Age of Adepts

Chapter 0330

Vast mountain forest, lush forest.

The Insect Cry humming moment was replaced by a strange flapping sound.


The dark clouds of dense bats swarmed out and surrounded the squad almost in an instant.

Black-black shiny short-haired fluff, scarlet eyelids, white-skinned fangs, and basin-sized body… These are not the common wild bats in the mountains, but a group of Vampire Bats that have been modified by the evil Witchcraft. .

With their qualifications, can’t be called orthodox vampire, great for just some of the Bluds and derivatives made by the vampire.

Their combat power is used to deal with the 2 position of the Radiance Knight and the 3 position of the Spellbreaker Knight. It is undoubtedly a striking a stone with an egg, unable to withstand a single blow. However, after 5’s Knight smashed the cloak that was in the way, it was a tight back-to-back gathering that seemed to be afraid of what was fearing.

In the deepest part of the distant jungle, a tall silhouette wrapped in a gorgeous red dress stands on a large, thick branch, peering through the mottled leaves and peering at the Knight team. On her side, every branch of the tall old tree is hung up and hung with a densely packed Vampire Bat.

Compared with the bat group that is playing, the Vampire Bat, which is full of the whole tree, is the guardian army that Mary, the bloody witch, really values. Each of them has a huge body like a calf, gray fluff, hairy pointed face, and anthropomorphic face.

They hang on the branches and watched the surrounding forests. From time to time, they opened their mouths with sharp teeth and made high-frequency sound waves that were difficult to capture by the human ear. They kept close contact with the peripheral ‘sentinel’.

But on the side of Mary, there are eight Knights dressed up in the air, but with a bloody vampire. They are Mary’s daring to kill the trump card of the escaped Knight, Blood Knight.

There are eight people in Blood Knight.

Among them, the Blood Knight 3 of Second Grade, and the Blood Knight 5 of First Grade.

Their predecessor was the Radiance Knight and the Spellbreaker Knight who once ruled the plane.

However, after the dual control of Mary’s vampire and Witchcraft, they have lost their nature and become the first vampire of Mary. As a result, their own intelligence will be significantly attenuated before, and the combat skills before reincarnation will be forgotten.

So Second Grade’s Blood Knight has a powerful body and a strong Vampire regenerative ability, but can only play the first level elite Adept level. This is especially regrettable for Mary!

As for the First Grade Blood Knight, it is only the vampire that has the strength of Adept level for each and everyone.

The Vampire Bat group that first attacked was like a group of wolves coiled around the flock, screaming and screaming in the dense forest. 600 bats converge in the jungle of less than 100 meters, just cover it with the body.

What’s even more bizarre is that with such a high density of creatures, they and each of them wear and tear without any collision. This can’t help but admire their flying skills!

After half a year of escape and hidden life, this group of Demon Hunter Knight has long lost its previous strength. Losing the support of the Kingdom of Knight, they no longer have demomon foal, no longer have magic force to crystallize, eat not enough, don’t wear warm, sleep well… This has caused their combat power to drop seriously.

Without demon foal, they can only rely on their legs to wading through the mountains; without the magic force crystallization, their Rune Sword becomes a Fire Burning Stick, and the hot elemental flame can no longer be stimulated. If you want to launch a semi-remote energy blade, you can only rely on your own energy reserves.

This obviously can’t last!

But even so, when Rune Sword is in the hand, the dazzling energy dazzling light begins to roll in their body, and the power of the high rank Knight is still so fierce and fierce, unmatched!

A series of energy blades spurt out, everywhere crying dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, Mo may be Royal.

Whether it is a tall tree that is held by one person, or a branch of a thick arm, or a black leather-like body of Vampire Bat, it is divided into two in the violent blade, and then burst into a sky. Debris and stinky purple blood.

The 5 team is obviously an experienced generation. While driving with the energy blade, it quickly shifts between the forests and looks like a slam dunk.

And the numerous Vampire Bats obviously have nothing to do with them.

After they are incarnation bats, they belong to the armorless or light armor target. They want to compete with the weak body to compete with the 30-50 energy attack. It is a dream.

Therefore, they can only scream and dance in the sky, imagining to use a dense amount to interfere with the movement of the enemy.

As for the Vampire Bat group that rushed into the Knights’ defensive circle, it was even worse.

A rune long sword made of special magic steel flutters in the hands of the high rank Knight, and the sword light flashes like lightning. 5 encircled the long sword into a sword circle, and all the bats that broke into it did not wait for them, and they were killed by one by one.

For the men under his hand being slaughtered, Mary, who stood in the distance and looked away, had no feeling at all.

For her, only the Blood Knight and the low rank vampire around are worthy of attention. As for the surrounding Blood Slave and derivatives, it’s hard to die. If the quantity is not enough, find a human city to hold a blood donation feast, and the amount of the low rank servant will soon be replenished.

Therefore, these guys are sacrifices, and what is worth it is not worth it!

However, in this wilderness, it is still difficult to add Blood Slave immediately, so Mary does not intend to let these cannons be worn out.

With Mary’s a slight wave, the squatting on her side of the hundred low-level vampire instantly flew nearly half, fluttering his wings and mingling into the Vampire Bat group.

“Be careful, there is vampire coming!” the Knight leader in the team whispered.

In this half-year pursuit of escaping, there have been countless partners either because of physical exhaustion, or because of carelessness, very miserable fell under the vampire’s fangs.

These vampires may not be as good at attacking and defending power, but they are extremely good at fighting.

They are mixed in the ordinary Vampire Bat group, and once they get to the opportunity, they will quickly rush to the body. They didn’t evade Knight’s attack at all, so they fit together, and the trade wound for wound was desperately scratching and biting the flesh and blood that Knight had left outside the armor.

This kind of attack that is not afraid of death is simply impossible to defend!

If only one or two vampires are so fighting, Knights can still cope with the swordsmanship, but if a group of vampires come up, even the Spellbreaker Knight can hardly resist such attacks.

So with the addition of the vampire group, the battle of the 5 Knight team has become difficult.

Radiance Knight’s Constitution strength is far superior to this group of vampire, so killing them is like cutting vegetables. As a result, the vampires desperately urged the Vampire Bat group to rush to entangle the 2 Radiance Knight, and they quickly gathered together, constantly impacting the 3 Spellbreaker Knight’s perimeter defense circle.

In the violent and bloody battle, a Spellbreaker Knight only slashed the long sword and slashed each and everyone from the Variation bat that flew by himself, not even noticed the low bushes under his feet.

One awkward, he fell back two steps and turned out to be ‘away from’ the defensive circle.

Such a change immediately made him feel a cold sweat, and before he stood still, he waved the long sword and wanted to rush back to his close companion.

Unfortunately, it is too late!


For a time, countless Vampire Bats poured into the battle circle from this gap, forcibly messing up all the Knights with a horrible amount.

And just as they are indifferent, the hordes of vampire descended from the sky, and the crazy body impacted the sword array of the outlying Knight.

Blood splashed, limbs fly!

However, in this bloody hurricane, the figure of the outlying Knight was also washed away and farther away, and gradually disappeared into the eyes of everyone.


A series of energy swords rushed into the sky, and instantly cut the group of Vampire Bats into a broken piece of meat. The blood of the sky was raining, and everyone’s body was reddened.

I just emptied the enemies, and before they even tuned into the body, the new batch of Vampire Bats swarmed from all directions and suppressed them again.

Through the chaos of the bats, Knights can vaguely hear the sound of screaming and screaming away from the group of companions in a dozen steps. But soon with a scream of screams, the sound of the distance gradually ceased, leaving only the strange and soothing sound of the soothing legs.

“No, leader, we are going to save Storfi!” The rookman man who played the giant axe was tired of fishing for breath, and the muscles on his body were full of oily sweat.

“Save what? Can you not see that he is dead?” Sim screamed and snarled.

The team is not complete enough. If you are left here because of a mortal person, I am afraid that it is difficult for them to escape alive today. Therefore, he proposed to Locar, who only has long muscles and not long brains, and hates it.

“I don’t care, I won’t leave any brother’s…” Both eyes have already killed a bloody Lokal screaming in anger, gesturing, opening the way with giant axe, and alone struggling to kill the distance.

Damn it damn damn…

Sure enough, before the Sim curse, the Knight leader has quickly decided.

“You take Sim first, I will bring Lokal back. We meet at the appointed place…”

Quickly, the body of the Knight leader was covered by dazzling light for the next second. These rune energies are from his within the body, which condenses on the surface of his body into a light armor, which also gives him a more violent, more ferocious combat capability.

When the dazzling light dazzling light shines, the bat body of the bats falls like a raindrop.

“Go, go, I will catch up with you in a while…”

The Knight leader screamed into the jungle.

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