Age of Adepts

Chapter 0341

The celebration banquet was set in Alice’s residence.

In addition to the Grim faction Adept and apprentice, there are many other elite apprentices under the Adept name. Most of them have excellent personal friendships with Kodak, An Mu and the others.

I have to say that because of the extremely easy-going nature of Grim’s mentor, under his leadership, the atmosphere within the entire faction is quite harmonious. The two Adepts he developed were also hailed as Adept with no Adept shelf.

Meryl, as the Adept Tower public course Adept, has been in contact with almost all apprentices in the family, so it is hailed as the most intimate beauty Adept. And Alice, there is no more point to become Adept’s consciousness, mixed with those under his apprentice all day long.

In the past few years, Alice’s footsteps have spread throughout the mountains and waters around the Sandtalin Region. Where there is a monster, where there are traces left, she will take a bunch of people under the apprentice to kill there without saying anything.

There is a spider scorpion bodyguard, Raging Flame Tyrant acts as a thug, and with her Divination Technique with no opportunity, no matter what kind of prey is targeted by her, it is difficult to escape. And with Divination Technique, Alice is also very good at seek luck and avoid calamity, always able to escape the unknown disasters and traps of each and everyone.

This also makes traveling with her the safest and most comfortable thing.

Every time I go out to adventure, there is no risk, where is the risk, Alice can always use her Platinum Hammer to divination. Therefore, Apprentices who follow the instructions only need to prepare everything according to her instructions. The danger beyond their ability will always pass them by, and they will always be able to reach them in front of them.

Every time I go out to adventure, the danger is not great, but I can still gain it again.

More importantly, Alice is still a ‘little rich woman’, and she doesn’t care much about most of the battles. After each successful adventure, she only took a handful of items that helped her. As for the rest, she naturally became a bag of the accompanying.

With this magical power and generosity method, Alice has gathered a group of Apprentice level ‘believers’ and ‘fans’.

So every time Alice is excited to come to the mission hall and wave the team members, the entire Adept Tower apprentice can be arguing for a number of places.

So, when most of Adept is busy collecting resources and accumulating knowledge every day, and day and night in the magic laboratory, Alice runs around with a group of apprentice every day, almost all the shards of the Sandalin Region that can ‘visit’. The dangerous land has been stepped on again.

The remaining dangers and forbidden places are not without, but most of them exceed the level of ordinary Adept, so I can’t pull Adept as a helper. Alice can only give up with regret.

It is because Alice and Meryl have an unparalleled appeal in Apprentice Adept, so when Alice celebrates in her home, all the famous elite apprentices in Adept Tower come.

The banquet officially began at 8pm.

Unlike ordinary aristocratic banquets, there are no maids who are dressed up, and no bands that play cheerful music. Only at the corner of the banquet, a huge long table was set up, which was filled with a variety of food and wine dishes. There were also some small plates placed next to them for the banquet staff to use.

The rest is a wide banquet hall where everyone gathers in groups of three or four, or exchanges information and resources, or pure chat.

The style of the entire banquet is relaxed and enjoyable!

The host of the banquet is naturally the most famous goblin businessman Kabi in the Grim faction.

It not only sponsored all the drinks and foods of the banquet, but also brought a lot of the most demanding resources of the apprentice period. A small-type internal auction was held in the corner of the venue.

In the past few years, Grim has rarely appeared in public, and he stayed in his home for many years. He didn’t know what to say in silence. And as his reputation disappeared, goblin Kabi became increasingly active.

Depending on Grim’s power, goblin Kabi almost monopolizes Ferdinand City’s low rank material market and Apprentice level resource purchase path, plus it can always find some strange magical Machine and strange Alchemy item, so its goblin store It will grow bigger and bigger.

In the area where Ferdinand City is located, the name of goblin Kabi is getting louder and louder, and even the surrounding areas are gradually heard.

Of course, goblin Kabi is also very clear about his position.

It, as a green skin goblin, does not have any status in this society dominated by human Adept. And the reason why it can climb to its current height is always inextricably linked to the horrible Fire Demon that stands behind it.

Without Grim as the backstage, the green skin goblin like it will be captured by the Adept in the lab in minutes, becoming the most tragic and insignificant little experiment.

So after understanding his position, Kabi also worked hard to consolidate his own small circle with his own intelligent mind.

And this small circle is built on the core of Apprentice Adept under Grim’s name.

It does not hesitate to trade the necessary resources to Kodak, Meryl, An Mu and the others at a very low price, in exchange for their support and protection of their goblin store. This behavior, after Meryl’s successful Adept, was the most rewarding.

At Grim’s innocence, when Alice walked around, Meryl Adept gave it to the platform, Kodak and An Mu gave it a support, and the business of goblin Kabi became more and more smooth.

To put it bluntly, in the Adept Tower, there are already more than 20 Apprentice Adept working under Kabi, and there are seven people in the Advanced Level apprentice that Kabi can deploy at any time. And the apprentice that has a good relationship with it is countless!

Now Kabi is no longer the little goblin that can be bullied by the past.

Who dares to anger the great goblin businessman Kabi, who waved his hand and can recruit double-digit Apprentice Adept to serve as a hitter. If this is still not done, then it bites its teeth and can also recruit 2 Adept and seven or eight elite apprentice. If that doesn’t work, Kabi can only make the ultimate trick, go to Grim and cry.

The name of Fire Demon is in the Feldnan area, but no one knows about everyone!

As the banquet progressed, the venue quickly became divided into three small circles representing different levels. Although every small circle does not have the refusal to behave in a thousand miles, but who should stay in what kind of circle, it is like an invisible shackle, so that everyone is honestly tied to what they should be s position.

The highest voices are Alice and Meryl, two Adepts, and several elite apprentices in the core circle. They gathered at the corner of the banquet, holding a fragrant red wine in their hands, and often toasted Alice with a toast.

And Alice is always smug and smug, with a smug look!

This circle contains almost the most intimate core figures associated with Grim and is the most important force support of the Grim faction.

Grim hides in the house every day, and is fascinated by the pursuit of the ultimate strength. With the accumulation of resources, he can not care about the resources and equity distribution within Sarubo Clan, but his apprentices can’t care.

So they joined together and pulled Alice and Meryl back as a backer, so it naturally became a stronger branch faction within Sarubo Clan.

This circle is closely connected, and the combat capability is strong, it is amazing!

Fire Demon Grim, violent Alice, the gentlest Meryl… These three people are tied together, even if they are second to Second Grade Adept Fu gen.

Therefore, the Grim faction will naturally occupy a great advantage in each family’s internal interest distribution and resource ratio.

The second small circle in the banquet hall is the elite apprentice from Adept.

Most of them are Pseudo-Adept, even one or two Advanced Level apprentice, and there are other tricks in the body. They belong to the kind of existence that cannot be ignored when they go.

Although they are not part of the Grim faction, they all maintain good interpersonal relationships with people in the Grim faction. Such a group is undoubtedly the most powerful and powerful group of Sarubo Clan besides Official Adept.

Although they are still apprentice, but they all have the potential to become Adept, so for any of them, you can’t neglect it.

Because of the contradiction in the apprentice period, and the mysterious disappearance after the hostile apprentice unexpectedly advanced to Adept, there are many things to do. So now apprentice has become extremely sleek and easily reluctant to provoke a Pseudo-Adept. So at least on the surface, everyone is good, I am good, everyone is good, but it seems quite united and amiable.

As for the third circle, it is the group with the largest number of Adept Family, Advanced Level apprentice.

Taking Sarubo Clan as an example, the official Adept is only double-digit, and most of them need to be stationed in various resource points and important stations, so there are not many Adept active in Ferdinand City.

And next to Adept, those are Pseudo-Adept.

Although their number is slightly more, they are limited.

The number of Pseudo-Adept inside Sarubo Clan is between 20 and 30. They are also the group that the family is most willing to cultivate. No matter which one of them successfully advances to Adept, they will jump to the sky, and since then they have become overwhelmed and have a lot of resources.

In addition to Adept and Pseudo-Adept, each of the Adept Family ruling frameworks is still the largest apprentice class, Advanced Level apprentice.

It can be selected from the resource points and family residences of various regions and sent to the apprentice of the headquarters. Most of them are Advanced Level apprentice. Even the occasional low rank apprentice is mostly a guy with special innate talents such as enchanted, herbal, Alchemy.

And such a group has three-four hundred names in Sarubo Clan!

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