"No chanting magic, isn't this old man still at the king level, how can he complete a technique of this scale in such a short time!"

The opponent who was thought to be easy to handle now suddenly bursts out with unexpected strength.

However, his lava magic is the nemesis of Sun Jiamu's magic, as long as he fights steadily and steadily, the other party will inevitably fail!

Thinking of this, Bu Jinghong quickly changed his tactics.

The magma-riddled right arm was raised in the air, and after the red light shone to the extreme, it slammed into the ground.

A lava path full of cracks was rushing towards the black dead wood that had formed a cross in front of Sun Minghai at an extremely fast speed.

"Look at me burning you and your broken wood!" Bu

Jinghong laughed wildly.

But in the face of the menacing lava attack, Sun Minghai continued to deal with it unhurriedly.

He continued to stand still and chant incantations with his eyes closed, not even holding up the shield of magical energy.

At this time, the surging magma had already swooped down on the black dead wood, but the devastated and decaying picture that Bu Jinghong had expected did not happen.

Although the scorching heat had burned Sun Minghai's white whiskers, the black dead wood in front of him had never been able to break through by the magma.

Even if it has been burned red and translucent, it still maintains its original shape.

Seeing this, Bu Jinghong was shocked.

He'd wasted a lot of time on a succession of normal magic attacks, and he had never been able to achieve his goal of a quick victory.

If you continue to wait for Sun Minghai to finish chanting the incantation, you will be the next to suffer

!"Damn! Why is the old thing so difficult! Isn't there always only two kings of the Sun family?"

Almost at the same moment, Sun Minghai's technique was also completed.

Opening his eyes, Hitomi, who didn't have the slightest emotion, stared at Bu Jinghong tightly, "Become the martyr of the Sun family, the primordial magic of the wood system!

The lights of the main hall, which was still slightly illuminated, were instantly extinguished, and an indescribable rich and decaying aura gradually spread.


The marble floor was topped open by something, and countless black rattans, large and small, began to quickly take over the surrounding space at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In a matter of seconds, he was already on top of the barrier of magical energy.

"This, isn't it!" Bu

Jinghong's eyes widened, and the pale red barrier that rose around him began to loom under the vines.

The magic energy of the body is like a punctured balloon that keeps leaking, and Bu Jinghong, who is not taking advantage of the total amount of magic energy, is really panicking now.

"Boy, how long are you going to stand over there!If I die, who will take you to Dahai City?, will that old man let you go?"

Looking at the embarrassed step in the vines, Chen Feng was speechless for a while.

Wasn't it you the guy who swore to give it to me? Now I can't beat it and start calling again.

However, the other party's magic does seem to be a bit evil.

Moreover, the word 'primordial' dictated by Sun Minghai just now made Chen Feng pay attention to it very much.

Without continuing to think about it, his body changed positions, and his arm quickly turned into a blood-colored sharp knife and slashed at the periphery of the Bu Shocking Demon Energy Barrier.

A large number of black vines were cut off one after another.

But that doesn't change the status quo, as soon as one batch is processed, another batch of vines will continue to spread.

At this time, the empty hall was already covered with this black strange plant.

Even the place where Chen Feng was standing had already been covered with a layer.

They frantically stretched towards his trouser legs, trying to climb up Chen Feng's body.

"Is it a plant that can absorb magical energy? It's very deadly for ordinary mages. He

said so, but Chen Feng's expression was not afraid of the slightest change.

Sun Minghai continued to increase the output of demonic energy, and said slowly: "It's just a bluff, although you are a fire mage, even the lava trait type Bu Jinghong can't break through my black wood formation, what can you do?"

"Just obediently be sucked dry to death by my devil vine!"

"That's hard to say. Chen Feng suddenly stopped standing, letting the countless vines under his feet crawl all over his body.

But just when Fujiman was about to wrap him completely, leaving only one eye exposed.

Abnormal protrusions.

'Boom!''''Pop Tower!

'' The devil vines that were scorched by the black flames fell from Chen Feng's body one after another.

When he reappeared in view, his body was completely changed.

The unusual black flame was rolling up around him, but strangely, this black fire could not feel the slightest temperature.

It just quietly burns on the devil's vine and completely inactivates it.

"This, what is this?"

Bu Jinghong was also stunned.

He had seen a lot of fire magicians, but none of them had ever been able to release black flames

? Could it be that his eyes were lost because he had been imprisoned for too long?

Also unexpected was Sun Minghai not far away.

Originally, he thought that by using the secret medicine left by the ancestors of the Sun family to complete the breakthrough, coupled with the use of forbidden arts, he could quickly solve two powerful enemies.

But the black flames burning in front of him completely disrupted his plan.

The Ancestor had already taken into account the restraint of fire magic when he created this magic, and it stands to reason that this should not be the case.

But suddenly, Sun Minghai's pupils dilated, as if he had thought of something, "Could it be that you, this guy, are you using fusion magic!?" Fusion magic

, as the name suggests, literally, produces a wonderful effect through the fusion of different elements, so as to win by surprise.

But the collision of different elements is often exclusive, not to mention how rare it is for mages to have multiple attributes at the same time.

Just by performing an ordinary fusion, it is very likely that he will be rejected by the elements first


in such a short period of time, he can complete the release of fusion magic, this guy's control of magic energy may have reached the peak of the king level!

"Sun Lianyun, Sun Lianyun, what kind of monster did you provoke for my Sun family..."

At this moment, the devil vine in the main hall had been burned out with the release of Chen Feng's fusion magic.

The unfolding black flame, like the gangrene of the appendage, will not disappear until the burning thing is completely reduced to ashes.

Slowly walked towards Sun Minghai.

The wooden array that could withstand the impact of lava looked so vulnerable in front of Chen Feng's black flame.

It only burned for a moment, and then it turned to ashes and collapsed.

Now, Sun Minghai, who had exhausted all means, also had despair on his face.

The side effects of the drug were far faster than he thought, and the demonic energy in his body had begun to show signs of going crazy and out of control.

Even if Chen Feng didn't make a move next, he would die in pain soon after.

Sun Minghai did not regret this choice, because this is the duty of the elder of the Sun family.

It doesn't matter whether the strength is strong or weak, but at this moment, he must stand in front of this young man.

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