Let the foursome cause problems first. Now that Han Qian is not here, it is these women who are making suggestions. The foursome are restrained, and their only helper is Guan Junbiao. Catching Guan Junbiao is equivalent to pulling out Han Qian's presence. Marina Teeth.

As for the rest of the people, they are just fish and meat.

This is Lin Zongheng's plan.

Liu Shengge lay in the car and looked at the several people approaching. They were holding crowbars and wrenches in their hands. Liu Shengge was not naive enough to think that they were here to save people. Now he was not in the mood to feel where his body was injured. Looking at the flowing oil, Liu Shengge took out the lighter.

Beaten to death?

How could I, a young master from the capital, be beaten to death as one of Binhai's four major evildoers?

A man in black wearing a suit and a mask walked forward and squatted next to Liu Shengge's head, holding a wrench in his hand and said calmly.

"Director Qian asked me to kill you."

After saying this, he raised the wrench in his hand. At this time, there was a rush of footsteps behind the man, and someone shouted loudly.

"Hurry up and save people! Call 120, hurry up, hurry up, help me, don't look at me!"

Some people were watching the excitement, and some were enthusiastic people. After shouting, the onlookers on the street came to their senses and hurried towards the car. The man in the suit said in a low voice when he saw this.

"You're lucky!"

After saying that, the man in the suit stood up and left in a hurry. Liu Shengge held the lighter in his hand tightly, looked at the back of the man in the suit with eyes full of anger, and whispered.

"I will kill you!"

Liu Shengge closed his eyes. He didn't know how he was sent to the hospital, and it was the Second City Hospital of Nuan Nuan. Yeats was still operating at this time. Nuan Nuan watched Liu Shengge being sent to the hospital covered in blood. Then she was stunned.

This is definitely no coincidence! Absolutely not!

Wen Nuan hurriedly ran to find Yan Qingqing, opened the door and said eagerly.

"Yan Fox, Yeats and Liu Shengge..."

"Nuan Nuan, Gao Xingcheng and Guan Junbiao have been imprisoned."

Wen Nuan was stunned again, what happened? How come so many things happened in just one day! Han Qian has only been gone for a day! Wen Nuan looked at Yan Qingqing with confused eyes and said softly.

"What should we do now?"

Yan Qingqing rubbed her temples with both hands and whispered.

"If you are panicked, don't be confused. Take your time! I'll ask Cheng Jin to find out what's going on with Gao Xixi and Guan Junbiao first!"

"Yes, yes, find Cheng Jin!"

Wen Nuan turned around and ran out the door. Yan Qingqing took a deep breath. Within a minute, the ward door was pushed open. Wen Nuan was dragged back by Cai Qinghu and frowned at Yan Qingqing.

"Now you let Nuan Nuan out? This is obviously someone who is targeting us! Can't you understand? Yeats and Liu Shengge are both in the operating room now. Don't look for Cheng Jin. He can't protect himself now. Guan Junbiao was caught with a knife Now, Gao Xingxing violently beat Tang Wei into a second-degree disability, and he faces half a year in prison. As for Guan Junbiao! It’s hard to say, who else is out there now?"

Yan Qingqing shook her head, and then hurriedly called Ji Jing. After the call was connected, she learned that Ji Jing was now with Qian Ling. Yan Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief, and Cai Qinghu said again.

"You just stay in the hospital and don't do anything! Just wait until my husband comes back!"

Yan Qingqing frowned.

"Is Han Qian okay?"

"My husband, he shouldn't have any major problems, but it will take half a month before he comes back. Just stabilize yourself during this period! Don't panic, especially Wen Nuan. You should stay in the hospital now. I think you will be older." It’s impossible for my uncle and your second uncle to help.”


Nuan Nuan nodded, she was obedient, she knew that her mind was not as smart as these girls, so she opened her mouth to nursery rhyme, which had been silent for a long time.

"Don't panic about this matter. We can't figure out the relationship between Yeats and Han Qian now. If he goes crazy and wants to come back, he may cause trouble with the capital's Yamenmen. Cai Qinghu, what are you busy with recently? "

Cai Qinghu scratched his head and frowned.

"The higher ups suddenly gave me some additional workload. I can't refuse it yet, and I can't spare the time. As for me, you don't have to worry. I have a gun. Instead, I said I was going to assassinate a prosecutor. That's why I'm here. I can't cover them, I'll leave first, you keep an eye on the nurses here."

Nuan Nuan nodded.

"I understand, I'm going to call Shici now."

At this time, Yu Shici also encountered some troubles. The partner he originally contacted suddenly terminated the contract and blatantly told Yu Shici that they were going to cooperate with Changxiang. The sudden change caught Yu Shici off guard.

Three hours later, Yeats came out of the operating room with multiple fractures on his body, the calf being the most serious. The calf was scratched, leaving a suture scar of about seven centimeters. Yeats stared at the ceiling blankly.

Wan Fang, who was standing by, looked at Yeats and comforted him gently.

"Han Qian likes black stockings. Why don't we just have bare legs from now on? You can't think too much. Two big trucks are attacking you. If you were driving that little BMW, you would have been crushed. It's a wise choice to change cars."

Yeats looked at the ceiling and said calmly.

"Han Qian asked me to change the car. When I was buying the car, he specifically asked which car was more crash-resistant, and then he chose this RX. I didn't think much about it at the time, and thought he was doubting my driving skills. Alas! "

Wan Fang comforted her softly.

"Let's just be more careful when driving in the future and stay away from large trucks."

"Someone is trying to kill me!"

When these words came out, Wan Fang was slightly startled, and Yeats narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

"I know who it is. Now that they see that my master is not in Binhai, they will first remove me and Guan Junbiao, the two biggest threats. Don't worry, my heart is not that fragile."

Wan Fang nodded, looking at Ye Zhi with distressed eyes.

Seven hours.

Liu Shengge left the operating room. He had many serious injuries on his body. The most serious one was a fractured neck. It was a miracle that he was alive. His injuries were concentrated on his upper body. Liu Shengge was lying on the hospital bed with his eyes open and looking at The secretary who came over said calmly.

"Don't do anything."

The secretary looked at him with red eyes and Liu Shengge said coldly.

"I'm not dead yet. Go out and cry. Don't tell Xiao Wu and my mother. Just tell them that I recently went to an offline game party. Also, go adjust the surveillance and find the guy with the wrench."

The secretary nodded with red eyes and walked all the way back to the ward when Liu Shengge suddenly spoke.

"How is Yeats?"

The secretary choked.

"She came out at noon and she didn't know yet."

"Don't tell her. My injury has nothing to do with her. I, Liu Shengge, will never use bitter tricks to retain someone, nor will I regret driving someone away. If you work hard, you will be the only one left among my students. I’m with you.”

The secretary trotted out of the ward. Not long after, a black man over two meters tall walked into the ward. Liu Shengge looked at the falling snow outside the window and said calmly.

"After Xiaoqu finds the person, you go and clean up."

The black man turned around and left without saying a word. Liu Shengge said as he was going out.

"Don't touch his family. Every injustice has its own owner."

The black bodyguard turned to look at Liu Shengge and said stiffly.

"Can I play by myself?"

"Don't be too bloody."

After the black man left, Liu Shengge closed his eyes. He missed the sound he heard when he was about to die. He would never hear it again in this life, and he would never forget it in his life.

Stay alive!

At this time, it was already dark outside. Employees of the Honor Group were clocking out of get off work. Su Liang and Qian Wan were blocked on the remote road entering the community. Two cars with Beijing license plates in front and behind sandwiched the GT-R. Su Liang He took a deep breath and said softly.

"Big money, don't move in the car. After I get out of the car, lock the car and prepare to call the police. No matter what happens, don't get out of the car."

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Liang took off his down jacket and shirt, wrapped the thermal blanket in his shirt and carried it in his hand, opened the car door and got out of the car.

There were six or seven men in front and behind.

At the same time, Su Liang's Mercedes-Benz parked in the Honor parking lot was smashed, and no one there found Su Liang.

These people are here for Qian Wan!

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