Qiao Qing is indeed a moody lord, but he couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard the news.

She went on with quite lavish arrangements: "Great victory in the northwest, reward!"

The current situation is not completely clear, but for the Qi army, who has repeatedly defeated and retreated many times and has been forced to be trapped in a city, the first victory means the subsequent victory.

Therefore, this victory is not only actual, but also spiritual. Once it is won, it means that the enemy is no longer an undefeated behemoth in the eyes of Qi Jun.

Like Qi people, they are ordinary people who will be injured, will bleed, will be afraid of death, and will be defeated.

@∞好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

Reward, even if she is poor, she will be rewarded, not to mention that Qiao Qing has made a lot of money these days and has gained a lot.

Although she had said cruelly to King Liang before, she was sure in her heart, but things like war, the right time and place, and people are the key factors in deciding whether to win or lose. You are not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

Although Qiao Qing consciously arranged it properly, he could say that he was not worried at all, and that was impossible.

She arranged for the reinforcements to go to the northwest quickly, and then gave orders to mobilize military reinforcements near the northwest, and dispatched money. During this time, the manpower and material resources provided by the people in this period sent a large amount of materials, the semi-finished cement they made and the current production of them. All Shilian crossbows and the previous five crossbows.

It stands to reason that everything is in place, but from the time the messenger arrived to the time when this good news from the front line was delivered to her, Qiao Qing relied on the martial arts field to exercise for more than an hour every day, tired to exhaustion. Reluctantly sleep peacefully.

This time he won the battle, and it was still a big victory, Qiao Qing was finally able to relax.

After calculating her account book, she allocated a little more money. Naturally, there will be special money in the palace to reward the soldiers, but although she won this time, the guard has suffered heavy losses.

The money of the imperial court is planned according to the current account books. When and how much money should be given must be paid in accordance with the rules. As the emperor, Qiao Qing should abide by such rules in order to lead by example and regulate the following courtier.

He wants to set aside some money from his private treasury and give subsidies in his own name.

After thinking about it, Qiao Qing formulated another decree. This time the Hu people invaded the border of Daqi, all those who took the head of the Hu who killed the Qi army were seriously injured. Ten captains, centurions, and even officials worship captains. Not only can they use their own territories, but they can also take the royal salaries and bring their own soldiers.

Qiao Qing wanted to start with slavery a long time ago, but the family was big and wanted to shake this policy completely, it was not her will that could be shaken.

Taking advantage of this opportunity of the Huren who seriously injured Qi, Qiao Qing tried it first, tried the waters, and waited until the abolition of slavery. This was a precedent.

She did not expect the slaves to disappear completely. In fact, until later generations, the feudal dynasty was completely overthrown, and talents were no longer divided into three or six or nine classes. Before that, the servants who served people had always existed, but they had changed their names. Untouchables, the treatment of untouchables has something to do with slaves, but there are still certain differences.

For example, in history, there were court ladies and eunuchs who could not stand the emperor, and then suffocated the emperor alive.

Because despite their low status, they enter the palace because of poverty, but they also think from the bottom of their hearts that they are human beings, eager to get ahead and have power.

However, the current slaves would not do this. Most slaves did not dare to think of themselves.

As the emperor, Qiao Qinggui raised his arms and shouted, with a hundred responses, a thousand responses, and even a thousand responses.

However, she is still too small. There are tens of millions of people in Qi country, and she is actually very weak by her own strength.

Because the people's wisdom is not civilized, those who have been slaves for generations have no ideas of their own. Although they have a human appearance, in some senses, they are similar in nature to livestock.

She can only take it slowly, first improve the people's intelligence, and let them have a yearning for a freer and better life, so that the people are the water and the king is the boat. Water can carry and overturn a boat. The establishment of this sentence requires a foundation.

Qiao Qing took a deep breath and made the final stroke on the imperial edict.

As soon as she released this will, when she went to court the next day, courtiers came out to stop her.

"These slaves are ignorant and difficult to control. They are completely different from well-trained soldiers. This order of your majesty is afraid that it will disrupt the battle."

They think that the young emperor really takes it for granted, how those slaves can be compared to elite soldiers.

Qiao Qing said: "This battle has sacrificed many of my people. Who will fill the vacancies of these people? Those slaves are ignorant, but their bodies are very strong. You have no joking. If you want to stop them, there will be It’s good for the children of the Aiqing clan to make meritorious deeds. The children of the Aiqing clan who understand poetry and books, are elite, and rush to the front line to meet the enemy. The crime of treason is punished."

As soon as Qiao Qing said this, the protesting officials shut their mouths, and because there were not many young people of the right age in his clan who were forced to talk, this time he did not break his head, and Qiao Qing was dragged out. Killed.

Her soldiers are facing the enemy outside, but these people are pointing fingers at her for their own little interests, intending to influence her decision, who gives them the courage.

Qiao Qing was still smiling at the victory, then turned his face in an instant, and executed several officials vigorously. The blood lessons were enough to make these ministers who still had some ideas in their hearts shut their mouths.

After the court was quiet, Qiao Qing, who had a good night's sleep, began to deal with another matter.

The officials who were arrested in the dungeon because of prostitutes were released one after another after paying the corresponding fines.

The fine-grained system of fines for prostitutes is not treated equally, but is fined according to the level of officials. The higher the official position and the higher the salary, the higher the price of the fine.

However, the officials above have been banned. Those who like to go to the Land of Wind and Moon will certainly not be happy that their subordinates will give them dozens of times less fines.

Those who reported to the emperor naturally praised his majesty for his majesty. If this word goes on, the people below will treat the emperor's decree like a god, and dare not neglect it.

Not only the city of Chang'an, but also some of the cities near Chang'an, they also tossed in accordance with the law of the emperor's strict grasp.

Of course, the emperor Tiangao is far away, and in some relatively remote places, I feel that the emperor can't control it. If you grasp it clearly, you are still very free in private.

Naturally, this kind of thing cannot be done overnight. When the atmosphere in Chang'an is cleared up, slowly, the officials below will slow down a bit in order to please Shangguan.

It's like the trend of dressing. Whatever the ladies of the palace like, the ladies will be popular, and when these trends spread to the countryside, the ladies of Chang'an have long changed into new clothes.

Qiao Qing has no plans to change the will. What really deserves her attention is the rumors circulating in Beijing.

Gao Fu's eyes and ears, the news from the folks, when he heard it, his expressions changed back and forth, just as wonderful as the face-changing in Peking opera.

After hesitating for a long time, he still had the courage to massage Qiao Qing's shoulders, he whispered: "Your Majesty, the folks now spread rumors that you are not good at that, so you can't see other men do the same."

Qiao Qing almost didn't laugh when he heard this rumor.

She didn't feel as furious as Gao Fu imagined, and felt that she had slandered her male dignity, after all, she was not a man in the first place.

But the laughter is really exaggerated. Qiao Qing adjusted his expression a bit and sneered, "Is it possible? Which eye did they see and which ear heard it."

Gao Fu immediately complimented and said: "That's right, your majesty can't fall down, seven times a night."

If the emperor jumps his feet and gets angry, it means that he has stepped on his pain point. After all, a man with a height of nine feet would only sneer and disagree if he heard someone say that he was a short man.

Qiao Qing asked him: "Why does Xiao Fuzi think there are such rumors in Chang'an City."

Gao Fu thought for a while: "The minions think that it should be these people who want your Majesty to open up this prostitute and justify the prostitute."

When there is oppression, there is resistance. Although he is not a complete man, he has not felt the benefits of being a man. He has seen a lot of people, and he can still understand a man's psychology a little bit.

Qiao Qing shook his head: "No, if this rumor can reach your ears in the capital, it will naturally be driven by someone."

The purpose of the promoter is not to be a prostitute, but to force her to be a concubine.

Qiao Qing summoned Wei Han into the palace and asked about this rumor.

Wei Han's expression was a little cramped: "Chang'an City does make such remarks faintly."

After hearing this rumor, he immediately suppressed it with another kind of public opinion. The retort said that the emperor only banned prostitutes from officials but not civilians. How can this be said to be narrow-minded and can not be seen by others seeking pleasure.

Wei Han sighed: "Although the minister has arranged for someone to trace the source of the rumors, there is still no way to completely reverse the image of Your Majesty in the hearts of the people."

In addition to controlling the money, Wei Han is also the person in charge of public opinion. He is well aware of the harm of rumors.

@∞好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

The rumors opened their mouths and ran off their legs to refute the rumors. What's more, the emperor is the lord of a country, and the wealth of the world is the envy of countless people. If he is physically ill, other men will comfort him, and there is no benefit to being a emperor.

@∞好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City

"Your Majesty has no heirs. This rumor is afraid that it will be a hindrance to your Majesty."

The best way to dispel rumors is for the emperor to re-have a concubine and give birth to a prince or a prince. Whether he establishes a prince or not, it can prove that Qiao Qing is a very good man.

Qiao Qing sneered: "This kind of person, who cares about everything, is actually hitting my head."

She gave Wei Han a few words and asked him to deal with the rumors according to her requirements.

Sure enough, just as Qiao Qing said to Gao Fu before, shortly after the rumors spread, a bunch of ministers handed over papers to the emperor, and hoped that the emperor would accept the concubine.

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