Chapter 0378

Although the war has passed nearly a day, the traces of the legacy are still clearly visible.

There are no dead bodies, no blood, and twisted and broken vine fragments can be seen everywhere. Perceived the Witchcraft scent of several people, a single Blood Sucking Vine and Magicicked moved their bodies and moved away from them.

The underlying apprentice activity area is undoubtedly the first battleground of the Struggle of Destiny.

Witchcraft’s remains can be seen everywhere on the floor and walls as you walk through the wackcraft hall, library, magic laboratory, living area and winding corridors. No one room door is complete, and no area is where the Sorceress awakeners are not set foot.

Along the way, they also saw the wreckage left by some broken armor guards, scattered like a garbage, and broken by people. The surface of these activated metal armor has been dull and dull, and the exposed mechanical joints are also rusty and corroded.

Due to the lack of maintenance and repair, their hard power is very difficult to deal with, no wonder it will be easily knocked down by a group of Trainee Sorceresses.

Passing through a dark corridor and passage, bypassing a raging battlefield, and walking in the darkness of the dark for a long time, they left the Apprentices life study area and came to the middle of the Magic Tower.

I have to say that the situation here is worse than the lower level.

Although the traces of the war are obvious in the lower layers, most of the Witchcraft facilities and buildings are still intact. And here… Sorry, there are ruins everywhere, piles of rubble everywhere, it is difficult to distinguish the original function of each building.

A very broken Adept Tower!

How much protection can such a Magic Tower still have? Can this Magic Tower still be used without major repairs and re-laying of the Witchcraft system?

Seeing this scene in front of me, several ‘visitors’ could not help but come up with various questions.

However, this kind of problem involving the secret of Magic Tower, it is good to be buried in your heart, no one will be stupid to ask directly!

Under Alice’s leadership, they did not at all continue to move upwards, but walked through the piles of ruins, seven turns and eight, and finally came to a remaining hidden stone chamber.

Two stone platforms are placed side by side in the stone chamber, and two women are naked on the stone platform. In addition, there is no other item in the empty.

On the stone platform on the left, there is a beautiful young Sorceress lying down, the skin is soft and greasy, and the body shape is bumpy. The chest is not big, but the victory is strong. Just lying there quietly gives a glittering and translucent as if to appreciate the strange beauty of a piece of art.

On the stone platform on the right, there is a strong woman who is strong and strong and does not lose men. The reason why she is a woman is because of her overly iconic femininity. If it weren’t for them, Grim would treat her as a man.

The sturdy muscle lines are like the muscle blocks of iron ingots, the thick black snakes are generally stretched, and the thick arms and thighs… Grim has a hard swallow. Although he thinks that his body is strong enough, he can face the ‘female man’ in front of him, and he still has a feeling of self-deprecation!

The two ‘Sorceress’ are together with Alice as Xue Fu and Sophia who are destiny. They lay on the stone platform like a dead man, motionless, and there was no life in the whole body. Above them, there is an egg-sized light group suspended above their forehead, where you can see the soul villain with Xue Fu and Sophia.

“Xue Fu!”

Lena Sorceress stepped forward and snorted.

Although she is usually more utilitarian, she still has a real feeling for her own daughter. Therefore, suddenly seeing the separation of Xue Fu, the soul of the soul is also obvious.

And the aunt of Hula, Sophia, took a step forward and suddenly floated out of her body with a translucent red clothed girl. The girl floated like Sophia to Sophia’s body and the light group. After a careful inspection, she re-drilled back to Hera Sorceress within the body.

Hella Sorceress seems to have eyes closed for a moment, finally sighed, turned and asked: “Alice, I don’t know what cost I have to pay to make Sophia come back to life?”

Standing on the side, Lena Sorceress looked at her and stared at Alice.

They are all older American Witch, and they know the basics of the Struggle of Destiny. Alice not at all absorbs the Strength of Destiny of Xue Fu and Sophia with the body, and also wears their own Strength of Destiny to reshape their bodies and re-aggregate the broken soul. This… this will undoubtedly greatly reduce your basic strength.

Who is it, I am afraid that will not do this brainless thing that hurts others!

So at this moment, for his loved ones, even if you lower your posture, Hella Sorceress has to figure out Alice’s mind. After all, the two women are still in a special state of separation, and everything is maintained by the Strength of Destiny. Without Alice’s help, Second Wing’s Death Witch Hella was not sure to resurrect them.

After all, Death Witch is only good at making a living person a ‘dead person’!

“You two should also know how serious my losses are when Xue Fu and Sophia survived! I don’t want to say more if you are hypocritical. I need to get your kindness, and I need them to serve me for a hundred years!” The adult-looking Alice has also become a calm and steady at this time, and she has a mature style that she did not have in the past.

The two Second Grade Sorceress were silent at the same time.

They quietly meditated for a long time, looked at each other and saw a helplessness in the eyes of the other side.

Although they are called Second Grade Sorceress, they are within this Destiny Tower, but it is difficult to compete with a Sorceress leader who has been recognized by the law of fate.

Although she only has First Grade!

The leader of the Sorceress is the leader of the Sorceress, where the noble position is there! If you get your hands on it, there is a blessing of Strength of Destiny, with the guardianship of Destiny Tower, and their two advantages are not so obvious. This…maybe the main reason Alice dares to let them in!

Each Sorceress faction has its own original Magic Tower. In addition to the basic Magic Tower features, there are special features that Magic Tower can’t replace. Here, the Sorceress faction’s Talent Ability is able to maximize the increase and is the most important inheritance of their factions.

And Destiny Tower is undoubtedly Alice’s home!

Here, Destiny Sorceress’s ability to get a thousand times of enhancement, while the remaining faction Sorceress’s ability will be suppressed to the lowest level. So it’s really a matter of moving hands. They want to forcibly take away Xue Fu and Sophia.

“As long as Sophia can be resurrected, I can agree to the conditions you said!” Hella Sorceress finally spoke up.

“Me too! As long as you can bring back Xue Fu, I promise you everything!” Lena said urgently.

“I believe in your promise!” Alice nodded: “I will treat them as my good sisters!”

Then, with Alice’s wave, two volumes of Xue Fu and Sophia soul villain sinking down, slowly plunged into their foreheads.

Alice gently walked up to the front and pierced their skin with sharp nails, drawing a fateful mark on the forehead of the two snakes. Totem has just been drawn, and the branding shines a dazzling white glow. In a flash, when the white glow suddenly disappeared, the two women’s foreheads became smooth again, and they could not see the traces of the half silk.

“Since then, the two of them are the deputy leaders of our Destiny Sorceress lineage. Do you think it is appropriate?” Alice asked softly to the two Sorceress.

Hella and Lena hear this, a bitter smile response.

Although this did not reach their original vision, the immediate outcome seemed to be quite happy compared to the worst results. Especially for Hella Sorceress, support for Sophia after all is her personal idea, and the entire Death Witch series, more to choose to support Alice.

So can there be such a result, can she have any other luxury?

Just as everyone was thinking about it, Xue Fu and Sophia lying on the stone bed suddenly had a movement.

Xue Fu’s slender and tidy eyelashes are still flicking and flashing, and the mouth vomits. And the five big three thick Sophia has already sat down and screamed, and the disillusioned bronze bell was first out of focus, and then the eyes began to condense, and the doubts looked up to everything in the week.

“Sophia, it’s me!” Hella Sorceress stepped forward and revealed herself in front of Sophia and took off the hood.

Grim immediately felt a horror and shudder.

What a terrible face!

If you ignore the dense stitches like the centipede legs and the cracked face, this should be a beautiful lady’s face. Unfortunately, the criss-crossed scratches and the black centipede-like densely packed sutures have destroyed the beauty of this little face to the point where it cannot be looked directly!

For the first time, Grim hated herself for being too keen on visual capture.

In his mind, the chip’s precise-to-molecular visual capture ‘perfect’ magnifies every detail and every horror on the horrible face of Hella Sorceress. Grim can even see the creeping Corpse Insect and some singular creatures under the dough through the scratched gap.

If it wasn’t for the powerful Spiritual Force that pressed down the intestines in time, I’m afraid Grim would be ugly in public, spit out!

“Aunt Hella, how are you? Am I not dead?” Sophia slammed from the stone platform, and the heavy body made the chamber slightly tremble.

The violent Sorceress Constitution is really a mess, and there is definitely a fight with those Body Refining Adept. It wasn’t long before the soul merged, and she had nothing to do with nothing.

It’s just that her rough personality is unbearable, so the big thorny fork legs are standing there, and I don’t care if I’m naked at the moment, and there’s a mature bodybuilder’s Sorcerer.

At this moment, Xue Fu also braced his body and sat up on the stone platform, squinting from the surroundings.

“Where is this? I…I am not dead?”

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