Chapter 151: Leifeng Pagoda [New Book Collection]

Li Zuo held a small bottle of martial arts potion.


Item: Martial arts potions

Grade: 3rd grade

Introduction: Briefly improve the cultivation talent of the human body, but the side effects are extremely large, and it is likely to cause sudden death and other unknown hazards.


Li Zuo’s brows furrowed and asked the system.

“Do you have a way to solve this thing.”

“Of course.”

“Ding, do you copy martial arts potions?”

“Please note that copying a three-grade martial arts potion, a hundred times increase can get a five-grade extreme martial arts potion, and the copy time takes thirty-six thousand days, or thirty-six thousand copy points, is it a copy?”


Li Zuo asked, “After the copy is completed, are there any side effects?” ”

“Once replicated, there is no harm to the host.”

It is a pity that Li Zuo does not have copy points now, and the last time he copied the Saint Grade Martial Arts, he had been completely hollowed out.

This time, even if you want to copy, you can’t copy it.

However, since there are third-grade martial arts potions, there should also be nine-grade martial arts potions.

This low-grade martial arts potion could not meet his needs.

“System, where is the harm of this martial arts potion?”

“Disrupts nerve centers, forms dependence, overdraft potential, and innervation.”

That’s right, this kind of medicine can make the person who takes it subtly dominated by others.

This is spiritual.

This is the reason why the dark church can really grow, and anyone who takes this potion will become a slave of the dark church.

Only the best among the slaves can become true members of the Church of Darkness.

It’s no wonder that everyone in the dark church is a fanatics.

Li Zuo has learned about the dark church’s methods of controlling others.

The next step is to understand their purpose.

Among the hundreds of people caught in the Warrior Association, no one knew exactly why the Dark Church came.

They are just peripheral members.

But according to the clues of these people, the warrior association caught some members of the dark church.

There were three in all, two of which blew themselves up.

The only one left is in a coma.

Can’t ask.

Li Zuo and Xu Jing walked out of the Martial Artists Association to breathe, and unconsciously walked to the front of Suhang University.

Suhang University.

Suhang University is one of the most beautiful universities in China.

It has a feeling of Jiangnan spring.

Suhang University does not allow others to enter, even on weekends.

Only on the day of the school celebration, others are allowed to enter.

Xu Jing took out his documents, and the warrior guarding the door let the two enter.

“Leifeng Pagoda is on campus.”

The Leifeng Pagoda, which is said to have pressed down the White Lady, is now in Suhang University.

Yes, today’s Suhang campus is built on the edge of West Lake.

As for why Lei Feng was included, it was because Leifeng Pagoda was the energy center of the entire Suhang Dynasty.

The Suhang space crack is under the Lei Feng Tower.

The legendary Leifeng Pagoda that suppressed Bai Niangniang was really aimed at suppressing spatial cracks.

Space cracks have existed since ancient times, and thousands of years ago, humans have discovered the existence of space cracks.

Most of the legendary fairyland is because people strayed into the spatial crack and regarded the other end of the crack as a fairyland.

And the monstrous white snake in mythology may be an ancient ferocious beast that strayed into the earth.

As an important landmark and energy center of the Suhang base, Leifeng Pagoda must be carefully protected.

Of the bases, that place is the safest, needless to say, it must be the university.

The university has the highest combat power.

Although Suhang University is not ranked among first-class universities, it is considered to be a first-class university in the second-rate university.

The principal is a top Martial Sect with strong strength.

Li Zuo and Xu Jing walked around the campus.

“The white lady is good in mythology, if it is really a ferocious beast that appears from the spatial crack, shouldn’t it set off a huge killing?”

Li Zuo began to make associations.

“Do you know about spirit beasts?” Xu Jing pretended to be mysterious.

“What is a spirit beast?”

“There is a kind of fierce beast in the legend, which has super high wisdom since birth, can cultivate on its own, and can transform into a human form when it reaches a high level.”

Li Zuo was surprised: “Isn’t this an ancient monster.” ”

“Yes, don’t think that ancient myths are false, they also have a realistic basis.”

“Has anyone seen a spirit beast?”

“No, but in the materials of the Martial Artist Association, there are indeed records of spirit beasts.”

The first time Li Zuo heard about the spirit beast, it was strange.

“Spirit beast, interesting.”

Perhaps thousands of years ago, what was suppressed by Leifeng Pagoda was a spirit beast that could transform into a human form.

There is a legend in the Suhang base that has been passed down for thousands of years.

Whenever there is a disaster in the Suhang base, a snake-shaped demon beast will appear to save Suhang and Hangzhou.

There are also ancient books that record that five hundred years ago, Suhang encountered the battle of the city slaughter.

A large cyan snake flew out of Leifeng Pagoda and killed the invading army.

Some people say that it is Xiaoqing, the maid of the White Lady.

Anyway, Li Zuo didn’t quite believe it, such a mythical thing, if he believed it, there would be a ghost.

But Li Zuo didn’t completely disbelieve it, after all, there was a spatial crack under the Leifeng Tower, and it was not surprising that a cyan ferocious beast popped out.

Li Zuo and the two walked slowly around the campus, and soon came to the front of Leifeng Tower.

Lei Feng Pagoda is basically off-limits.

Even students of this school are not allowed to enter.

Only the teachers here can enter.

Li Zuo and the two did not mean to enter, just take a look outside.

Anyway, the two of them also saw a lot of spatial cracks.

But in front of the Leifeng Tower, a sneaky figure made Li Zuo suspicious.

The man looked like he should be a student of Suhang University, but his martial arts aura was extremely swollen.

Extremely unstable.

This only happens after a breakthrough or a battle with people.

Li Zuo looked at the man.


Character: Shan Wei

Realm: Intermediate martial artist

Talents: Advanced Cultivation (Pseudo), Intermediate Sword Technique, Intermediate Speed (Pseudo)


Don’t think about it, this is also the guy who took the martial arts potion.

And it should have a lot to do with the Dark Society.

Two permanent martial arts talents, Li Zuo even suspected that he was one of the official members of the Dark Church.

Shan Wei looked around and chose a hidden place.

Then the layer took advantage of the guard’s lack of attention and sneaked into the Leifeng Tower.

Li Zuo and Xu Jing looked at each other and walked to the Leifeng Pagoda.

“I’m Xu Jing of the Martial Artists Association, can I enter the Leifeng Pagoda to take a look?”

Xu Jing took out her certificate.

I have to say that the documents of the warrior association will work no matter where they are.

It can almost be used as a token of passage.

The two teachers of Suhang University who were guarding had no opinion, but they needed to accompany them, and Xu Jing and Li Zuo could enter.

Li Zuo and the two have no opinion.

“Someone sneaked in just now, we suspect that he is related to the Dark Society, please take us to the spatial rift below.”

The two teachers were a little surprised, and quickly took the two to the bottom of the Leifeng Pagoda.

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