After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 636: Why not go through the portal?

A few days later, in the evening...

Robb sits in front of the crystal ball, looking at the lady queen opposite the crystal ball.

The queen, who is usually full of majesty, has a sand-sculpted face today. While flipping the book in his hand, he patted the table and laughed loudly: "This...what kind of sand sculpture Man painting is this...nothing, I laughed to death, too sand sculpture... Heroes who are interested in it will become bald. Strong...hahaha..."

Robb: "Hello!"

As soon as he opened his mouth to protest, he saw the queen suddenly put away a smile and changed back to a serious face: "No monsters have hit you recently, so you started doing this kind of inexplicable stuff? How much are you? idle?"

Robb spread his hands: "Even if the monster is hitting me, I'm also doing something inexplicable."

There is reason, evidence, and convincing, and Miss Queen has nothing to vomit.

She took out another book from the side, "A Forest Covered with Black Pine", which was beautifully packaged and more high-end paper, and opened it gently: "Actually, I like this book better, but I also heard about it. This book can’t be sold at all. The Cotton family didn’t dare to buy more. They only brought two hundred copies to the Guangming Road, and only these two hundred have not been sold out. And your Man picture book is not only in Westwind. It’s selling well, and it’s also selling well on Bright Road."

She concluded: "It seems that this elder elder made the same mistakes as when I made the movie."

Robb smiled and said, "Oh, do you already know what mistakes you made in making the movie?"

"Separate from the masses."

The queen only said four words, and then stopped. She is not a person who likes to criticize herself in front of other people. If it weren't for Robb, she wouldn't even bother to say these four words. As long as you know it.

Hearing that the queen knew this, Robb was happy: "In fact, Yangchun Baixue and Jialidan Lidan are both art. They are both profound and simple and straightforward. They are also art. It is just a different form of art. It is forcibly divided. It’s very boring. We just need to know clearly what kind of readers we are facing when we are creating art. That’s good. I really respect the elves of the elves who are devoted to the pursuit of art. The only mistake he made was to misunderstand his literary and artistic positioning and audience, so he printed a few more books."

The queen said: "I thought you were going to mock him, because he had mocked your children's paintings."

Robb laughed: "No, no, no, I won't laugh at him, because I also think this Man painting is a drawing for children."


"Before hard paper was invented, I could only do this kind of children's drawing." Rob said: "Because I knew very well that the conditions at that time could only do this kind of stuff, but now that hard paper is available, I might be able to draw children. Man painting, it becomes a very exquisite Man painting. Would you like to send a serious painter to me to help me paint a beautiful One Punch Man."

"No." The queen said solemnly: "My painter is going to serve me, and I plan to start publishing books."

"Yo!" Robb Daqi: "You also want to publish? You also need to use a painter? Are you planning to publish books?"

The queen shook her head and said: "I found that this kind of cheap paper is very suitable for the promotion of knowledge that is beneficial to the country, so I plan to make some important manufacturing techniques into an atlas, and then distribute it to various cities. Let those more remote cities also get knowledge through books. I have even thought about the first batch of atlases to be passed out, the production method and diagram of the waterwheel, the production method and diagram of the rail mine car system, the sugar beet and Illustration of the method of making sugar..."

She said a lot of things in a blink of an eye.

Robb was amused as he listened: "This is all my message."

The queen squinted: "Why? I'm not happy to make these things into books? You still have to charge royalties?"

Robb smiled and shook his head: "No, I would love to see you organize these things into books. This is much more reliable than word of mouth. To be honest, I hate the way of passing on technology through word of mouth. Because this method is very inaccurate and prone to faults. If you are not careful, important technologies will be lost to the world. Because of the principle of being responsible for the whole world, it is better to store useful knowledge in books."

The queen nodded: "Well, now that you have agreed, then in a while, my Wang family merchants, Gu Gu and Ji Ji, will pass through the portal and come to the West, and customize these tool books in your printing factory. "

"You can't take the train honestly? Do you have to go through the portal?" Robb said: "I tell you, it is wrong to rely on the portal too much. I set up this transmission between Guangming Road and Westwind Town at the beginning. The door is just for emergency, not for your Wang family merchants to drill through easily."

Since Robb said so, the queen had no choice but to give up. They had agreed at the beginning, and they could not pass through the portal without the consent of the other party. So as long as Robb disagrees, the queen could not send anyone through the door. Take the train.

But she still couldn't help asking: "Why do you have to research and invent something like a train if you can open such a convenient portal?"

Robb smiled and said, "Didn't I tell you about this problem? The big fire box of the iron furnace, remember?"

The queen suddenly realized that she understood!

At the beginning Robb used magic item making technology to make a big rocket to provide high temperature for the iron furnace, but Miss Queen was reluctant to use expensive magic items in this place, and sent a few fire magicians to make iron. , I didn't know that when Mondela attacked the Path of Light, she exhausted the manpower of mana and made her iron furnace shut down for a while.

Later Robb asked her to study the stove technology that does not use magic at all, and only uses the structure of the stove to provide high-temperature stoves. To put it bluntly, they are all for saving manpower and turning things that were originally done by people into technology.

After this series of efforts, Miss Queen’s furnace no longer needs magicians and magic props. Relying on the blast furnace heating technology, only coal can be used to smelt the iron ingots and let the magicians We can use our abilities in more precious places.

Robb smiled and said: "Although it seems convenient for me to rub the magic scroll with my hands, in fact, one day I won't be able to rub it, or even if I rub it desperately, I can't make everyone in this world Enjoy it. However, the train can run forever, so that everyone in the world can enjoy the convenience it brings. I have to make the world get used to using the train and slowly forget about my portal."

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