After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 437: I'm on his side

"Oh, it's really a wonderful game." Baron Nolan couldn't help sighing: "It feels like this is a big business, but it's a pity that my family is now fully engaged in a sugar factory and has no ability to do anything else. "

Robb laughed in a low voice: "If you are greedy, you can't chew it badly. If you do a good job in sugar making, you will have enough food for a lifetime. Oh, no, it's for a few lifetimes. It's okay for Ze's descendants."

Baron Nolen nodded, he still understood the truth, and the Chenguang family was not a big family at first, and his own title was just a baron, and it was not a great position in the Gran Kingdom.

After arriving in Westwind Town, he was supported by Robb, and now he is rich and powerful, and the scenery is unparalleled. Those great nobles and bureaucrats on the Bright Road are not necessarily rich in the Chenguang family. What else is he unsatisfied with? ?

Now I must say something annoying, that is my eldest son, oh, no, it’s my nephew, Conte, this guy, I don’t know if his IQ is inherited from his mother’s side, no matter what, he can’t learn magic. He has been walking the route of warriors, and there is no point in sending him to the magic academy. The monsters learned from the magic academy are all physical types, which cost a hundred gold coins for tuition.

At this time, the elder of the elven tribe actually leaned in and said hello to Baron Noren: "Mr. Noren, hello!"

At this time Robb was still wearing Robert Smith’s makeup, so the Elf Elder could not recognize him. He thought Robb was a dude and rich second-generation young noble, so he didn’t say hello to him. Anyway, in this VIP seat. There are noble young masters everywhere.

Baron Nolan turned his head and said with a smile: "Oh, Mr. Elder! Are you happy watching football?"

The Elf Elder smiled and said: "This football is very exciting, but the gameplay is tumbling on the mud. It is not very suitable for the style of our elves. Compared with football, I like the few that Miss Marian gave us just now. Lump sugar, I heard that it was made in Mr. Nolan's factory, so I came over to ask."

Baron Nolan smiled and said, "Ah, yes, those sugars are made by my family. Just ask if you have any questions."

The elder elder picked up a piece of rock candy and said, "This hard candy is delicious, but the color is too ugly. For the elves, it’s hard for us elves to have such a delicious thing but with such an ugly color. Accept, hasn't Mr. Nolan thought of making it more beautiful?"

It turns out that the sugar that Baron Noren has been producing in the factory is brown. This is because when Robb taught everyone how to make sugar, he taught this kind of brown sugar cubes. The reason is very simple. Robb didn’t know how. To make white sugar, he only knows how to make sugar by the native method, but he doesn't know how to filter the impurities in the sugar.

He is not a superman, and he doesn't know everything.

After Baron Nolan took over the sugar making technique, he never thought of improving it. He kept making the brown sugar cubes taught by Robb. Although he himself studied toffee, salted candies, fruit candies, etc., they all It's just a change in taste, and the color has always inherited an ugly brown.

This kind of brown is not a big problem for the townspeople of Westwind, whose practical ideas are paramount, while the aristocratic and wealthy people on Miss Queen’s side are busy fighting all day long, and they don’t have any extra brains to think about making sugar good-looking, after all. It's just a condiment. When you really want to eat it, you have to melt it and add other ingredients. What does the color have to do with it?

However, the elves are different!

They have always prided themselves on being noble, elegant, and partial. Even if they are now a group of refugees, the things they think of are "beautiful", "good-looking", and "beautiful". Pragmatism is not something that elves should consider. They only consider "tall ". It's just as they don't like to boast about their magic, bows and arrows, and craftsmanship, but only like to boast about their poetry and literary accomplishments.

Like this kind of mud-brown, mud-like sugar cubes, they will feel that the Yali Mountain is big when they throw it in their mouths. How can noble elves eat this kind of thing? But... this candy is so delicious and fragrant! I can't eat it, I feel uncomfortable, and I lose face when I eat it. In this case, I had no choice but to give advice to Baron Nolen.

Baron Noren looked at the elder elder with a look of second force: "What does it matter whether it looks good or not? Anyway, it's all eaten by the stomach. Do you eat it and watch it in the stomach?"

The elder elder shook his head and said, "You can't say that. Who can eat something that is not good?"

Baron Nolan said: "Aren't you happily eating even dried bananas?"

Elder Elf: "I think dried bananas are still pretty, at least better than brown sugar."

Robb listened to the two people arguing beside him, and he couldn't help being amused!

The two were arguing. In the end, Baron Noren was seriously dissatisfied and had to turn to Robb. At this time Robb was still wearing Robert Smith's makeup, so Baron Noren could not call him Godfather: "Robert, come here. Judge, this sugar is just for flavoring. Why does it seem to be so good? I made this kind of sugar, but it was made according to the standards taught by Godfather. This fairy really doesn't know the good stuff."

Robb laughed in a low voice: "Baron Nolan, in fact, I am on the side of the Elf Elder in this matter."

"Huh?" Nan Jue wondered in his heart: This is something you made, and was vomited by someone. You actually stood on the side of the person who vomited you?

Robb smiled and said: "Well, people will definitely pursue beautiful things, abandon ugly things, and there is nothing wrong with pursuing a high-quality life, as long as you can afford it!"

He turned to Nolan and smiled: "If you look at cakes and puddings, if it weren't for their beauty, how could girls like them so much?"

Baron Nolen thought about it carefully, and that was right.

Robb smiled and said, "Moreover, there is one more point. I propose to discuss it with you. You should also think about it."

As soon as Baron Nolan heard this opening remark, he knew Godfather was going to tell something useful, so he was ready to listen.

Robb said: "With all due respect, the things your sugar factory makes now lack technical content and are easy to be imitated. It lacks the trump card that can make a final decision and defeat the enemy's sugar factory. product."

This can be said to Baron Nolan's heart, his sugar factory really lacks ace products!

Last time at Robb’s suggestion, he made toffee and also researched several kinds of sugar such as fruit candies and salted candies. However, these sugars are nothing more than adding various ingredients to the sugar. The knowledgeable chef puts the sugar cubes in his mouth, carefully savors the taste, and immediately knows what ingredients are added to it.

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