After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 520: Catch a few half-orcs to film

The orcs turned over and jumped up from the ground, and immediately wanted to find weapons to kill people, but the weapons had already been searched by Robb, and they had not touched anything.

The leader of the dwarves who played Jinli on the set waved his hand immediately, and a large group of dwarves gathered around, the big hammer and the big axe in their hands lit up, enclosing them tightly.

Robb picked up a director’s special iron-skin microphone and said to the group of half-orcs: "You are now surrounded. I will give you a way out. If you are obedient, cooperate with me in the movie, I will release it after the performance. If you go back, if you stubbornly resist, there is only one dead end..."

Before his voice fell, he heard a half-orc exasperated: "Orcs are brave not to be slaves!"

"If you are not free, you would rather die!"


A dozen unarmed half-orcs rushed towards the dwarf soldiers together. The dwarves were draped all over their bodies. There were more and fewer people. In less than a few seconds, all a dozen orcs were knocked to the ground. But even if they fell to the ground, they still roared fiercely, struggling, and refused to compromise.

The dwarf leader turned his head and said to Robb: "Master, you see, these guys can't be used for acting at all. They would rather die than cooperate with us."

Elsie also nodded: "Yes, death can't threaten them, this kind of thing can't communicate at all."

Robb laughed: "Then don't use threats."

"Then what?"


Robb suddenly pointed his hand at a half-orc who resisted the most: "Mind control!"

This is a shadow priest’s skill. It can manipulate other people’s spirits and turn them into obedient servants. Of course, this magic also has a lot of limitations. It doesn’t last long, and the great pain may cause They are free from mind control.

The orc stiffened all over, and then became obedient.

Robb pointed his finger again, using mind control one by one to turn these half-orcs into obedient.

He clapped his hands and said: "Okay, the actors are in place. Now these half-orcs are going to be obedient, but the time for mind control is not long. After a few minutes, it will be lifted. Everyone hastened to take action. The trick is finished."

Everyone: "..."

The human warrior Polomo played by Golda appeared. He played the scene in the forest where he wanted to **** the ring. Then, the half-orcs came out. They shot Polomo with their bows and arrows and captured Huo. Bit people.

Under Robb’s orders, the two orcs carried the two townspeople who acted as the hobbits, and played the role of the orcs squad who captured them. The two townspeople were actually quite scared and were carried on their shoulders by the orcs. When I was filming, I kept thinking: Don't these half-orcs suddenly go crazy and kill us? Although Godfather can be resurrected, it hurts the moment he is killed.

However, their worries are completely unnecessary. The orc thief carrying them is obedient, and can still speak lines obediently according to Robb’s request. The lines are smooth and steady, and their acting skills are actually better than those of the human actors present. .

It turns out that the so-called acting is a very strange thing.

For example, if you are a Chinese, when you watch a Chinese perform a Chinese drama, you can clearly feel the flaws in the other party's acting skills, but when you watch a foreign drama performed by a foreigner, you don't feel much unnaturalness.

why? Are foreign stars acting better? No! Not really.

The real reason is that you are a Chinese and you understand the customs of China, so you can easily find bugs in Chinese dramas performed by Chinese.

But you don’t know foreign countries, especially foreigners’ ways of speaking, language habits, movement habits, customs...So, when you watch Hollywood blockbusters, you rarely see any bugs, even in the show. People are acting a bit awkward, you don't know, you think foreigners are like this usually.

By the same token, everyone does not feel embarrassed when watching half-orcs acting, because everyone doesn't know what half-orcs are like when they talk and chat. Even if they perform bugs, humans don't know.

As a result, the half-orcs, with their "exquisite acting skills," completed a scene that Robb gave them.

Then, this half-orc team is temporarily useless!

Robb said loudly: "Okay, now jump to the back of the story, filming the next scene, Aragorn's team caught up with this team of half-orcs, battled them, and killed them."

Robb dressed up as Aragorn, followed by a dwarf leader dressed as Jinli, and an elf archer dressed as the elf prince Legolas. The three smirked and walked toward the group of mind-controlled half-orcs.

While the orcs were still within Robb’s mind control time limit, the staff next to them quickly handed them a bunch of weapons, let them hold them, and the camera was in place and aimed!


Mind control lasts until...

Robb shouted: "Start shooting!"

Turn on the camera!

Several half-orcs regained their sanity. They looked around fiercely and saw three neatly dressed men standing in front of them, an elf, a dwarf, and a human. These are all races that half-orcs hate very much. , They roared together: "Kill you all."

The acting skills at this time are even more impeccable. This is not a fake battle, but a real battle.

More than a dozen brutal orcs killed Robb, the dwarf leader, and the elf archer. No, they should have killed Aragorn, Golden Thunder, and Legolas.

Robb drew out his one-handed sword and swung forward. Before he went out, he had desperately given himself various Deffs to ensure that his strength would not be too much stronger than these half-orcs, just a little bit more powerful. That's enough, all you need is to play well.

Because the spike is not so good-looking.

"Die, human!"

"Oh, you hate half-orc." Jin Ple kicked a half-orc, turned his head with an axe, and chopped down the other half-orc, his red beard trembling with his laughter. .

Legolas started to be handsome. Anyway, this man in the original book is desperately handsome. He jumps and turns archery, spins archery, jumps to the tree to shoot arrows, all kinds of fancy archery. A big circle came.

As a result, it was Robb who played the most stable.

With one sword is one sword, he steadfastly beaten the half-orcs, and finally, chopped all the half-orcs to the ground.

"Okay! Finish work!" Robb smiled at Elsie, who was holding the camera, "Come here, let me see how effective this scene is."

Elsie ran over and said, "Godfather, I am not very confident when I am a photographer for the first time. What if the shots are not good?"

Robb rolled his eyes: "If it doesn't look good, then go catch the orcs and kill them. Anyway, there are a lot of them in the valley."

People around: "..."

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