Age of Adepts

Chapter 0320

“Divination Technique?” Grim screamed in shock. “You said that you gave up all your abilities, in exchange for a Divination Technique?”

“It seems like you said it!” Alice has a look like it should be by rights: “Destiny Sorceress is following the path of fate. Is it wrong with me?”

“But I didn’t let you give up everything?” Grim thought he was going crazy: “You…you even gave up your own space innate talent, then eight years later ‘Struggle of Destiny’, you rely on What to fight for?”

“Of course it’s fate!” Alice smugly smugly: “You still don’t know? My Divination Technique is very spiritual!”

Grim is silent.

If he had said that the guys who had become divination and prophecy in the day were the gods, now the group has become a madman in his eyes. Of course, it also includes this ‘idiot’ in front of you!

Really made him unexpected.

When Alice was promoted to Adept, she sacrificed everything to find her fate.

And everything she gave up included her inventing space innate talent!

Very smoothly, Alice became an Adept.

But she…has lost all her abilities, leaving only a ‘Divination Technique’ that the ghost knows is useful.

Although, according to Grim’s original idea, I hope that Alice will infinitely strengthen his Destiny Sorceress position and take the auxiliary Path. But at least it should be put after the ‘Struggle of Destiny’!

Early Stage tried to strengthen its combat capability and waited to win the ‘Struggle of Destiny’ in transition. This is the most secure path to development. Now that she has lost all her abilities, what will she be prepared to win over each other and her competing contenders after eight years?

A Sorceress that only Divination Technique!

Grim covered his face and wanted to get bigger.

God, are you not wanting to play with me? My Void Stone! My Early Stage investment! It’s so blushing…

Perhaps it was frightened by Grim’s resentful eyes, and Alice, who was full of self-satisfaction, finally knew the timidity. She moved to Grim and grabbed his robe and gently swayed: “You don’t have to worry, my Divination Technique is very spiritual. I will be able to protect myself when I arrive!”

Grim silently sighed and finally turned his attention to the Divination Technique that Alice repeatedly mentioned.

“What kind of ability do you have in this Divination Technique now?”

“It can answer some of my questions, and… can help me… find something!” Alice stuttered.

Oh, it really is a powerful ability!

Grim has the feeling of wanting to cry and cry.

“Then tell me, where is the legendary ‘Doom Pendulum’?” Grim thought about it, and looked at Alice with full entanglement.

Ok, well, losing the combat capability will lose the combat capability. But if she can become a Heavenly Eye and become an Adept World encyclopedia, the price she paid before seems not too bad!

“‘The doom pendulum’ is the legendary sorcerer Artifact of the Great Adept, and my ability is not enough to find this kind of item!” Alice couldn’t help but roll the eyes.

“Sacred agate?”


“Dragon’s tooth?”




“How long can I live?”

“do not know……”



“What does Sanaza like most?”

“do not know……”



“Where do I need to go to find the volcano World that suits me?”


The two asked each question.

Whether it is the legendary top-level Sorcerer Artifact, or some equipment that is only heard in the ancient books, Alice is shaking his head. When Grim lowered the standard again and again, as long as the high rank Adept was involved, Alice’s answer was also ‘unknown’.

Just as Grim was finally ready to give up, he replied to the question that most troubled him during this time, and… and Alice gave the answer in an uncharacteristically.


This is what the hell? Why have you never heard of it!

But the advantage of having a chip is that the information he can’t remember, or who is too lazy to remember, will be re-remembered at the first moment he needs.


That’s right, I think of it. It seems to be a relatively well-known danger in the eastern part of the Sandtalin Region. It is close to the Black Forest, and there are often jungle monsters that come out to harass humans, so it is a particularly unsafe area in the Sandalin area.

There will be an underground volcano that you can’t find anywhere?

Be aware that throughout Continent Central, all resource-rich areas have been occupied by the large and small Adept Family. The area where the underground volcano is present is recognized as a natural resource point, where the special geographical environment usually breeds rare resources not found on the surface World.

So if Alvis has an underground volcano, it is impossible to enter without Adept Family!

With a suspicious expression, Grim couldn’t help but pick up a map of the entire area of ​​Sandtalin from the table and began to study it carefully.

“Are you sure there will be an underground volcano I’ve been looking for?” Grim couldn’t help but ask.

Maybe it was because Grim asked too formal, Alice’s body trembled, and the two big purple eyes suddenly became completely black. And she seems to be changing someone. The expressionless replies with a cold voice: “Go! Go there! There, you can find what you want…”

In a word, Alice, who was ‘blackened,’ slammed a cold war and suddenly recovered his mind.

“I… What’s wrong with me? I… just… what did you say?”

Grim noticed that the black in Alice’s eyes had faded, and the gleaming big eyes returned to agility.

“No…nothing…” Grim smiled and comforted Alice.

However, the vulgar voice of the other side has been echoing in his mind for a long time.

“Chip, did the situation just be recorded?” Grim communicated silently in his mind.

*Beep*, already recorded! ”

“Is there any analysis result?”

*Beep* , there are several possibilities: Destiny Sorceress’s true form 87%, plan assimilation 11%, and the spirit possessed 1%… the rest may be lower than 1%, not showing…”

The true form of Destiny Sorceress?

If Grim didn’t feel wrong, he hadn’t noticed a half-humanity in Alice’s ‘blackened’, but instead had a weird look that confronted Advanced Level.

Doesn’t this mean that once Alice goes further and further on Destiny Sorceress’s path, it can become a strange existence that is difficult for outsiders to understand. But think about yourself, Grim feels relieved.

To this day, he does not seem to be a real human!

Seriously, he has completed the Elemental Body, and he has long been able to replace the current flesh and blood with Elemental Life. Instead of suppressing yourself, keep yourself in this critical state of Elemental Life and flesh and blood.

Now Grim, is reluctant to give up his flesh and blood.

Therefore, he can only use the flesh and blood as the skeleton, and the Fire Element as the nourishment, continue to maintain the current status. To do this, he must bear the 27% of the combat power decay!

No way, when he was in the body, the Fire Element was too rich, the first one could not bear the part of the flesh and blood that he still survived.

This is also a helpless thing!

Shaking his head up these annoying things, Grim calmly said: “Okay! Since you have lost your ability to protect yourself, I don’t want to run around during this time. Stay in Adept Tower. Master this unique ‘Divination Technique’!”

“Who said that I don’t have the ability to protect myself?” Alice suddenly smiled amazedly: “I still have it!”

As soon as the voice fell, Alice’s white and delicate right hand stretched out, and a strange silver light suddenly appeared on her palm, and there was a load of floating up there.

“Void Stone?!” Grim is not too familiar with this strange feeling. Seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn’t help but read the name in a word.

By the way, Alice was so shocked by the way she was so singular that Grim almost forgot that she with the body also sealed a Void Stone.

But the previous Void Stone seemed to suddenly run away, a pair of Alice to completely swallow. But now… Grim is close to the body, carefully looking at the silver light in Alice’s hand, and the surprised expression on his face can’t be concealed.

Is Void Stone not an entity? How did it become a virtual body at this moment?

Alice is like a little girl who suddenly got a beloved toy. Both hands are holding the squeeze and kneading. The silver light group is also transformed into various forms in her hands like a dough.

“Don’t play dumb puzzles, tell me quickly, what’s going on?” Grim couldn’t help but anxiously tapped Alice’s skull.

There are so many singular things that I have experienced today, and he is too lazy to continue to guess what, and instead use the easiest way to get the answers he wants.

“You also know that this Void Stone has been integrated with me before I was promoted, and almost swallowed me. This process has been irreversible, but with my success, it was given by the Strength of Natural Law. Excluded. Its strength is no longer strong enough to be stronger than Adept World’s Strength of Natural Law!”

“Why did it change shape?” Grim still doubts.

“Because it has completely integrated my Spiritual Consciousness!”

“Is it really integrated with you, or is there no fusion?” Grim is almost mad at this problem.

“Seriously, it blends me without the promotion, but I am merged after the promotion! So, it is now part of my Spiritual Consciousness and can be controlled by me.”

“So… what does this mean?”

“Of course it indicates that I can borrow the Strength of Space again!”

Before she spoke, Alice stood in front of Grim and smiled, but when this sentence ended, she appeared silently on Grim’s side.

In the process, Grim did not feel any spatial fluctuations.

My day!

Grim can’t help suck in a cold breath.

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