the island country attract everyone's attention, so as to forget that there are actually beautiful countries that discharge poisons into the ocean at will!

And obviously it was the disaster they brought to the world, but it was damning to accuse the Dragon Kingdom!

In the Dragon Kingdom, it is known that the centipede is like a centipede, and the centipede is dead but not stiff.

They jumped out again, agreeing with the remarks of the beautiful country.

At the same time, I think that since Long Guo thinks there is a problem with the island country, why not help the island country?

As long as the people of Longguo can help the island nation better as long as everyone contributes to it?

At this time, taking the initiative to stand up and make contributions to the world can better enhance the influence and status of the Dragon Kingdom in the world.

After these remarks were made, they were immediately besieged by netizens.

[Why let us pay? What did our Dragon Kingdom do wrong? The island country is clearly wrong! 】

[Knowledge is really ridiculous, don't you donate all your money? 】

[For things like dogs, you have to go online to find scolding, right? 】

[Longguo people are not so easy to lie! Every day you say that abroad is good, why don't you go abroad? 】

[Let us donate money to the island country? Are you going to drink the waste water? 】

[Hey, I changed my nationality before, and I am still a beautiful Chinese. Do you worry about the affairs of our Dragon Kingdom? roll! 】

Netizens attacked those who speak for the beautiful country and the island country, and asked the latter to shut down all the comments.

At the same time, the Internet police started to remove all such information and articles from the shelves.

Investigate what is known in China, while those abroad will directly suspend their accounts.

But after so long, the problem has not been solved. .

Regardless of the online attacks on island countries, they insist that they are not wrong and do not intend to make corrections.

This kind of country that doesn't even need a face also makes ordinary people feel powerless.

On the other hand, Chen Zhe is also planning with the senior management of Longguo how to resolve this matter.

If this sewage is not completely resolved, the Dragon Kingdom will definitely be implicated in the end.

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