Chapter 0322

A small-type banquet was held in the Grim residence.

A long table full of fine food, twenty or thirty silhouettes of sly.

Although the number is small, the atmosphere at the scene is very warm.

Whether it’s staying in Adept Tower or staying outside, the family Adept has arrived, and each person leads several apprentices. Being able to be taken by Official Adept is not a well-trained Pseudo-Adept, but an innate talent of Advanced Level apprentice.

The receptionist is the 5 apprentice and goblin Kabi under Grim.

Despite being very busy, Kodak and the others are full of excitement and warmth to serve everyone present. Every once in a while, their eyes will drift involuntarily to the beautiful girl who is active in the Adept.

Yes, the female Sorceress Queen, Alice still has no breakdown of the eight-year-old girl’s body seal, and her figure still remains in her eight-year-old status. So, such a ‘small’ guy is in a group or black-robed or red robe’s Official Adept, how to see how it looks out!

However, there are more apprentices on the scene, and no one dares to take this to make fun of it.

Alice’s current status is completely different from them.

Once it became Official Adept, even if it was just a new Adept, it had already created an invisible, but real, class gap between them and their apprentice.

Despite the rumors outside, Alice is a female Sorceress Queen who has lost all of Witchcraft’s abilities and turned into a pure diviner. But Adept is Adept! Even if the other side’s strength is weaker, it is only for the Adept group.

For this group of apprentice, the other party is still the mountain that is always insurmountable on their heads!

Adept has a circle of Adept, and apprentice also has a circle of apprentice.

When the crowds of Adept gathered together for a chat, a group of apprentices were also gathered together in small groups to discuss the interesting stories and rumors of the family territory and surrounding areas.

Some acquainted apprentices are taking the opportunity to move around and try to make the best of their potential.

Three days ago, Alice, like them, was an Apprentice Adept, but now it has become an integral figure that they must treat with respect. This inspirational story clearly inspired the passion and passion of every apprentice, and made the inner Qi atmosphere more and more hot.

“Alice, congratulations!” First of all, I congratulate Alice on the body of Ferdinand City’s Body Refining Adept Kiel, and he has a small and delicate look from his arms. The top is inlaid with a fist-sized turquoise Magic. Wand: “This is a Nether Soul scepter, which is sealed with an Adept level Evil Spirit. It is very good to use it for self-defense. This is my gift to you!”

“Thank you!” Alice had a sweet smile on her face and took the gift happily.

Standing on the side, Ferrier Adept glanced at Kiel, and sighed: “I don’t think of Kiel, you still blame the girl for being happy. If so, then I will send you a gift. Give, Alice, this is A bottle of hydrated potion that keeps your skin hydrated and smooth for a long time. You just finished the stage and it is the stage where the body needs to be nursed back…”

“Thank you Ferrier elder sister!” Alice’s smile on her face was sweeter.

Seeing that both of his companions were giving out gifts, the remaining Kou Gen and Harrison couldn’t help but smile, and they could only find their own storage space.

In the end, Kou Gen took out a clarified and pure white crystal, which was perfect for making a crystal ball for divination. Harrison gave Alice a Witchcraft flip ring that bounces a directional Witchcraft to Caster, which is a nice body-protected magicicked item.

Alice is obviously also a small ‘financiful fan’, suddenly getting as many treasures, unique items, laughing eyes can not open. Both hands holding these things, there is a silly music there.

“Let’s find another place to celebrate! We are here, these Little Brats can’t open…” Grim smiled and led several Adepts into the Chamber.

With the departure of these ‘old fellows’, the atmosphere in the banquet hall was instantly hot. Each and everyone Apprentices, who were not impudent by the Adept gas field, could finally celebrate with impunity.

Several apprentices and goblin Kabi belonging to the Grim family were surrounded by people, and everyone asked about the case of ‘Alice Adept’, the exaggeration of speech in one’s feelings in one’s speech.

Due to the need of the plane battlefield, the family Adept has been drawn to the alien plane, resulting in a relatively low level of Sarubo Clan’s resident Adept in Adept Continent. Every family Adept basically represents a huge power and benefit.

These things Adept may not be particularly concerned, but for them, apprentice, standing behind Adept, represents a huge and intractable benefit.

If you compare Sarubo Clan to a large whale population, then the many Apprentice Adepts around it are small fish that live on the residue of the food left behind. If they are able to maintain good interpersonal relationships with any of them, the personal gains they receive will also increase.

Sarubo Clan’s resident Adept is not much. Now, Fire Demon has two of them. So Kodak and Meryl, Fire Demon’s Pseudo-Adept will undoubtedly rise and get more resources from the family.

This hidden benefit is enough to make any young Pseudo-Adept jealous!

Irrespective of the ups and downs between apprentice, Grim’s group of Adept simple parties talked a few words and left. Although it is the same as Sarubo Clan’s Adept, everyone has their own secrets, and the content of personal research is not easily shared with others.

Therefore, the relationship between Adept is also a little thin, more is just a mutual use and investment!

Grim The power of Fire Demon is well known.

Whether it is a plane battlefield or a family war, his weight is far more than the old Adept of Kou Gen. And Alice is a heart-warming Northern Witch with a God Holy Light ring of Destiny Sorceress candidates.

You know, once Alice becomes Destiny Sorceress, even if she is just a First Grade Sorceress, she immediately has the same powers and benefits as those of the Fourth Grade Sorceress. In accordance with the ancient traditions and inheritance, the remaining Sorceress factions must spit out the enemies of the Destiny Sorceress, giving the fate a chance to re-emerge!

This is a tradition and a covenant!

When any Sorceress faction rises again after a period of ups and downs, other Sorceress factions must provide the necessary protection and support. It is this tradition of mutual help and help that the 13 Sorceress factions will inherit and remain firmly in the Northern Territory of Adept Continent.

So investing properly in a Sorceress candidate is definitely something worth doing. However, if Alice wants to get the full support of Sarubo Clan, I am afraid that more consultations and more exchange of interests will be necessary.

After all, Sana’s tortured intelligence shows that among the candidates for this selection of Destiny Sorceress, there are many elite descendants among other Sorceress factions.

The angel of Witch of Deceit, Angelina, sent someone to smother Alice, so that her granddaughter and her granddaughter unexpectedly became the awakener of Destiny Sorceress bloodline. In order to ensure that her direct bloodline can successfully become Destiny Sorceress, she has sent a large number of people, smashing the awakener who has lost her identity.

By helping the blood relatives, Angelina can also avoid other Sorceress accusations of her involvement in the destiny selection. Therefore, her actions seem so unscrupulous, even to an unbearable level.

There is a mountain she is there, and the rest of the Adept Family or organizational forces become hesitant when they choose to support them.

After all, Angelina is a Fourth Grade Sorceress, and her men have hundreds of formal Sorceress, so that a heavy strength, no one dare to ignore it.

To be honest, if Grim is not deeply involved in the ‘Struggle of Destiny’, with the strength of Sarubo Clan, it is simply not willing to make any investment in Alice’s ‘dead man’.

This can be seen from today’s celebration banquet.

Several Adepts sent a blessing and a gift to Alice on behalf of the individual, but the Sanaza Third Grade Adept on behalf of Sarubo Clan did not show up at all. Sarubo Clan and Alice signed a service contract in just eight years, just before the start of the ‘Struggle of Destiny’.

This is enough to explain the attitude of Sarubo Clan!

They are not optimistic about Alice’s ‘destiny’.

Even if it’s not good, if you don’t look at Grim’s face, and Alice also becomes Adept, I’m afraid Sarubo Clan will even hand over Alice ‘apprentice’, and exchange some benefits from the Witch of Deceit faction. Now!

So when Alice smiled and sent away all the guests, and said goodbye to Grim, she returned to her home alone, and the smile on her face faded away, and she changed into a dignified look.

Although she has a girllike body and appearance, she has a keen mind of a sixteen-year-old girl.

Sarubo Clan’s position is so obvious, how can she not understand it!

It’s not to say goodbye now, to find a place to hide, or to shelter from Grim’s wings and become a vassal of the other side…

This kind of kind of trouble makes her dilemma!

Although she has the identity of Monya Family Trainee Sorceress, Alice knows for herself. This is not enough to make Pale Witch’s leader take his own for the first time against Angelina.

Sorceresses has always been united.

Sometimes in order to maintain this unity, it is inevitable to make some internal sacrifices.

One is a direct descendant of the Witch of Deceit leader, and one is an ordinary member of the Pale Witch community. These two identities collide together, and if they are handed over to the Sorceress Council for a ruling, the decision made by the company will not be beneficial to Alice.

So on the question of returning to Monya Family and staying with Grim, Alice is more determined than ever. At least, Grim is defending her with sincerity and fighting for her every victory.

At this point, Alice still sees it very clearly!

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