After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 457: I am the people

Thirty-two said: "The tax collected and handed over to the treasury is nothing wrong, you don't let it? Then this is not the territory of the Kingdom of Gran? If you say no, we...determine...determine...duel! "The voice was trembling.

This person was too vain. On the contrary, the lower-ranking administrative staff behind him bravely stepped forward, staring at Robb, blowing their beards, and looking hard: "This is my Gran Kingdom. Of course, the tax collected here should be turned over to the treasury of the Gran Kingdom. If you have to intervene in this most basic principle, then what is the point of our coming here? You kill us all."

Robb applauded: "Yes, yes. You are all good people. They dare to fight against power and have the spirit of sacrifice for righteousness. Such people are really the pillars of the country."

This compliment is sincere! There is no "wow" at all. If you want to do a good job in a country, you can't do it by the 32nd and the like, who are greedy for life and fear of death. It must be done by such courageous and hardworking people.

Robb said: "You don't need to look like you are desperate and trying to die. I am the most reasonable person. Next, I will reason with you. You listen to whether what I say is reasonable or not. By the way, put the crystal Take the ball out, and I will also tell it to Miss Queen at the same time."

The 32nd took out the communication crystal ball from her arms, placed it on the table, dialed it, and the queen entered the listening mode.

Robb first said "Wow" to the queen: "You actually gave the 32nd a strategic communication crystal ball. It can be seen that you attach great importance to me, Xifeng Town. This group of administrative staff have high hopes for you. ,Is it?"

The queen "hum", noncommittal.

Robb said: "They just said that they would collect taxes and send the money back to the treasury, but I didn't agree, and then they wanted to frustrate me. Now I am going to reason with them, and you should come and listen together to see if I have something to say. reason."

The queen said: "Okay, I will listen carefully and make a fair decision."

Robb said, "This is the territory of the Kingdom of Gran, and the income here should be handed over to the treasury. I have no objection to this sentence. I think it makes a lot of sense."

The queen knew that there must be a sequel to this, so she didn't even bother to say it.

Sure enough, Robb immediately said: "However, since this is the territory of the Gran Kingdom, the people here are also the citizens of the Gran Kingdom. They should also enjoy the rights that the citizens of the Gran Kingdom should enjoy, right? The treasury should theoretically allocate funds to this town, at least to cover the town’s expenditure, right?"

The queen showed a puzzled look: "What can I spend? Why don't I know what administrative expenses a town needs?"

It turns out that these years, the central government basically does not care about local development. It only collects taxes. The local people do everything else. For roads and bridges, the local tycoons pay their own money, and the central government never pays a cent.

Robb said, "Other towns don’t need any expenditure. That’s because those territories are the fiefs of nobles and are operated by the nobles themselves, but Xifeng Town is not entrusted to any nobles at present. In theory, you should be directly governed by you, you don’t pay. Who will pay for the money? Otherwise, I will pay for it. You will entrust this town to me, dare you?"


This town is now equivalent to Robb’s fief, and it is more independent than Robb. Originally Robb occupies this place and it’s unjustifiable. If she really entrusts Westwind Town to Robb, then this place will really become Robb's private domain. The ghost is going to entrust this town to Robb!

The queen said: "Well, the expenditure here is funded by the national treasury, so you won't be able to make money."

Robb said, "Since we want to allocate funds, why bother to hand over all the taxes from the town to the state treasury first and spend it directly here, and hand over the excess money to the state treasury. Isn't it all right? So that we don't have to transport the money back and have to transport it again. ."

The queen felt that she was in a condom, but now she has no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "Then tell me, what are the expenses?"

Robb said: "First of all, the salaries of these administrative staff. You don't need to distribute them to the central government. They distribute them in the local tax. Isn't it convenient?"

The queen nodded: "reasonable."

Robb said, "Next, there are public welfare undertakings. This Xifeng Town has a large stall and is expanding everywhere. Today, there is more wasteland, and tomorrow, another village will be built. In the main town, roads must be built, and there are several places where bridges are built on the canals... You can’t let me pay for the roads and bridges, right? The national treasury must pay for it.”

The queen nodded: "reasonable."

Robb said: "The population has grown, and there are garbage everywhere. Now the invisible corners of the town are filled with all kinds of domestic garbage, and some have even been thrown into the West Wind Canal. This canal was dug by you when you watched me. Is it a bit of affection? For its health, we have to hire some cleaners to clean the town. Of course, the salaries of these cleaners have to be paid by the state treasury."

Queen: "I always think something is wrong?"

Just listen to Robb quickly talking about what to build the National Park, the National Square, the Jianguo Nursing Home, the State-owned Orphanage... Barabbas, a long list of things that cost money was listed in an instant.

The queen heard that one brain was two big, and a group of administrators stood in front of Robb and was stunned: "Is there any mistake? Why does the country have to bear so many inexplicable things?"

Robb hummed: "Who is not responsible for the country? Am I responsible?"

The queen would rather let anyone be responsible, but she didn’t want Robb to be responsible. She had no choice but to say: "I want to ask, what exactly do you want to build this town? It is already a very prosperous, very rich and big town. You have to invest your money desperately to fix this and that, so that you can't wait to make it look more magnificent than the palace. Why is that?"

Robb smiled, with a sincere smile, from the heart: "In order to let the people live in a better environment, so that they can feel happier."


Hearing this, she was actually a little moved. In fact, as the queen of a country, why didn't she want her people to have a better living environment and live a happier life? If Robb really thought this way, it would be a model worth learning...

As soon as she thought of this, she saw Robb pointing to her nose and said: "I am the people. If I want to live a happier life, I have to make my nest the best place in the world."

Queen: (╯‘-’)╯︵┻━┻

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