Age of Adepts

Chapter 0399

Here is a small-type cave in the ground 120 meter.

There is an opening at each end of the cave that leads to different areas of Underground World.

The stone walls on both sides reflect the faint glare of the dazzling light moss, with constant drops of water dripping from the top of the cave, and a monotonous squeak on the cold ground.

Although the sound is constant, the dominance in this dark and deep Underground World is still quiet and dead!

To survive in this dark world, to keep quiet and avoid body temperature is the only way to survive. But this is clearly broken today!

A horned sheep that has only appeared on the surface of the earth is fixed on the rock in the center of the cave by an iron chain. The dark and cold environment makes it frighten and snoring, while the huge wound on the hind leg is still flowing slowly. .

The thick and pungent blondy air has filled the passage.


The tremble of the horn sheep is far and far in this dead world.

The horny sheep screamed irritably, and couldn’t help but slam the stone pillar with his cranial horns until it noticed the movement behind him, and then looked back in horror.

In the darkness, a horrible silhouette lying on the ground is slowly moving closer to it!

This is a Basilisk.

The huge body of 5 meters at the end of the head makes Basilisk the undisputed big man in this area, and the sickle-like fangs make the creatures in their bite difficult to survive. Coupled with the Petrifaction Beam with a range of only 3 meters, Basilisk becomes the deserved ‘underground scavenger’ of Underground World!

Looking at the pair of twinkling light in the darkness, the yellow eyeballs couldn’t keep close, and the horns were so horrified that they couldn’t hold themselves, and they jumped hard and jumped. But this does not help, but it will make the bloody air on it more quickly and more widely.

Basilisk was just near the rock where the horn sheep were, and was immediately blocked by the strange rune array that emerged from the ground. Fiercely bite a few mouthfuls and slammed it several times. Why can’t this rune array, Basilisk is in Monet, suddenly it half up and lift the nose and gently sniff the slowly flowing air in the cave.

With the unique sensitivity of the underground creature, it sniffs a familiar terrifying scent from the thick bloody air.

Without the slightest hesitation, Basilisk turned to the darkness in the distance and quickly disappeared.

Not long after Basilisk disappeared, a whirlwind of wind blew in the cave, followed by a strong black silhouette from the passage and coiled between the hanging stalactites at the top of the cave.

Eventually, the shadow fell on a protruding platform on the rock wall, and the high place looked down at everything in the cave.

Surprised by the strange atmosphere, the horn sheep has been scared to the ground, and there is an unpleasant urinary suffocation underneath.

Although the darkness is dark in the cave, the huge black shadow has been able to bring every corner of the space into sight without the help of low-light vision.

The icy floor, the dim stone wall, the flowing underground river… everything is under its control.

The black shadow is quietly in the darkness, and the hint of yellowish green in the green is full of doubts and uneasiness.

But as a minor little manticore, it is obviously not mature enough.

All the scent of the horn sheep is completely included in the nose by it. The succulent and unique flesh-and-blood scent of the creature stimulates its bloodline arrogance, and the mouth of the mouth can not help but drop down. The rocky platform eroded each and everyone.

How does the scene in front look like an ugly trap, but what about the enemies who set the trap?

The little manticore resisted the urge to sneak down on one of the gorge oneself, and widened his eyes to patrol the possible enemies. But even if it scanned every corner of the cave, it did not find any breath and traces of outsiders.

Finally, the little manticore can no longer hold on to the hunger and thirst of the creature in the nature, screaming and screaming, and fiercely rushed to the horn sheep.

After a while, a small manticore screamed in the cave to sing the strange sound of the flesh and blood of the horn sheep.

As a brutal underground creature, the small manticore can never care about table manners. The scene of crazy eating is unbearable, and the whole rock is drenched with blood, which is like a small-type slaughterhouse.

Just as the little manticore fell into the frenzy of eating, the shallow waters in the corner of the cave were filled with water, and three humanoid shadows slowly emerged.


Gargamel couldn’t help but whisper muttered through the darkness.

As he whispered, the little manticore in gorge oneself suddenly swayed, and the big batwing had just opened and had not waited to fly, and Nuoda’s body fell strangely.

“You move faster…” Grim whispered instructed: “There is a little manticore in the vicinity, we don’t have that many time!”

“Understand!” Gargamel jié jié smirked: “It doesn’t take much time to extract the toxin from the appendix. I guarantee that it won’t be detected afterwards!”

In a word, he touched the darkness and quietly touched the little manticore in the drowsiness.


There are also 2 hours in the morning, and the adult manticores scattered in the nearby forests have also returned to the cave entrance.

It can be seen that they have been thoroughly fed a meal.

Their stout hind legs also caught the prey that attached each and everyone drenched with blood, and screamed and re-drilled into the cave on the stone pillar. And until they disappeared completely into the underground channel, those night-time bats dared to flap their wings and return to the nest.

The three men of Grim observed the whole process on the side, and when the sky was bright again, it was satisfied to return to the camp.

The first time I probed the underground nest, they didn’t kill any creatures at all, nor did they take the little manticore that fell into the trap, but only secretly extracted some of the flesh and toxins it had with the body. By the time the anesthesia potion was over, the little manticore woke up from the slumber, and all the anomalies around it had been completely erased by Grim and the others.

After all, the little manticore savvy is not perfect. Under the urging of medicine, the previous things are also forgotten, and they can only return to the nest.

With Gargamel, the Potion Master, plus the toxins extracted from the small manticore within the body, targeted anti-paralytic potions can still be done. Although it is impossible to completely resist the paralysis of adult manticore, it is better than using physical resistance.

For a few days, Grim and Gargamel were nocturnal, spending almost every night in the winding underground passage.

Close observation of the morphology and living habits of these manticores, and even sneak into the manticore nest to find out the topography of the terrain, laying a solid foundation for the cleaning task of the Late Stage.

After Grim’s careful planning and careful scrutiny, the perfect annihilation plan was finally determined and the implementation time was set on the 7 day of their arrival in Plague Forest.

According to Grim’s observations, this day should also be the day when the manticore family adult and the young manticore plunged out for large-scale hunting, which is suitable for the development and implementation of the annihilation plan.

The executor of the plan is all members of the adventure team!

Under the temptation of Grim 300Magic Crystal’s reward, Lovi and the others finally succumbed.


It is another beautiful night with a rare star.

Just after the darkness, the massive bats that inhabited the caves once again vacated, gathered in the night sky around the Plague Forest, and circled a few laps to spread into the nearby forest.

And the nine manticores appeared again, just a little bit of work and went their own way!

By the time they all went far, Grim and his team showed their physique in the vicinity, and then went straight to the depths of the cave.

Let Sablina take the rest of the way behind, and Grim and Gargamel rushed into the underground channel and went straight to the manticore lair.

Time is very precious, we must race against time, and grab the traps before the manticores perceive the nest to pre-arrange the accident, otherwise they are easily blocked by the manticore who are back to the nest.

And to seduce the manticore group, they must first control the two small manticores that remain in the nest. So Grim and Gargamel took the first step and accelerated with Witchcraft to quickly advance to the manticore nest.

Unlike the last sneaky, this time they simply slammed into the underground channel.

Grim continually threw the Witchcraft fireball down the channel, smashing the small-type underground creature hidden in the dark by each and everyone.

The huge fireball roar spread quickly in the underground channel, and they didn’t have to look for it. The two small manticore hiding in the darkness rushed out after pursuing the blast.

The small manticore has only the strength of the Pseudo-Adept level, although their combat power is not worth mentioning in Grim’s eyes, but it still takes a certain amount of thought to want to complete them.

When Grim rushed into a small-type cave, there were four or five underground passages to different areas, and it was considered a small-type hub for the underground maze.

Grim just rushed here, the top of the wind is not good, two small mountain-like huge shadows rushed down from the top of the hole, Senbai’s fangs huge mouth, the fiercely bite to Grim’s head and shoulders.

For the ambush of two small manticores, Grim has already learned through the latest ‘multidimensional scene construction’. Therefore, Grim’s figure is only a microton, and he has successfully used the Flame Leap jump to another area. In his original position, a huge Lava Fireball that stayed there was just the right burst!

If Grim wants to kill two small manticores, they only need a real Lava Fireball to make them undead and delaminated. But now, in order to catch the fire, the fireball can only be detonated in advance.

Thus, in a world-shaking flame burst and shock wave, the two small manticore were stunned and stunned, and they were scarred and screamed out of the fire.

And to meet them is Growler’s big casserole big iron fist…

Two screams, two small manticore gorgeous stunned!

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