After the divorce, the ex-wife became a creditor

Chapter 777 Vice President Gao’s experience as a man

The news that Han Qian was imprisoned came too suddenly, and it was not groundless. Many people called and asked about the Yamenmen, and the answers they got were the same. Han Qian was indeed imprisoned. This news is undoubtedly the biggest news in Binhai this year. , is also the most exciting news. Some people were moved to tears, some were sad and distressed, and some even panicked and tried to find a way to get Han Qian out of it.

The atmosphere in the General Department of Glory Group was very gloomy. Yao Xue lay on the table, not wanting to say a word. Liu Jiulong kept pacing, and when he walked too much, Yao Xue said angrily.

"Deputy Liu, can you stop hanging around in front of my eyes? I'm really, really annoyed right now!"

Liu Jiulong sighed and stood on tiptoe to look at Yang Lan's office. It was almost time to get off work. Yang Lan locked herself in the office and could not come out. The news that Han Qian was suddenly imprisoned made everyone miss it. and are not allowed to visit the prison.

In other words, the entire atmosphere of Glory was full of mystery. Gao Xingyi lay on the sofa with his head in his hands, and Sun Ya stood aside and whispered softly.

"Han Qian's imprisonment this time is an opportunity for you. Find Liu Shengge again to deal with Yan Qingqing."

Gao Xingchen closed his eyes and sighed.

"Don't think about these things in your head from now on. It's too hard for you! Suddenly betraying Han Qian at this time? Do you know if he went in to play by himself for a few days or what? If he is acting for others, then after he is released from prison I will be the first to die. I will die if I stand still now. If I continue to be an ally with Han Qian, I will at least have the support of Yan Qingqing and Qian Ling. You can go and play, go shopping with your little sisters, as long as Don't appear in front of me, go wherever you fall in love."

Sun Ya turned around and left. She wanted to show off her temper, but unfortunately she didn't have the qualifications to do so. Gao Fuling had a headache. What on earth was going on?

Could it be that Han Qian was really defeated by Chen Zhan?

In just one afternoon, there was everything going on outside. Everyone was waiting for the chairman of Changrong Group to speak, but no one waited until dark. However, Wen She of the Wen family made an appointment with many big shots to have dinner together. .

They were probably discussing Han Qian's affairs. This time Han Qian hit the wall. How many people were waiting to see his joke. Gao Qianxing lay on the sofa and called Liu Guangming.

"Old Liu, what do you think about this matter?"

Liu Guangming sneered and said sarcastically.

"Gao Fuli, Han Qian has been in jail for less than three hours, and you have an idea? If I know that you betrayed Han Qian, I will be the first to kill you."

"To each other, that's what I meant when I called. Han Qian was suddenly imprisoned. The Binhai Alliance is leaderless. If you dare to take this position, I will kill you."

What both of them said sounded nice.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Yang Lan finally walked out of the office. She had been crying all afternoon with red eyes. She really wanted to help Han Qian, but she had no choice but to walk to the parking lot with her eyes blank. Just as he was about to get in the car, a figure flashed past, and Yang Lan took two steps back reflexively. When she saw the man in front of her, Yang Lan's eyes were filled with disgust.

"What are you doing here?"

Tang Wei was neatly dressed and his hair was combed. He held a bouquet of flowers in his dog-like hands and said softly.

"Lan Lan, I realized how stupid I was after I left you. I regretted it. I regretted it. How about we start over and give Beibei a complete childhood."

Looking at Tang Wei's appearance, Yang Lan had a picture of him turning into a demon in his mind. Thinking of this, Yang Lan couldn't help but take a step back and said coldly.

"It's impossible for us anymore. Mr. Tang, please be careful with your words. Beibei's life is very complete, and there are many people who love her."

"But you are not qualified to deprive Bei Beixiang of recognizing her biological father!"

Tang Wei stepped forward step by step, and Yang Lan stepped back step by step. She was very nervous and said in a trembling voice.

"After Beibei was born, your family disliked the fact that he was a girl. You have never held Beibei. What qualifications do you have to be a father?"

"Is Han Qian qualified?"

Tang Wei let out an angry roar, threw away the gossip in his hand, tore his tie, and said with a ferocious expression.

"You bitch still wants to climb into Han Qian's bed and ask him to be Beibei's father. Are you shameless or does Han Qian like you, a stinky bitch who can serve men?"

Yang Lan said angrily.

"You are simply unreasonable. I will call the police if you don't leave."

As soon as Yang Lan took out his cell phone, Tang Wei stepped forward, grabbed the cell phone and threw it to the ground, grabbing Yang Lan's wrist and saying ferociously.

"Call the police? You like to call the police but I won't give you this chance! Now that Han Qian is in jail, everyone is thinking about how to save him. No one cares about your life or death, bitch! I could have beaten you back then. Like a dog, it can beat you today."

Yang Lan screamed, and Tang Wei grabbed her long hair and dragged her to the car.

"Yang Lan, I am no longer the Tang Wei I used to be. Young Master Liu values ​​​​me, and Young Master Lin regards me as a confidant. This time I helped Young Master Lin solve the trouble. I am already inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. You Isn’t this bitch coming back to me to please me? Let me tell you, Han Qian is finished!"

"You are a beast, Tang Wei, you are a beast."

In a Wrangler, Gao Xingchen was holding a cigarette and looking at the two people tearing expressionlessly.

Tang Wei?

Yang Lan?

Now Tang Wei is Liu Shengge's man, and Han Qian is already in jail. Is he provoking Liu Shengge at this time? That's not a wise choice.

He started the car, stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped out like a sharp sword and left the underground parking lot. Tang Wei, frightened by the movement of the car, quickly let go of Yang Lan's hair, but then watched the car leave, and his face became even more ferocious. .

"Look, no one cares about your life or death? Yang Lan, except for Han Qian who treats you as a human being, in the eyes of others, you are just a vase, a vase for people to vent! I will let you feel comfortable today."

Yang Lan was scared, tears kept flowing from her eyes, but her struggle became more intense.


She couldn't just accept her fate. Xiao Qian fought against fate again and again. She couldn't be protected all the time, and she couldn't cause trouble to Han Qian at this time. But her strength was too weak, and she bent over in pain after being punched in the lower abdomen. Tang Wei took this opportunity to open the car door and push Yang Lan in.

Then he started to unbutton his belt and said with a ferocious smile.

"I want everyone in glory to know that you were raped by your ex-husband."

Tang Wei rushed into the back seat and tore Yang Lan's clothes. Yang Lan wore more clothes in the cold weather. The constant struggle made Tang Wei a little impatient. He simply stopped taking off Yang Lan's suit. When he grabbed Yang Lan's pants, a The glare of the bright light made him unable to open his eyes, and he could only hear the roar of the car.

The light was getting closer and closer, and the speeding Jeep hit the Bora with full power.

There was a crackling sound, and then the door of the Wrangler was kicked open. Gao Xingyi walked out of the car with a cigarette in his mouth. He put his hands in his pockets and slowly walked towards Tang Wei. He glanced at Yang, whose face was stained with tears, out of the corner of his eye. Lan.

Haven't succeeded yet.

Tang Wei fell to the ground and looked at Gao Xingxing, who was coming back, and said with a trembling voice.

"Han Qian is already in jail. Sooner or later Master Liu will deal with you, the traitor. Get out of here now and I can plead for you in front of Master Liu."


Gao Xingying showed his signature smile. When he bent down, the cross earrings shone in the strong light. The brown glasses reflected Tang Wei's frightened face. Gao Xingying grabbed Tang Wei's arm and pulled him He helped him up, stretched out his hand and patted the dust on Tang Wei's body, and said with a grin.

"Tang Wei! There are two things a man cannot do in this life."

Tang Wei patted the dust on his arm and looked at each other coldly. Gao Xingcheng held a cigarette in his mouth and smiled with bared teeth.

"First! A man cannot be loyal to two masters."

After saying this, he reached out and patted Tang Wei on the shoulder. The next second, the slap turned into a fist, and he punched the side of Tang Wei's face. Then he raised his right leg and put it in his lower abdomen. Tang Wei fell to the ground, high and low. Xing Xing took two steps forward and sat on his stomach, spit out the cigarette butts in his mouth, and smiled.

"Second! You can't rape a woman. If a man can't make a woman climb into your bed willingly, it only proves that the man is not good at bed."

Gao Jishi grabbed Tang Wei's collar and forced him to stand up. At this time, Tang Wei suddenly punched Gao Jishi in the face. Looking at the brown glasses that fell to the ground, Gao Jishi's eyes were full of excitement, and then He punched Tang Wei's side face, grabbed his collar and pulled him down in front of his eyes, and hit him with a headbutt. Tang Wei covered his mouth and howled in pain, blood flowing out between his fingers.

Gao Xingcheng touched his forehead and said calmly.

"Oops, I seem to be a little addicted."

Then Gao Xingcheng took off his suit and threw it to Yang Lan, who had climbed out of the car.

"You should leave first. I don't want anyone to see the rest of the scene, Minister Yang!"

Yang Lan turned around and trotted away from the parking lot. Gao Xingyi untied his tie, and the muscles in his arms seemed to tear apart his shirt. He grinned with his teeth bared.

"Baby, you must resist the beating."

When Gao Wuxing left the underground parking lot, his gray shirt was full of bright red. Tang Wei lay motionless on the cold concrete floor of the underground parking lot, not knowing whether he was alive or dead. Gao Wuxing looked at his worn fists and sighed softly.

"Han Qian, Han Qian! I haven't had a fight in ten years. If you really can't get out this time, then you will trick me, brother!"

Walking out of the entrance of the underground parking lot, Gao Xingyi saw Yang Lan, he frowned and asked in confusion.

"Why are you still here? Minister Yang, are you out of your mind? If Tang Wei comes out, have you ever thought about your fate?"

Yang Lan lowered his head and choked.


Gao Xingyi waved his hand and took the suit.

"Don't thank me. If he hits you, I won't even look at it. But I am disgusted, even disgusted, disgusted by the word 'rape'. I will buy an anti-wolf electric baton next time. Minister Yang, be careful lately." , Han Qian’s trouble is much bigger than what we encountered. Go to District 8 and find Tu Xiao! Ask him to give you a few people."

Yang Lan hesitated slightly, and Gao Xingcheng said calmly.

"I'm just an opinion. Your life or death has nothing to do with me. I don't like women like you either."

Gao Xingyi walked away with his suit.

The cold wind howled.

After walking 200 meters, he suddenly turned back.

"Yang Lan, do you have twenty yuan? My wallet and mobile phone are in the car and I forgot to take them."

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