After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 441: Compared with you, I'm innocent and kind

Robb said angrily: "What do you think? The ghost is playing hooligans against you, I'm just studying the crystal ball."

"This face is so close, what is it not to be a hooligan?" Miss Queen showed a disgusting expression: "I heard that some men hang up the portrait of the woman they like and then kiss the portrait, very abnormal. , I didn’t expect you to be more perverted than them. You actually called me specifically and wanted to kiss me through the crystal ball."

"Huh?" Robb was dumbfounded, and it took a few seconds to figure out that when he got close to the crystal ball, his mouth was very close to the ball.

The queen didn’t move her expression, she looked very calm: “If I were an ordinary woman, maybe I would really be startled by your hooligans like this, but I’m not the kind of woman who is easy to make a fuss. I must remind you, even If you kissed me shown in the crystal ball, that didn't really kiss me. It just kissed the crystal ball. It's meaningless."

"Why are you so narcissistic?" Robb looked at the crystal ball over and over: "I'm just studying."

The queen said again: “It’s useless to look at it over and over again. It’s not that you can see the bottom of my skirt when you turn it over. No matter how you turn it over, the angle of view will not change, because the pattern collected is the crystal on my side. ball."

Robb: "In your mind, I am a man who kisses portraits of beautiful women and flips the crystal ball to see the bottom of other people's skirts?"

"It's not." The queen said: "It's just that you are so fascinated by your research. If you have a bad mouth, it will cause you a little trouble."

Robb: "..."

Listen to this, is it human?

Robb said: "I said Miss Queen, I was looking for the runes on this crystal ball, but the crystal ball is transparent and spotless. I want to ask, what about runes? How does it work without runes?"

The queen smiled: "So you have something you don't understand? I guessed it when you wanted to buy a crystal ball from me. You seem to know everything, but you don't know much about crystal balls."

"That's why you look at me too high. In fact, there are so many things that I don't know how to do." Robb said, "For example, I don't know how to have children."


"Hey, don't fall into silence suddenly, tell me where the rune is?" Robb said.

"Runes are transparent." The queen didn't hide her own secrets, she directly said the secrets: "It is a rune drawn with top-level magic essence ink. The top-level magic essence is a very rare essence. The elves took the purified moon well water, mixed it into colorless and transparent ink, and then used that transparent potion to draw runes on the crystal ball to make this kind of communication crystal ball. Don’t worry about it. , These two materials are also difficult to obtain with the power of the country. If you want to obtain it privately, it is almost not..."

She didn’t finish her sentence, she saw Robb beckoning, fetching things from the air, and brushing the ground. A piece of high-grade steel armor flew out of the warehouse. The red light shows that the enchanting effect is also top-notch.

Robb used his dismantling skills to dismantle...

The essence of top magic power appeared on Robb's table.


This is very unreasonable and unreasonable.

Fortunately, this is not enough, the queen hummed: "What's the use of this? You still need purified moonwell water. Then you have to go to the forest to find the elves. I tell you, the elves are arrogant and arrogant. , Has always regarded humans as low-level races, they are very unwilling to deal with humans, do you think..."

She didn't finish a word, and suddenly saw Robb turned into an owl with a "puff" sound, grabbed the crystal ball with his paws, and flew towards the black pine mountain range next to him.

"Huh?" Miss Queen's forehead was a little confused: "How can you become an owl? Can you fly in the sky?"

"Wow!" Robb flapped his wings and smiled. "Druid flying, haven't you seen it?"

Miss Queen: "..."

She didn't know what to say for a long time, and after a few seconds, she said with difficulty, "Where are you going to become an owl? Don't tell me you can find the village of the elves."

"I can't find it." Robb said, "The villages of the elves are always hidden in the forest. It is hard to find."

"So you know too." The queen hummed.

"So..." Robb dragged a long tone: "I let them move to Westwind Town."


While talking, Robb had already flown to the hillside to the northeast of Xifeng Town, and over the hillside, a newly built elven village appeared immediately in front of him. Various strange tree houses were hung on the trees, right in the middle of the elven village. There is a moon well that has just been dug a few days ago, and a pool of clear water in it reflects the blue sky.

Robb flew to the well and stood on the branch.

An elf guard by the well immediately saw him and gave him a big gift: "Dear Archdruid, what are you doing here?"

Robb said: "I need purified moonwell water."

The elf guard smiled and said, "I will prepare it for you right away."

He used a beautiful small bucket to make a bucket of water from the moon well, and then used the "natural purification" magic unique to the elves to purify the well water into incomparably clear water, which was then handed over to Robb: "Dear Archdruid, this is the water you want."

Robb said: "Thank you!"

"You're welcome, it's also an honor for me to serve the Archdruid."

Robb held the crystal ball with one paw, and a glass bottle filled with moonwell water with the other paw, and flew towards the church.

Miss Queen: "..."

Robb smiled and said: "What's the matter? Why don't you speak anymore?"

Miss Queen "touched" the table, "Fuck! Why?"

"Don't be violent, it's not far off for girls to verbalize, not to mention that you are the queen of a country." Robb said earnestly and sincerely: "For the sake of your national image, you should lead by example, be elegant and calm, and not be surprised at everything..."

The queen said: "You actually pretend to be an archdruid, to deceive the innocent and kind elves."

Robb smiled and said: "You just said that creatures like elves are arrogant and arrogant. Now you say that they are innocent and kind. You really turn the rudder very fast."

The queen said angrily: "Compared with ordinary people, elves are arrogant and arrogant, but compared with you, they are innocent and kind, and I am not wrong at all. By the way, compared with you, I am also innocent and kind."

Robb ignored the Queen’s complaints and flew back to the church. He placed the crystal ball and glass bottle on the table and turned it back into a human form. Then, he picked up the glass essence and threw it into the glass bottle. The magic essence will dissolve in water. , Quickly dispersed in the water, and a bottle of the top-level transparent magic essence ink was made.

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