Age of Adepts

Chapter 0311


The strong strong acid spilled on the wooden door of the face, even without the sorcerer array arranged above, the entire secret door was destroyed.

Four apprentice grinned and looked at the mess, and then look at Alice’s sudden summon out of this slimy Magic Puppet, which is like a slim, and even deeper, there is a silent wolverine.

Hey, since there is such an Adept level Powerful Magic Puppet, why not call it out early? Have to wait for a few of us to eat enough, only to release the garbage!

However, on the bright side, several apprentice attitudes towards Alice have become more respectful.

Nonsense, anyone who can call Adept level Magic Puppet’s Pseudo-Adept in the face of a wave, I am afraid to be as cautiously as they are. I am afraid that the other side will see that he is not pleasing to the eye, and an Acidic Spit is sprayed over, so it is really not without a burial site!

Even the Witchcraft’s dense facade with super-defensive power is also defeated by the Corruptor’s strong acid solution of up to 50 degrees, and they have a few small apprentices, which may not be enough for the other party to swallow.

With the Corruptor, the latter exploration is much easier.

Although Sac is the veteran elite Adept, his Witchcraft trap is not only concealed but also formidable power. But lost the host of Sac himself, and here is not the formal Adept Tower, so the general trap of the dead can not block the violent demolition of the Corruptor.

Whether it’s a Witchcraft secret, a Witchcraft trap, or a dimensional space seal, Corruptor squirts green. Then everything will turn into a white smoke in the strong acid corrosion of the cockroach, and can no longer play its due function.

In the three secret rooms at the end of the corridor, they successfully discovered the magic laboratory, the collection room and the study room left by Sack Adept.

Alice heads up with a Corruptor and walks into the secret door, looking around at the lab and waving a small hand.

“Go, I will find out all the valuable things here. Whoever brings back enough things is good enough, this adult will naturally appreciate the merits. Quickly…”

At the urging of Alice, the four Apprentice Adept immediately screamed at all corners like a chicken blood. Here after all is a magic laboratory set up by a veteran elite Adept, and find out that everything is enough for them to be used up.

The big heads are of course Alice’s adults, and they only need a small amount of negligence!

Alice stood completely motionless, carrying a small hand and squinting, seemingly waiting for something.

Sure enough, just as everyone was eager to collect the resources and treasures, a dangerous instinct that could not be described in words concealed Alice’s heart.

Yes, that’s the feeling!

Alice’s heart trembled, and the sharp rays of light were shot in the tight eyes.

The last time in the forest camp, she suddenly felt this inexplicable horror, and then quickly attacked, so she is familiar with this feeling!

On that dark night, she, Alice, a little Pseudo-Adept, truly realized the powerlessness in the face of a strong enemy!

Space defense… was crushed by the giant snake Adept!

Space cutting… was taken directly by the damn Illusionist.

Bird cages… her space method simply cannot break through the in vitro protection of two Adepts.

And just as she was about to give up all the escape from the camp, she was hit by the weird Adept Pupil of Petrification. Thus, the power of a powerful petrifaction raged in her with the body, which quickly made her legs numb and stiff, and then turned into a gray stone without any vitality.

As a last resort, Alice could only escape with Kabi while resisting the force of petrifaction.

Unfortunately, the two Adept seem to be prepared, and each time they can accurately find her delivery location, and then aggressively chasing it. And she, with the body, most of the strength is used to resist the force of petrifaction, once the Strength of Space is used frequently, the body is more and more petrifaction.

In the end, Alice can only leave Kabi to flee alone, but still can’t get rid of the other’s pursuit.

Finally, at the end of a transfer, the force of the petrifaction with the body can no longer be controlled, and Alice becomes a stone man in the horror of little by little.

What is it like?

I can clearly feel that every inch of my flesh and blood is losing consciousness, and I can clearly perceive that my internal organs have become heavy and hard, and my body gradually loses control, and my consciousness gradually sinks. I want to yell, but I find that my vocal cords have been petrifaction, I want to cry, but I find that I can’t even finish the action of crying…

This body has been petrifaction dead, and his soul has survived for a short time, slowly waiting for the last fear and pain of eternal loss of consciousness, people who have not experienced can not understand!

Two Adept chased over and found her body after a full petrifaction.

However, just as the giant snake Adept planned to smash her and clean up the task, the female Illusionist proposed to leave her. When Alice’s soul is completely dead, it must be a very good collection!

As they waited, Alice was trapped in the body of the petrifaction, cursing, crying, pleading and desperate. Unfortunately, in the black space of the consciousness space, she is a lonely prisoner, unable to break, and can not pass any sound and consciousness out…

Later, she did not know what was going on.

Perhaps the bloody butcher’s help message saved her, and the two Adept hurried away, which did not reveal the strange spatial fluctuations she had with the body.

That is the strength of Void Stone!

Then, after a long time, Grim’s familiar spiritual fluctuation penetrated into the dark dead consciousness space, and Alice only cried.

At that time, Alice really realized that she was able to cry freely and sometimes it was a kind of happiness!

Maybe Alice was closed in the cold and eternal dark consciousness space for only one night, but this night has never been more meaningful to her. In her consciousness, it is a very long, even long, eternal time for people to go crazy and some want to collapse.

She is called not to be indifferent to the earth every day… She is afraid, she is desperate, she is crying, she mourns… But it makes no sense! There is only herself in the cold consciousness space!

The innate talent that once relied heavily on is so fragile at this moment, so fragile that it is not to save her life, that is, she can’t do suicide.

How many times her thoughts have gone through the darkness of death, she has not been able to find out. When she gave up her pride and gave up the external illusory strength, Alice’s first, devout, hard work, exhausted the entire Soul Power’s belief to worship the only thing that could bring her hope.


She prayed piously…

No longer bargaining with fate, no longer always asking for something from fate…

Alice is willing to be a believer in fate, pick up her mission, and go on…

Just as Alice recognized the essence of her strength, Grim’s Spiritual Consciousness fluctuated like a god, breaking through the dark cage and coming in.

At that moment, Alice actually wanted to cry, but she smiled silently in the dark!

For Alice’s subtle mind-conscious shift, Grim certainly can’t understand it.

After all, he was also faced with the instep of the body petrifaction, the abyss and madness of the abyss, hurriedly took Alice and Kabi back to Ferdinand City, and there was a thought to slowly taste everything that happened to Alice.

It wasn’t until she ordered Alice’s magic rune-marked body that Grim noticed her change.

Alice, who has always been known for her violent black-belly, has abandoned all Magic rune components that enhance her space’s innate talent, and has asked Grim to enhance its Spirit’s acumen and transparency.

This kind of request is unheard of, and it is beyond the scope of Grim’s understanding. It was from that moment that Grim realized the changes that took place on Alice.

Alice really believes in fate and is willing to believe in fate. This is extremely valuable!

After all, the space innate talent is tangible and tangible. As long as it is strengthened, it will immediately enhance her combat effectiveness and survivability. The fate is always illusory, you don’t know where it comes from, and you don’t know how to train it.

It is undoubtedly a huge waste to smash resources on such things!

At least most of Adept thinks so.

However, Grim certainly does not belong to this part of Adept.

To be honest, Alice’s innate talent is really eye-catching, but no matter how good the innate talent is, it’s impossible to get the title Destiny Sorceress. At Adept World, there are only thirteen Sorceress titles, and they are the core skeleton that supports the large group of Northern Witch.

After tens of thousands of years of change, the once powerful Northern Witch thirteen branches, some prosperous, some decline, and Destiny Sorceress is undoubtedly part of the branch severance.

But as long as Destiny Sorceress’s inheritance rule is integrated into the vast consciousness of Adept World, its inheritance cannot be really cut off.

Over the years, the emergence of a large number of Destiny Sorceress inheritances with strange innate talents indicates that after a thousand years of silence, the Destiny Sorceress branch is about to usher in a new rise!

To this end, the Northern Witch Group even sent a lot of Guides, and they are continuing to bring these Destiny Sorceress inheritors back to the Tower of Destiny.

And eight years later Struggle of Destiny will start as scheduled!

At that time, no matter who survives, it will become the real Destiny Sorceress, which will make one more existing branch of the entire Northern Witch Group.

At this moment, the guy who is so obsessed with killing Alice is probably the “Struggle of Destiny” eight years later.

Or there is a strong force behind a Destiny Sorceress inheritance to support her, to clear the competitors for her. Or Adept Continent Some forces are reluctant to see the strength of the Northern Witch group continue to grow, so they consciously attack the Destiny Sorceress’s inheritance ceremony.

In short, Alice felt her danger so clearly for the first time!

And this trip to Wyrick Castle is an adventure and a fishing action!


She is a bait, so who is the fish?

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