After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 365: Ninety-nine percent went empty-handed

Her Majesty was angry and was about to throw the table.

Robb suddenly said: "Fine! What I just said is a bit unreasonable, well, I promise that only Robert Smith and his maid will go back and forth from this portal, and I won't go over and make you messy. And you are free. On the other side of the portal, we will arrange heavy monitoring and defense. Is this okay?"

The queen breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, she was also a little bit happy. In fact, she knows that Robb can come if he wants to come, and he can walk if he wants to go. It is difficult for herself to keep him. After all, he can defeat the 10,000 army of the desert kingdom alone. Kess.

This kind of monster, his own skeleton dragon may not be able to fight, if he wants to take a walk on the road of light, it is really difficult to deal with.

But this man did not behave ill-behaved or get carried away because of his strength, but expressed his willingness to respect her opinion, which is a rare quality.

At this time Robb also opened his mouth and said: "By the way, once my portal is opened, it will teleport in both directions. People on your side can actually pass through the portal. Since I can't go there at will, your people can't come here at will. , You have to promise me that you can only send someone to monitor it, but you can't pass through it, otherwise..."

Otherwise, I won't talk about it later. Obviously, if you secretly send someone in, then I can sneak in too.

The queen nodded: "Of course I can promise you this. Anyway, you Xifeng Town never refuses others to come in. My people can walk in in an open manner, so why bother to go through some portal."

Robb gave a thumbs up!

The two negotiated and stopped talking.

Madeleine looked at Robb’s clone on the crystal ball and said with a little worry: "Are you coming back to the dormitory tonight? The desk here is broken, and the closet was broken by me just now..." At this point, she said. It's a bit embarrassing to explain why I was in Robb's closet, but I still have to make it clear no matter how embarrassing it is now.

Robb's consciousness went back to the clone again, and he smiled: "I won't go back tonight for the time being, come back tomorrow, and then I will discuss with Her Majesty the question of where to set up the portal."

"Okay!" Madeleine whispered: "I'm sorry, I sneaked into your closet."

"It's okay." Robb said with a smile: "I already understand roughly why you are in it. It's me who shuttles back and forth, and my frequent absence in the dormitory arouses your suspicion, so I am not good, not you."

Madeleine felt warm when she heard this. This man... really made sense.

The crystal ball hung up and the communication ended.

Everyone had a witty quarrel just now, and they were too tired. Robb operated the clone and main body on both sides. Although MP didn't use much, he had to play the two corners at the same time.

When facing the queen of a country, the girls next to each other must maintain basic solemnity and etiquette.

As soon as the communication was cut off, everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and suddenly became lazy.

It wasn't until this time that everyone suddenly discovered that the big Lolita in the glass bottle was actually sitting at the bottom of the bottle, and then holding the salted candy as big as a boulder in both hands, sticking out her little tongue and licking on it.

It turned out that Robb was negotiating with the queen just now, and the things he said were stinky, long, stiff, and boring. Big Lolita was not in the mood to eavesdrop. She was boring in a glass bottle and no one was paying attention to her, so she simply said nothing. Holding the salted candy and licking it, the negotiations outside ended, everyone relaxed. Da Lolita hadn't noticed yet, and licked the candy intently.

As a result, everyone noticed her indecent appearance at the same time.

Robb spread his hands: "Are the Light Judges so unfamiliar?"

Xiao Yi looked embarrassed: "No, no, no! Maybe it's because the Judge of Light is too young."

"By the way, what exactly is this person going to do? You can't always be locked in a glass bottle, right?" Lilian whispered: "It is very inappropriate to lock a girl in this way. Where does she go to the bathroom?"

Everyone rolled their eyes together: Is the focus of your attention a bit strange?

It was Robb who came to help her out: "Lilian made a reasonable point. With just such a transparent glass bottle, she can't go to the toilet at all. Now time is short and it's okay. It will really be embarrassing to die for a long time. After all, she must be released."

Sofa whispered: "This product will be hacked when it is released. She seems to be a little blind to her beliefs."

"Even if you want to hack someone, you still have to let it go." Robb smiled: "Anyway, she can't hack anything."

Robb flicked the glass bottle...

The big loli in the bottle immediately loosened the big candy in her hand, stood up quickly, and raised the "Holy Sword·Holy Light Cross" that was shrunk in proportion with her, showing a very stretched look Said: "The villain, justice will bury the evil!"

"Don't speak again in Form 2." Robb said: "I am going to let you out now."

"Huh? Really?" Da Lolita asked strangely.

"Of course let it go, otherwise, I'll just ask you, if you keep locked in here, how are you going to go to the toilet?"

As soon as this question was asked, Da Lolita became stiff on the spot.

This transparent glass bottle, if she went to the toilet inside, wouldn't she be surrounded by 360-degree crowds? The hair was horrified just thinking about it, and, as soon as she thought of this, she felt the urge to pee, the **** of light.

Robb said: "So I have to let you out, but I have a saying that after you come out, you can kill people, but you can only kill me. If you dare to kill anyone other than me, I will Put you in this glass bottle again for seven days!"

Seven days? Doesn't it have to be suffocated by urine? Big Lolita quickly said: "Okay! Negotiations are established."

Robb opened the cork and poured the glass bottle on the table.

Big Lolita rolled out of the glass bottle, her movements were extremely vigorous, her feet kicked on the table, and her small body with only finger length actually waved the holy sword in mid-air, and the sword also brought a touch of thunder. : "Wu Shuang Dao Wife Sudden!"

Despite her being small, this sword has a lot of power, because the reduction technique does not reduce her abilities to zero, but reduces her various abilities by a certain percentage. There is still something in her small body. strong force.

Jianguang went straight to Robb's face.

Robb stretched out **** and pinched them in mid-air: "Take it for nothing!"

With a snap, she clamped her holy sword again.

Da Lolita couldn't help getting frustrated: "Are you 100% empty-handed?"

Robb smiled and said, "No, I'm just ninety-nine percent empty-handed."

Big Lolita pouted her mouth and didn't open Sen, but she also found out now that she couldn't hurt Robb at all. She even tried to chop the person next to her with the sword, she heard Xiao Yi say in a very serious tone: " Princess Lars, please stop being so headstrong. If you make trouble again, you will really be locked in a glass bottle by Godfather for seven days."

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