Chapter 1437

Disaster Creature will naturally not allow Adepts to advance to the bottom of the rift so easily.

In that way, losing the cover of the alienated herd, they can only fight with the Adept who occupy the local advantage.

As a result, the alienated herd rushed out of the rift in a more insane manner, flooding the Adept forces.

On the ground, the alienated beast, crowded like a meat forest, blocked the advancement of the magic armor with his own flesh and blood. On the rock walls on both sides, each and everyone alienated animals climbed and ran on the fly, and went to the Adepts on the back of the team.

At this time, the Adepts standing in the front row immediately swayed a dazzling dazzling light, and summon produced a large-scale activation construct and warfare of up to ten several meters.

Compared to the Warrior Warriors, these wars are real metal bodies, or human, or animal, or monster forms, whichevery have terrible slaughter skills and methods.

They are like a wall of iron wall blocking the alienated beasts coming from all directions, waving the dense array of the whole body, like the strong wind scattering the last clouds into the herd.

A headed alienated beast descended from the rock wall and bite on the tall body of the war. Their fangs and sharp claws scratch the harsh surface of the metal body, but only leave a shallow and fine white mark.

These wars were filled with half-meter long and sharp metal blades. They didn’t need to fight and fight. They just smashed the dong dong dong in the herd, leaving behind the corpse of the land. Piece.

After all, flesh and blood can’t match Steel Muscles Iron Bones!

However, the ants succumbed to death, and as the head of the alienated beast came forward, the magic metal razor blade on the body of the war swept over their flesh and bones over and over again, and gradually became damaged.

Finally, these metal blades began to bend and bend, or they could not be pulled out in the hard Skeleton or skull of the alienated beast.

The wars that lost their weapons were thrown down by the swarming alien beasts, and quickly gathered in situ to become a pile of black crushed meat that was constantly bulging. The meat pile is made up of hundreds of alienated beasts, and the underlying dump is the war that has gradually lost the combat capability.

After a while, when the alienated beasts dissipated and rushed to the next opponent, it was revealed that the war had been ruined by the war.

The fall of every war shack is usually accompanied by the death of thousands of alienated beasts. The whole battlefield is filled with a bloody, pungent smell, and it is getting richer and deeper, and it has reached a point where it can’t breathe.

In addition to being the bloody battlefield of Adept and Disaster Creature, Black Abyss Valley is also the battleground for two different Plane Principles.

Adept World, regardless of volume and plane, can’t communicate with the Monastery plane, but Black Abyss Valley is the home of the Adept, and Adept World’s Plane Principle still has a big advantage here.

The order of strength and the chaos of strength in the crowded eye is difficult to see inside the plane. The Void is crazy and strangles… It’s like the two-headed octopus is so large that before the body touches, the first thing they touch is that they are densely covered. Rough tentacle and fleshy tentacles outside the body.

Using World Natural law as the body and the Plane Principle as the tentacle, the two sides frantically entangled and swallowed each other’s everything, trying to extend their natural law chain into a larger, wider plane space.

The plane space is their battlefield, the natural law chain is their weapon, and the Plane Principle is their blade… This battle and twisting is almost everywhere in the Black Abyss Valley, every plane space.

On the whole, with Adstep Faction’s step by step, Adept World’s Plane Principle has initially regained control of the plane around Black Abyss Valley, and squeezed the force of the Damage to the bottom of the Black Abyss Valley. .

But when it got there, the force of the Disaster became extremely tenacious and difficult. Under the support of the souls of several Disaster Little Lords, the space was firmly fixed, and the opportunity of Adept’s will not be infiltrated.

As long as Adept can’t be the master of it, there is always a wound on the Adept World plane barrier. As long as the Sixth Grade Disaster lord Dilmas continues to fill the gap into the space crack, there will be a gap in the day, so that a horror like it can project its complete strength.

At that time, the entire Adept World will not have any strength to block the madness of a Sixth Grade creature!

Grim stands quietly at the entrance to the Rift Valley and silently perceives the changes and movements of the Plane Principle.

Usually these things are hidden behind the scenes, it is impossible for him to be so unscrupulous to monitor and perceive. But now is at the crucial moment when two different Strengths of the World are stronger, and Grim, as the main force of the Planar War, naturally receives the favor of Planar Consciousness, without any form of counterattack on his soul consciousness. .

This gave Grim a rare opportunity to watch the Strength of World!

Strength of World This kind of thing is completely beyond the scope of his understanding and acceptance for Grim. I am afraid that it is only possible to conduct a limited study after upgrading to Sixth Grade.

However, as a grand and noble singular strength than the Strength of Natural Law, the collision and impact of the Stress of World also gave Grim a lot of inspiration and understanding. At least, compared to the Strength of Natural Law and the Strength of World, Grim vaguely saw the right path of development.

The latter is like erecting a lighthouse for Grim at infinity, although he is not currently qualified to touch and control such strength. However, this strength itself reveals the most authentic and original side of World.

With this realization, Grim’s development on the road of natural law is much less detour than others. This is actually the most cherished by Grim!

Strength of Natural Law is the strong strength that Planar World produces when it operates according to a fixed regular system, while Strength of World is a native strength that is condensed together by the plane inside.

Adept with the Strength of Principle, like a tumor that is parasitic on the plane natural law system, relies on the operation of the Plane Principle to obtain strength, and can also attack the enemy with the help of the law.

Fourth Grade Adept is like the macrophages of Adept World within the body. It is usually taken care of by Planar Consciousness, relying on the law to grow and grow. However, in the event of a plane invasion, they are also the main force of Adept World’s battle against alien invaders, forming the first line of defense for the plane’s defense system.

And like Grim, who crossed the rule limit in advance, and completed the law from the soul level to the natural law, but did not really advance to Fifth Grade, it became the most strange existence of Adept World.

Therefore, he saw, felt, and gained far more than the other Adept in the battlefield front of the two Strength of World confrontation.

However, as the number one hitter of Adept World, Planar Consciousness is constantly tempting to induce Grim from the natural law level. Inexplicable, Grim’s consciousness is always rising to the dislike and hate of the Damage Creature, as if there is a slaying of the father’s hatred.

Fortunately, through these years of contact, Grim has a lot of understanding and feelings about these methods of Planar Consciousness.

Therefore, these scums from the outside are consciously shielded and blocked by Grim, and are slowly precipitated and filtered into the consciousness seabed, which will no longer affect his true perception.

However, through these consciously infective methods, Grim has discovered a number of new ways of using the Strength of Natural Law.

If he drives the flame natural law to be as slick as the Planar Consciousness, then his flame power will be able to go up a step and become terrifying and dangerous like those demons.

Since the Death Creatures were pressed back to the Momo Valley, the follow-up battles were handed over to the Association Adept. The top Adept like Grim only needs to sit behind the town and adjust to the cultivation while waiting for the final battle.

The other Fourth Grade Adept took turns, constantly hitting the bottom of the valley, and consuming the strength of the Disaster Creature.

But unfortunately, the four Disaster Little Lords are like disappearing, hiding in the fog at the bottom of the valley. This also makes the association’s urgency but helpless, only to tighten the impact of the Disaster Creature’s defense every day.

The battle continued on the slope. Every inch of land and every space has been filled with tons of blood and debris. Under the entire Black Abyss Valley, like a huge Asura abattoir, it is already impossible to stand up to.

The last victory obviously also inspired the fighting spirit of all Fourth Grade Adept. They no longer feared and no longer flinched, but the fighting intent was soaring in the front line of the battlefield, killing one after another. Extremely Disaster Creature.

The Central Fourth Grade was also inspired and tempted by the battle. They could not help but join the battle group frequently and achieved a lot of results. In their view, this is a burst of courage and a performance for Adept World. It is entirely a judgment of consciousness that I made alone.

Only Grim, as a bystander, can clearly see that there are more or less traces of Planar Consciousness in their souls.

However, their actions have no harm to Grim’s plan, so Grim did not intervene. Only when the Central Adept rushed to be too reckless, they used their strength to protect their safety.

At least, under the supervision of Grim’s consciousness, the few Disaster Little Lords hiding in the depths of the valley did not dare to blatantly ambush Central Adept. As for other organizations’ Adept, Grim doesn’t care.

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