Chapter 1489

Seeing Beastman blocking the road, Grim finally got out of the slightest hesitation!

I can’t keep my hands and I can’t keep my hands.

In front of him is the top powerhouse in Beastman, and now he is in the Main Shrine of the beast… Grim has no doubt, give them a few moments, definitely from the distant beast Divine Country Summon came out of violent divine power, and once again, Body Transformation became the invincible god-level Beastman.

Therefore, taking advantage of the fact that the other party has not figured out the matter will lead the disaster to them. This is what a qualified Adept should do.

For the first time, without reservation, Grim took out his most violent and fierce side!

Within the body The Fire God Bead in the heart is like tearing a space passage leading to the depths of the Fire Elemental Plane. The violent flame energy is pumped to the Four Limbs with the heart’s strong pulsation.

Grim within the body’s flame energy instantly increases by two or three levels, from red to Crimson, then from Crimson to dark red, and then becomes colorless and transparent…

Instead of casting any flames to Witchcraft, it turned the flame into a torrent of water that blew into the front of Beastman. The extremely high temperature flame instantly transforms the 1000 meters into a Vulcan furnace, and all exposed life and matter are reduced to basic particles under the destruction of violent flame particles.

All the lives in the flame envelope disappeared one by one…

Even a few Beastman powerhouses are complexion changed, rushing from the with the body to violent strength to protect the body.

At least two of the five Beastman powerhouses are able to crush Grim with the strength of the foundation. However, in this unpredictable situation, in the case of such unconventional players, even if they are stronger, they will have a covered in dirt, battered and exhausted.

Although the Grim’s attack is fierce, it can only be called a tough, not fatal, for the Beastman powerhouses that are already on the plane peak. However, such an attack is comparable to the natural Beastman near Shrine.

The violent flames are raging, and the Beastman believers who are too late to avoid each other, even if a few powerful guys can run hard against the flames, but they can’t escape from 1000 meters. torch.

For a time, within the Main Shrine 1000 meters, the Beastmans were heavy and the buildings began to melt and soften under the violent flames, and then twisted and collapsed.


“you are courting death ……”

All kinds of different angers and curses screamed, and the five Beastman powerhouses, including the Shrine main sacrifice, spontaneously erupted their strong strength and attacked this act recklessly abominable enemy.

At the same time, the Sixth Grade Sinkra, which has been chased behind Grim’s 1000 meters, is also a big mouth, and a fierce black smoke Dragon’s Breath squirts the bastard that makes her angry.

The fierce attack points of the two groups were attacked from the front and rear directions, leaving no room for Grim to escape and escape. But Grim, who was in the desperate state of death, not only did not have the slightest fear, but instead showed a sly smile on his face, and there was still a slap in the hand, and the whole person burst open.

Flame mirror!


Outside the winter castle, three miles away.

Grim and Sinkra passed through here, and the resulting fire and Dragon’s might also kill all the Beastman along the way.

In the middle of a fiery burning fire sea, a strange spiritual fluctuation suddenly emerged. Then the flame shrinks and converges, and the bulge forms a humanoid with a shape of up to 2 meters.

The flame of the humanoid surface of the flame quickly solidified, and in a twinkling of an eye it became a tall man wearing a tight-fitting leather coat with a purple-black burqa.

The man stood up and his hood was slightly raised towards the winter fort, and it was the moment when the Heaven Falls and Earth Rends broke out!

Two violent blows that far exceeded the limit of this plane strength hit together, instantly tearing the plane barrier there, wrapping the entire winter castle with the main Shrine of the beast god A* in a violent and unmatched Among the energy eddies.

At the same time that the strength broke out, Grim could even hear the violent screaming and roaring of the distant Beastman powerhouse.

Naked eye visible, a violent strength ripples rushed out of the city, whereabouts, Beastman instantly vaporized and vaporized, and the Beastman building, which has always been known for its solid and heavy weight, is crushed dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

In the distance, Grim didn’t know. He only knew that the city wall he was facing was like a piece of cheese crushed and shattered by the strength of the ripples. It turned into a mass of slag and crumbs and was thrown away into the distance. .

At the point of the explosion, a powerful will to consolidate and sink suddenly, and locked Grim’s position again.

Still that Sinkra!

Using the flame mirror, Grim shifted his body from the battlefield, leaving only a flame clone there. But the distance of the transfer is obviously not far enough, and there is no scope for the Spirit of the evil little dragon.

Therefore, after a blow, the little female dragon was not sure, and once again searched for Grim’s trail.

Grim knew that the trail had leaked, and he didn’t dare to stay again. He walked away from the winter fort in the direction of the winter castle.

The Main Shrine of the beast god A* was blown up. Although I didn’t know what the damage was, even if I just lost a brick, it was a great insult to the apoof and remote God Lord A*. .

If you can bear it, he will not be worthy of the God Lord who claims to be a beast!

Sure enough, when the beast God Main Shrine suffered the attack of the afterglow, the shrine inside the shrine stood tall, and the statue of the beast god with the 100 meters height raised a bright golden glow.

With the ray of light, the shape of the 100 meters statue is rapidly changing.

Rough face, wide-mouthed, wearing a heavy and sturdy black body armor, carrying a huge double-sided axe behind it… It was a God of Slaughter, Galleon Akadas.

As soon as the God of Slaughter descended, and had not fully adapted to this slightly fragile body, he felt the mourning of the believers who shided the sky and covering the earth outside Shrine.

It is a benevolent person who can stand in the winter castle and pray in the vicinity of the Main Shrine day and night. Now they are devastated by the enemy’s poisonous hands. In a flash, tens of thousands of beast gods have become poor souls. Their sorrowful and desperate mood rushed, and even the Seventh Grade God of Slaughter was a bit worried.

Galleon’s fierce face showed a hint of shackles, pulling out the huge double-sided axe from behind, and stepping out of the beast god Shrine at the pace of earth quaking and mountains shaking.

“Sinkra, I think you are in courting death… You dare to go to the Shrine of A* adults, I see, you will leave me!”

As soon as he stepped out of Shrine, the grim gaze of Galleon locked the huge Giant Dragon that was flying fast outside the city. While screaming and swearing, he raised a huge double-sided axe and leaned back slightly, then threw it out.

The huge double-sided axe instantly turned into a golden light and slammed into Sinkra.

At this moment, Sinkra didn’t know how much he had been on the cunning Adept.

Although she is rash, she is not stupid!

As a Seventh Grade Revered God, the reason why Galleon can appear inside the plane is the support of the Main Shrine’s huge Power of Faith, which isolates the suppression of the power of the plane. Once away from the Main Shrine, Galleon imagines that it is impossible to freely move and shoot as it is now.

So, Sinkra, who knows the strengths and weaknesses of these Revered Gods, flew away from the direction of the Main Shrine when he felt the violent breath of the God of Slaughter Galleon.

However, as a Seventh Grade Revered God, the power and method are completely controlled by a Sixth Grade dragon. Before Sinkra escaped, a golden light instantly caught up with her flying figure and was hitting on its arrogant right wing.


A roaring dragon roar, Sinkra’s entire right wing turned into flesh and blood powder and burst into blood. However, he did not dare to go back, still struggling to fly to the distance.

Galleon was arrogant, grabbed the double-sided giant axe that circling back, and the heavy pace of the earth quaking and mountains shaking crossed the ten several li in an instant, and chased the crazy slap The wolverine silhouette of a solitary wing.

As several powerhouses left, the winter castle, which was so soft, finally calmed down again. However, the first Grim’s flame broke out, and there was a collision with a terror attack. Two consecutive super-strength explosions made the winter castle city overwhelmed and became dying.

Oh la la slammed, the rubble and gravel fell in the ruins, and the Beastman Juggernaut shook the dust from the body and climbed out from the deep pit. At the same time, several Beastman powerhouses, which were swept away by the strength of the strength, also rushed back.

The five Beastman powerhouses are more or less entangled with the strange black smoke of Sinkra, and even with their strength, it is not a small strength and time to get rid of this wonderful natural law strength.

This counts down, it is a huge loss!

But the most violent thing is the Beastman Clansman who died in the winter castle.

Because the other World Powerhouse strength is too horrible, it is almost dead, so the number of Beastman lost in the city is more than 30,000, accounting for almost half of the population of Winter Castle.

The number of Beastman elites who lost this time, simply asked to make these Beastman powerhouses unable to help but shed tears.

“Check! Immediately ask me to find out who is Adept who brought the evil dragon Sinkra to the winter castle city. We must have the bastard broken in the next battle…”

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