After Waking up Beside the Villain

Chapter 184: It's good to wear "Pear Garden of the Republic of China" 28, he...

    Li Lingbi couldn't help but recall his acquaintance with Du Qi.

    Accounting carefully, it was only not long ago, but when I thought about it in a trance, it seemed like a long time ago.

    In the middle of the night, she was drunk and met the injured and unconscious Du Qi in the alley. Li Lingbi felt that she was bewitched by the appearance of this man. I came to a small yard that I bought privately.

      So he avoided Xuanqing River, made some money, and even set up a hidden residence for himself to avoid disasters.

    As soon as she arrived at this residence, the unconscious Du Qi woke up. When Du Qi woke up, he only remembered who he was, and he didn't know the rest.

    Li Lingbi found a wound on the back of Du Qi's head and suspected that Du Qi was traumatized and lost his memory.

    While he wondered that such a **** drama happened to him, he was a little bit delighted, wondering if he, like the characters who saved the male protagonist, could gain a loyal dog wolf dog.

    Of course, he already owns the Xuanqing River, so he will never cheat on him.

    However, everything is really like a dog-blood plot. The amnesiac Du Qi has a fledgling plot, gentle and affectionate, and often haunts Li Lingbi, which shakes his originally unsteady will and then shake.

    One rainy night, Du Qi suddenly developed a high fever and became confused. Li Lingbi couldn't refuse, so she stayed in Du Qi's room to take care of him.

    Half a push and a half, and it's done.

    The next day, Li Lingbi was annoyed and felt that Du Qi was tempted. After thinking about it, she wanted to drive people away, but she was a little reluctant. She struggled for a while, but found that Du Qi was long gone in the yard There was only a letter left, saying that he had recovered his memory and went home to deal with some things.

    Li Lingbi returned to Xuan's house in despair.

    The pharmaceutical factory has made great progress, Xuan Qinghe can be said to be obedient to him, but Li Lingbi always thinks back to the small yard and Du Qi.

    He couldn't help it, so he often went back secretly.

    But one day, as soon as the courtyard door was opened, he saw the Du Qi that he was thinking about day and night.

    That is, from then on, he and Du Qi expressed their feelings to each other, made clear each other's true identities and situation, and lived a life of dealing with Xuanqing River while being with Du Qi in the small courtyard Happy days together.

    Of course, in the face of Du Qi's inquiry to Xuanqinghe, his answer was only a partner, and the rest of the ambiguity was all rumors. Although Du Qi recovered his memory, he was still gentle and affectionate, and he believed whatever he said.

    Li Lingbi occasionally thinks about it and feels a little ashamed, but more of it is a strange sense of satisfaction.


    There may be some dangers of exposure, but he believes that whether it is the knowledge beyond this era or the prophetic understanding of the future in his mind, it is enough for him to put these two A man was tied tightly.

    Whoever gets him will get a golden finger. This golden finger still has a good appearance, which is a great thing. He believes that as long as he reconciles a little , Xuan Qinghe and Du Qi are pinching their noses, and they have to recognize this matter, unless they don't want him anymore.

    But that is impossible.

    During Li Lingbi's happiest days, Xuan Qinghe held him, Du Qi spoiled him, the pharmaceutical factory's penicillin had begun clinical trials, and everything seemed to be developing in a good direction.

    Unfortunately, this joy came easily, and it collapsed unexpectedly.

    The Xuan family fell apart overnight, and the fire of the pharmaceutical factory did not stop even under the coverage of the downpour.

    Li Lingbi fled when the green eagle rushed into Xuan's house.

    Fortunately, the Green Eagle was only targeting the pharmaceutical factory and did not intend to murder the Xuan family. He paid a few more silver dollars and slipped out smoothly.

    He took the only batch of penicillin produced by the pharmaceutical factory with him and hid it in the private yard. After that, in order not to arouse Xuan Qinghe's suspicion, he returned to Xuan's house.

    It was only after he returned to Xuan's house that he learned that Xuan Qinghe went out that night, saying that he was going to visit a big man and save the Xuan family, but he didn't want to, and he would never go there again. return.

    Until two or three days have passed, there is still no one in life, and no body in death.

    In such a world, disappearance is almost the same as death. Li Lingbi didn't want to wait any longer, so she planned to clean up and secretly find Du Qi.

    Without the Xuan family, he still has Du Qi and Tianminghui. When he talked to Du Qi about these drugs earlier, Du Qi revealed that the big figures in the upper class of Haicheng seemed to be talking about it too antibiotic.

    Li Lingbi is a little puzzled about this. After all, the emergence of antibiotics in history was not at this time, it was her own butterfly effect, or Xuanqinghe had used penicillin to test those characters before, so it came out. wind?

    Li Lingbi is unable to make an accurate judgment due to limited information, but now that penicillin has been produced, since those big men are interested, then he holds this thing, and it should only be a matter of time before he wants to make a comeback That's it.

    But he was out of luck.

    Just when he made up his mind to leave Xuan's house secretly, Gu Qishu led someone into Xuan's house, knocked him unconscious and kidnapped him without a word.

    Li Lingbi was puzzled and anxious. He knew Gu Qishu and knew that he was Xuan Qinghe's classmate, but he never thought that Gu Qishu would kidnap him.

    But soon, under the torture of Gu Qishu, both hard and soft, Li Lingbi finally understood that Xu Qishu saw something wrong with Xuanqinghe, and after secretly investigating, he locked his sight In myself, I want to get my own secret.

    Gu Qishu is still an ordinary person thinking, he just thought that he got some adventures, and never thought of crossing. Li Lingbi was vigilant and dealt with him carefully.

    However, after being imprisoned for only two days, he suddenly felt uncomfortable.


    In the psychedelic vision, Gu Qishu walked over on the wooden floor, stood a few steps away, glanced at him in disgust, and only said: "It's also a big smoker. Tie it up, Quit him. I need what's in his head, not a puddle of rotten paste."

    The days of agony begin.

    Li Lingbi didn't know how she came here in the first two days. When she was crazy, she hit the wall with her head, bit her own flesh and blood, knelt on the ground and begged for help. When she was awake, she was afraid and hated. As he tried to escape, he tried his best to think about where the smoke was.

    Xuanqinghe, who has been with him for a long time, is the person he is most suspicious of.

      If he messes up all those things, he doesn't feel bad?

    This again doesn't make sense.

    As for his second suspect...

    At this moment, Du Qi was running away from the alley behind him.

    "Ling Bi, wake up, we're here."

    A soft call pulled Li Lingbi's mind back.

    He looked up, but he had reached his own small yard before he knew it.

    No one knows about this yard except himself and Du Qi. Gu Qishu would have to work hard to find it, so it is indeed suitable for a temporary rest.

    "Seventh brother, I can go, let me down." Li Lingbi said.

    Du Qi didn't have to continue to carry it, he said carefully, and put Li Lingbi down.


    He was suspicious of Du Qi, so he didn't want to stay by his side anymore, but apart from Du Qi, he couldn't think of anyone to rely on.

    When he hesitated like this, Du Qi had already unlocked and turned around to help Li Lingbi enter the door.

    Not far away, two figures appeared at the corner of the alley, carefully watching the backs of Li Lingbi and Du Qi disappear into the courtyard.


    The two heads touched and whispered.

    "Do you want to do it?"

    "Wait a second, see what this Du Qi is trying to do, see his bad face, I think he didn't hold back his farts. I pretended to have amnesia here earlier, but I didn't Don't contact Tianminghui secretly. Go, follow first."

    In the main room of the small courtyard.

    Li Lingbi sat on the low bed, and Du Qi was busy with hot water and cooking for him.

     Leaning on the jade pillow on the couch, Li Lingbi opened her hands and feet gently, rubbing her ankles and wrists lightly, while looking at the half-closed door, to see the people walking back and forth in the dining room Du Qi's figure.

      Looking at the back, Li Lingbi felt reliable, warm and trustworthy at one time, but at the same time felt deep and uncertain and elusive.

    It's not the hand of Xuanqinghe, so it's not necessarily Du Qi.

    Li Lingbi thought.

    Maybe it was someone else, such as the Xuan family's young masters who had long been jealous of Xuanqinghe, such as a competitor with ulterior motives, who instructed the servant girl to do something to him is very likely. He and Du Qi haven't been together for a long time, and they don't eat much on weekdays, and they all eat together. It's really impossible.

    Li Lingbi closed her eyes and thought in a trance, unable to grasp her own thoughts. Since the first time he was addicted to smoking, his head has always been a little messy, and he can't think clearly.

    At this moment, Du Qi came in with hot tea and two plates of cakes.

    "I've made something to eat, but I'll have to wait a while. You'll have some dim sum first."

    Du Qi put the cake on the coffee table beside Li Lingbi, went out to get a basin of hot water, and squatted down to soak Li Lingbi's feet.

    Li Lingbi was also used to Du Qi pampering him like this, but she was a little suspicious and did not refuse to serve him.

    Hot steam.

    The slightly hot water wraps the feet, and the gentle pressing and rubbing relieve the soreness and fatigue. The tea entrance, with its mellow aroma, warms up the empty body.

    This comfortable environment made Li Lingbi relax a lot. He picked up a piece of cloud cake from the plate and put it in his mouth.

    It seems that he has given up smoking and has lost his appetite, and he has not been able to eat properly for a long time. As soon as this cloud cake is eaten, Li Lingbi feels extremely delicious, and his spirit is lifted. Hunger also came.

      When he was in a hurry, he even picked up three or four pieces and stuffed them into his mouth. It was like the reincarnation of a hungry ghost.

    Du Qi saw the scum of the cakes falling, and looked up, but did not stop Li Lingbi from gobbling it.

    When most of the cakes in the plate were gone, Li Lingbi's hand holding the plate suddenly shook and released softly. The plate of celadon rolled down the low bed, and Du Qiyi raised his hand and caught it firmly.

    He straightened up, got closer, and whispered: "Ling Bi."

    Li Lingbi covered half of her face with her sleeve, her expression blurred and dazed, she heard the sound and snorted, but her eyes were out of focus, unable to focus on Du Qi's face, only the corners of her mouth were strangely curved He got up and showed a sweet smile towards Du Qi.

    After examining Li Lingbi's reaction for a while, Du Qi finally slowly put away his gentle, obedient, loyal and affectionate expression.

    The thick and cold desire, the fanatical and repressed malice, all poured out in an instant, submerging every muscle and every inch of Du Qi's face. He turned his head like a venomous snake with its upper body erected, convulsively turning his head, spitting out blood-red letters and a fishy smell at his prey.

    "Isn't it good to stay with me, Ling Bi?"

    Du Qi's voice became softer and gentler, as if he was muttering to his beloved, begging for his love.

    "I know you doubt me. But who's to blame?"

    "Only you."

      Are you going to lose your memory? Your intentions are not pure."

    "If I really lose my memory, I'm afraid I will really be tricked by you."

    "But fortunately, I coaxed you. Unfortunately, you are not good at all, you still go to Xuan's house to see Xuanqinghe, and come to see me with his taste, but you are still unwilling to give up Xuanqinghe, Tell me your secrets, give me your antibiotics, your guns, your machines, your—your brains."

    "So look, who's to blame? It's just you."

      Just tell me where they are, okay?"

    "Honestly answer, I can make more and more delicious pastries for you to eat-"

    Before she finished speaking, Li Lingbi, who seemed to be wandering in the sky with a psychedelic expression, suddenly opened her half-closed eyes, and grabbed a pair of scissors on the shelf with her hand hanging by the couch, and suddenly raised it, He stabbed straight at Du Qi.

    "You really did it!"

    Du Qi was not surprised, sneered, and grabbed the arm that Li Lingbi was attacking with his backhand.


    Li Lingbi struggled to get up, hatred to the sky.

    Du Qi raised his leg and squeezed, cut his hands, and laughed suddenly: "Ling Bi, what do you want me to say about you. It's rare to be clever, but he couldn't hold his breath, Acting is not good at all. Are you taking a shot at me now, are you fearless, or are you too stupid?"

    "Du Qi, let me go!" Li Lingbi kicked her legs, trying to overturn Du Qi.


    Du Qi was right, he smoked too much cigarettes, his mind was really confused, he couldn't hold back when he was a little provoked, he wanted revenge, but he completely ignored that he didn't have any The ability to retaliate.

    Du Qi grabbed Li Lingbi's hair with one hand, Li Lingbi screamed in pain, and began to curse.

    The scolding was very hard to hear, but Du Qi seemed to have not heard it, and looked at Li Lingbi like a monkey show, and said softly: "Ling Bi, look at yourself."

    "Incense, hypocritical, stupid, arrogant, except for your secrets and this good appearance, there is really nothing about you that is worth looking at. It's just that you don't have the slightest self-knowledge, You always look like your eyes are higher than the top, but what should you look like?"

    "It's what it looks like now. A lowly actor, a low-level plaything."

    Li Lingbi's stamina came to an end, his struggling limbs gradually stopped, he scolded, and a **** ho gasping sound came out of his throat.

    He opened his eyes wide, his pupils cloudy and blurred, but he still turned upwards, staring at Du Qi.

    Du Qi leaned over slightly, pressed against Li Lingbi's ear, and said softly: "Ling Bi, tell me where the things you brought from the Xuan family are hidden, and prove to me your worth, I will still cook for you, wash your feet, and obey you as before."

     "The opium business in Haicheng has been suppressed by Yu Jingzhi all day long, but I still have the majority. You can eat as much cloud cake as you want."

    Li Lingbi's Adam's apple moved uncontrollably.

      Something, in... in the east wing..."

    Du Qi's expression was slightly tight, and he listened intently.

    At this moment, a loud gunshot exploded behind Du Qi.

    Du Qi snorted, swayed, and immediately rolled behind the low bed.

    Using the cover of the low bed, he drew his gun and fired two shots at the window, then stopped staying, rushed to the back window of the bedroom, and jumped out.

    When she jumped out of the window, Du Qi wanted to shoot Li Lingbi backhand. He knows very well that Li Lingbi's things, anyone who gets it is a help, he can't get it, and he can't let other forces get it.

    But as soon as he showed signs of stopping, the gunshots in front sounded again, chasing after him.

    Judging from the gunfire, there were at least two people.

    In normal times, let alone two people, it would be three or five people, and Du Qi would not pay attention, but just now he was attacked by a sneak attack, and he was shot in the back. If you add new injuries, if you fight again, it will be unfavorable for yourself.

    Without hesitation, Du Qi broke through the back door and quickly got into the alley.

    When he came to the corner, he paused and glanced back at the small courtyard, full of ruthlessness and unwillingness.

    In the small courtyard at this time, two men forced Du Qi to retreat. Instead of pursuing the victory, they returned to the bedroom and set up Li Lingbi.

    Li Lingbi's body was as soft as noodles.

    "Who are you...?" he asked.



    When Chu Yunsheng got the news that Li Lingbi was captured, he just finished a few drawings and came out of the study.

    "Captured Li Lingbi?"

    He went into the bedroom and asked.

    Yu Jingzhi had already changed out of the nightgown that he was going to wear for bed, and was buttoning his shirt one by one, when he heard the movement, he glanced at Chu Yunsheng and laughed: "Exactly He said that he didn't intend to arrest him at first, but seeing that he was going to be ruined if he stayed at Du Qi's place, he thought of saving a life, better than building a seven-level pagoda."

    "Want to meet?"

    Yu Jingzhi picked up Chu Yunsheng's jacket, walked over, and raised his hand.

    Seeing Li Lingbi, Chu Yunsheng is everything, and he is not curious about Li Lingbi. But Yu Jingzhi obviously wanted Chu Yunsheng to accompany him.

    Chu Yunsheng took the jacket and did not reject Yu Jingzhi's proposal.

    The two walked out of the small building all the way to Yufu.

    Arriving at Yu Mansion, and being led by Liu Er, Chu Yunsheng discovered that Li Lingbi’s small courtyard was closed, and it was Fengxiang Ban who brought Bai Chu to sing at the church on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. Yard, things are not unfortunate.

    The room was dark, only a kerosene lamp was lit.

    The yellow light was shining, and Li Lingbi leaning on the chair drew a shadow.

    Hearing the sound of the door and footsteps, his body froze, and he slowly raised his face, and there was a deep despair and grief on his face.

    However, it was not those familiar faces who entered the door.

    Li Lingbi was stunned for a moment, and said indifferently: "You are..."

    Chu Yunsheng did not answer, but Yu Jingzhi smiled warmly and kindly, and said, "Yu Jingzhi. Come on, you have heard of me."

    Yu Jingzhi? !

    Li Lingbi was so excited that she almost jumped from the chair.

    His memory of this scumbag male protagonist in "Pear Garden of the Republic of China" is too deep, whether it is his ruthlessness, unscrupulousness, or his ruthless strength, power covers the sky, all It left a terrifying impression on Li Lingbi.

    It can be said that in his eyes, Yu Jingzhi is an unpredictable and moody demon king.

    He remembered that when he first wore it, he glanced at the legendary Mr. Yu from a distance, his appearance was blurred, and he could not make out clearly, but his murderous and unblinking ferocity, But it looked real.

    He was frightened, so he was able to avoid this Mr. Yu in the following days, so he quickly avoided him.

    Before Bai Chu approached Yu Jingzhi's failure, he didn't dare to agitate Bai Chu again, for fear that he would involve himself in and put him in front of Yu Jingzhi's eyes.

    But at the moment, the gentle smile said he was Yu Jingzhi - Li Lingbi slowly and heart-stoppingly matched the vague facial features in his memory with the person in front of him, fear in his heart And panic almost rose to the highest.

    Alright, why was he **** by Yu Jingzhi!

    At this time, even Gu Qishu, who came, was stronger than the current situation.

    "Yu, Mr. Yu, you came to me, yes..." Li Lingbi suppressed the chaotic thoughts in her mind, did not think about the horror of Yu Jingzhi, and spoke as calmly and carefully as possible.

    Yu Jingzhi did not intend to talk nonsense with Li Lingbi.

    He looked at Li Lingbi for a few seconds and said straight to the point: "You said you came from China a hundred years later, but is it true?"

    "What, what?"

    Li Lingbi was taken aback, she never thought that one of Yu Jing's mouths was asking this: "Mr. Yu, I don't quite understand... How could I, I be from a hundred years later, this is completely It's too fake to talk about a dream... I'm just an ordinary person... Yes, yes! Did you know that the Xuan family's pharmaceutical factory has developed a miracle drug, antibiotics, do you think you need it? As long as you are willing to help me leave Haicheng , I can take those..."

    "No need."

    Yu Jingzhi cut off Li Lingbi's somewhat confused words.

    Li Lingbi's expression froze, and she froze in fear.

    Chu Yunsheng was listening, but it was not surprising that Li Lingbi finally tinkered with penicillin, but he was a little surprised by how nervous and frightened he was when facing Yu Jing. Looking at Li Lingbi's performance, if he didn't know, he would think that Yu Jingzhi was a man-eating demon.

    The room fell silent for a while.

    Yu Jingzhi lowered his eyes slightly, as if he was thinking about something, hesitating about something.

    Li Lingbi whispered: "If you don't need drugs, then...guns, ammunition, new machines, I can also...and the future situation, what will happen in the future, you..."

    "None of them."

    The Way of the Mirror.

    He adjusted his sitting position and raised his eyes, but instead of looking at Li Lingbi, he quietly stared at the swaying wick of the kerosene lamp on the table.

    After a moment of silence, he said, "I don't need what you said. Before I came to see you, I had some questions I wanted to ask you, but now it seems that there are no necessary."

    Li Lingbi opened her eyes slightly, not understanding what Yu Jingzhi meant.

    When Chu Yunsheng heard this, he probably knew what Yu Jingzhi was thinking about after hesitating for so long.

    There are some things that he can't ask Chu Yunsheng, and Chu Yunsheng is not necessarily easy to answer, but he can ask Li Lingbi and listen to Li Lingbi's answer. And he always had a feeling that Chu Yunsheng and Li Lingbi were different, they didn't come from the same place.

      An unknown future for which they are still working.

    Everything is different, and it must be different.

    In the end, Chu Yunsheng and Yu Jingzhi left the Yu residence without asking anything.

    Among the three, only Li Lingbi was completely confused about this meeting and could not understand what was going on. But he didn't think that anyone could really reject the advanced things in his head, especially a careerist and big man like Yu Jingzhi.

     He has been waiting for Yu Jingzhi to reveal his true purpose.

    And this is ten days and a half months.

    Li Lingbi did not see the second side of Yu Jingzhi again until he took the last dose of smoking cessation pills and initially got rid of the control of big smoke.

    He began to doubt in disbelief.

    Is it true that what Yu Jingzhi said that night is not necessary? Is he really different from Xuan Qinghe, Gu Qishu, and Du Qi?

    But if Yu Jingzhi is really asked to answer Li Lingbi's question, his answer is probably the same as others. If there is no Chu Yunsheng, and he knows the strangeness of Li Lingbi, then he must squeeze out the things in Li Lingbi's mind to strengthen the power of Haicheng.

    Compared with others, at best, the means are gentler and better-looking, but the things they seek are the same. He never considered himself a good person.

    He also wanted to ask Li Lingbi that day, in that future, in the new China, will there be more people like him?

    But he thought about it, but still didn't ask.

    However, the answer shouldn't be too bad.

    The matter of Li Lingbi is just a small wave, and it will be forgotten.

    After locking people up, both Chu Yunsheng and Yu Jingzhi quickly forgot Li Lingbi and couldn't remember them. They were busy with many important things, and the most important one at the moment was Gao Lan's reception.

    August 24th, the sky is high and crisp, and the autumn is gradually coming.

    Gao Lan issued invitations widely and entertained guests at Wanghai Building.

    Chu Yunsheng flipped through the invitation and said solemnly, "Hongmen Banquet."

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