
Qin Ran went for a morning run with Su Nianwei.

Today is also the last day of rest, and tomorrow [Guoquanhui] will open for business.

There was no one at home, and Yang Yingying was helping to take care of her in the store, Qin Ran planned to go to Jinling.

Anyway, he has already begun to be disgusted by Yang Lanfang.

It's better to leave early.

The advantage of the information age is that remote command can be carried out anytime and anywhere.

Even if there is a problem, just a phone call is all it takes.


After their morning run, the two sat on a park bench.

The park hasn't been renovated for so many years.

In Qin Ran's impression, the park next to his home has always been like this.

However, although the park is small and a little shabby, it carries a lot of his memories.

Memories that had been forgotten slowly emerged.

When he was a child, he also played with Su Nianwei by the sand.

When he was a little older, he didn't like to play anymore and preferred toy airplanes and forklifts.

When I was older, I was hooked on 4WD and yo-yos.

But Su Nianwei is different.

Except for the playing house, he had the impression that Su Nianwei didn't seem to have anything special to like.

When I was in elementary school, I started reading, reading, reading.

The most excessive thing is that junior high school rides a bicycle to and from school, obviously there is a bicycle, but he is just asked to carry it.

Then memorize words and ancient poems in the back seat of the car.

Qin Ran was suddenly startled when he thought about it.

It seems that something terrible has been discovered.

Turning his head, he saw Su Nianwei looking at him with a smile.

"See what?"

"What were you just thinking?"

"Didn't think about anything."

"Are you thinking we've played home before?"

Qin Ran's pupils are earthquake!

Are girls' instincts so strong?


"I guessed it." Su Nianwei smiled, "I was thinking about it just now." At that time, you didn't like to play with me, or I played with you deadly.

"Nonsense, who loves to be a grandson." Qin Ran rolled his eyes.

Su Nianwei smiled stupidly.

The two have played in the past and are not husband and wife.

Generally grandmothers and grandchildren, or mothers and sons.

Unless another little girl joins, he has no chance of being a husband.

And he soon lost interest in toy kitchen knives and toy syringes.


Qin Ran saw a child playing with a remote-controlled racing car in front of him, and said in his heart that his first remote-controlled racing car was already in the sixth grade.

Now the six-year-old is playing with a much more upscale RC race car than he did back then.

In a few years, we will reach an age where we are not as old as we are at the top and not as good as we are at the bottom.


When you are old, you are prone to sadness and spring.

Qin Ran got up and patted his buttocks.


"Sit down a little longer."

"I haven't eaten breakfast yet."

"Wait for me to do it for you, and then sit down for a while."

"Your breakfast isn't going to be another hard-boiled egg, is it?"

Qin Ran was a little disgusted, but he still sat down.

The sun has come out and the temperature is slowly rising.

The warm sun in winter is warmer than in spring.

Qin Ran tilted his face back, propped his hands on the bench, and enjoyed the rare warm winter sun.

Su Nianwei has the same posture as Qin Ran.

The benches are not long.

Fingertips to fingertips.


When he finally went back, Qin Ran still didn't go to Su Nianwei's house for breakfast.

He's still a little weak-hearted.

Leaving tomorrow, Qin Ran sent a message to Wu Renyao.

The latter also wants to leave, but the supermarket will open soon, and he can't get out.

Qin Ran can only go alone tomorrow.

In the evening, Qin Ran took the initiative to cook a meal, saying that there was something going on at school.

Didn't get retained.

Disgusted again.

Qin Ran just got into the car bound for Jinling.

When he arrived in Jinling, Qin Ran was like returning to his home field.

No one loves sunglasses!

Sitting on Ning Xiaofei's Bentley Continental walked away.

When he was in Lucheng, he couldn't reach the whip, and this time it can finally come in handy.

Little Bie is newlywed.


The seventh day of the Lunar New Year is a very long day.

Day to night adds up to an infinite number of days and nights.

Since years ago, the two have not seen each other for a long time.

Ning Xiaofei took the legal counsel to Shencheng to buy a payment license.

Some details have to be reported to Qin Ran in detail.

Ning Xiaofei sat and reported, and Qin Ran lay down and listened.

But things can't be said in three or two sentences.

By the time Ning Xiaofei finished her report, it was dark.

But for Qin Ran, he only needs the result.

Just pay for the license and nothing else.

It doesn't matter how Xu Jin and Xiong Xingxiang fight among themselves.

Ning Xiaofei only needs to pay attention to when Bonn Technology will go out of business.

Poach tech talent before it goes out of business.

The eighth day of the first month.

Qin Ran returned to Jinling University.

The payment license is in hand, and Pinxi can be ready to be launched as soon as possible.

However, it seems that it is a bit difficult to give birth.

To be precise, it should be stunted.

The client has been successfully developed, just access the payment channel, and then slowly improve it later.

However, the merchant side has not yet been fully developed, and it is only about halfway through.

Qin Ran knew that the time was in a hurry, and coupled with the New Year's holiday, the progress was already fast.

However, in order to create a sense of urgency and put a certain amount of pressure on the R&D personnel, Qin Ran specially called Zhao Xinfeng and Lu Feichao.

Qin Ran only said that the payment license was in hand, but both of them knew what that meant.

So the two came back the next day, and informed the people who had nothing to do at home to come back as soon as possible.

Qin Ran sent a red envelope for the New Year, 1,000 yuan per person, which is not a small amount.

While everyone received the red envelope, they also felt the pressure.

Calling them back is naturally not for the purpose of giving out red envelopes.

Qin Ran is not strict with the management of the technical team, and he himself belongs to the kind of half bucket of water dangling.

But he knew what kind of functionality the software he was developing and what useless modules he didn't need.

At the same time, according to the judgment of the two core technical personnel, specific goals and plans are set.

[First Information] is the foundation, Qin Ran has already laid it.

[Pinxixi] is a huge cash cow, equivalent to the pillars of the building.

It wasn't enough to have a solid foundation, what Qin Ran really needed was the spine of the Life Building.

As soon as possible, he will be able to retire with honor.

After that, we will invest in some new tracks and continue to make money.

Every day after bed, the income becomes very considerable!

Qin Ran wanted to build a commercial building that would not fall.

The higher, the better!

That way he could stand on the top floor of the building and look out over the world.

It must be a wonderful feeling to think about!

Qin Ran was not very interested in ordinary Nai Tou Le.

He wants to pursue something more exciting.


Just a few days after returning to school, "Stimulation" found him.

Lin Chuchu, who was beaten to tremble on the last night of the festival, came to him with a bombshell news.

Jiang Xiaocha wanted to chase him.

And seriously!

Bad fate!

Qin Ran hastily sent Lin Chuchu away.

Although I used to like Jiang Xiaocha, it was already a thing of the past.

Qin Ran had already put it down.

He didn't want to know about Jiang Xiaocha, and he didn't want his own affairs to be known by Jiang Xiaocha.

If Jiang Xiaocha really came to it, Qin Ran decided to find a helper.

A person who can overwhelm Jiang Xiaocha in terms of appearance and temperament.

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