Their ideas are good, but the reality is often not so good.

Before, they had always thought that it was the Terrans who were chasing them during the day, projecting javelins.

It is thought that as long as they stay away from the giant tree, they will come to the ground to fight.

But after getting out of the range of the giant tree.

It was only under the moonlight that the figure of the sky was discovered.

Each of them has a pair of wings flying in the air.

“It seems to be the Ha clan that probes above us during the day.”

“Don’t worry about them, the Yu Clan is not even a star, we mainly defend those Terrans.”


As soon as the words fell, the sound of buzzing in the air came to mind.

The familiar taste, or the original recipe, shot at them one by one.

Looking at the tragic death of the slaves, the three were stunned.

“Damn, it turns out that these javelins were shot by those Yu clans.”

“Bastard, didn’t the book say that the Yu clan is the most garbage race?”

“Damn, we were deceived, these Yu clans have reached at least one-star strength.”

This is what they have also reflected.

But it was too late, and deaths and injuries were inevitable.

The only thing that is more fortunate is that these feathers do not have high negative gravity, and they can only carry two javelins at a time.

“What now? If we continue, we will only be passively beaten. ”

The three-star man began to get a little agitated.

Mingwei did not pay attention to him, but directly ordered.

“All obey the order, extinguish the fire, let me retreat into the forest, and use the trees to cover my figure.”

The only way to win now is in melee.

When everyone had retreated into the forest, the angel stopped attacking.

Mingwei made the right choice.

Yajie returned to Yunchuan.

“Lord God, the other party has retreated into the forest, because the line of sight is blocked, we did not continue to pursue.”

“Well, you guys are doing a good job, the rest of your task is to detect their movements in the sky.”

“Yes, my lord!”

After Yajie left, he opened the Divine Kingdom space.

More than 10 people came out of it and began to look around.

“Strange, what about the enemy?”

“Sure enough, it’s still a task for the new map, but fortunately I didn’t go offline.”

“The Lord God shows us a direction, where is the enemy? We went to bulldoze it for you. ”

“Hahahaha, it’s a must, it’s better to have a few bosses.”

“I said, brothers don’t kill too much, remember to take prisoner.”

“Yes, TMD spicy crayfish, each of them has more than 200 subordinates, watching me envious to death.”

“Hahaha, I’m all ready for the hemp rope, I’m going to tie them all up later.”


Yunchuan felt like a flock of ducks were released, quacking.


A dull and majestic voice came out, which made them quiet a little.

“The enemy is in the forest below, don’t take lightly the number of the other party is several thousand, according to the probe, the other side has three masters… Boss, really…………!! ”

“There are three bosses!”


In an instant, the figure in front of him disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, he only felt so tired.

Before their own words were finished, the believers ran away.

Just as he sighed, another figure came.

“Yunchuan, do you need my help?”

The person who came was the captured Mingzhe.

After thinking about it, he said.

“It’s too dark now, I’m worried that I will hurt my own people, so let’s wait.”


Mingzhe was a little disappointed in his heart.

Missed an opportunity to mix points.

As for Yunchuan losing, he would not believe it at all.

However, he did not leave, but stood beside Yun Chuan and looked down, waiting for the opportunity.


“Pig-killing knife, do you rush straight over?”

It was precisely the uncle peasant who spoke.

And when I came out with him, I had a pig-killing knife.

Both belong to the kind of gamer who loves life professions.

Since acquaintance, the two have become good friends.

Since there were too many people in the country during the day, it was not convenient to cultivate, so they all agreed to work at night.

It happened that this mission coincided.

Knowing the crayfish, they caught more than 200 slaves alone, and the two began to move.

When they left the kingdom of God, both of them prepared several bundles of rope.

“No, there is no difference between thousands of people rushing over on the other side and looking for death.”

“What then?”

“Didn’t we bring ropes? Secretly tie a few and bring them back, anyway, our purpose is only to catch slaves. ”

“Okay, let’s go.”

In order not to make any movement, the two of them all used moon steps when they moved.

Not long after entering the forest, the figure of the pig-killing knife stopped on the branch.

When the peasants found out, they came to his side and did not dare to speak, but just looked at him.

The pig-killing knife raised his finger and pointed to the underside of the tree.

Two fingers were extended at the same time.

One finger points to one person.

Very simple gestures, the farmer understood instantly.

He meant that there were two people below, one grabbed the other.

He nodded in understanding.

Two Hulks clutching giant axes, cats wait in the bushes for enemies to appear.

Because their figures are too large, they only cover half of their bodies.

However, their whole body green also played a role, which must cover up the effect.

The Hulk can be regarded as a common race in rookie competitions.

Almost everyone buys more or less.

It was a pity that they didn’t know that Yunchuan’s disciples could use spiritual power to probe the skills of energy reactions.

Just when their attention is on the front.

The sound of swaying leaves suddenly appeared around him.

Before their bodies could react, they felt that their eyes were flickering and they couldn’t see anything.

The farmer and the pig-killing knife, Mari tied up the two Hulks.

“These two are a bit big, what should I do?”

“Let’s carry it back first, it’s not cost-effective to be robbed by others here.”

“Okay, let’s be faster, if it’s slow, maybe it’s gone.”

The two of them carried a Hulk on their backs and quickly ran towards the way back.

After their figures disappeared, a figure appeared on the branches.

Looking at the back of the Hulk who is disappearing little by little.

“Strange, when did the Hulk have this ability?”

It was really a chameleon family that appeared.

Because their abilities are special, they are placed on guard around.

Peasants, their bodies wrapped in the Hulk.

The chameleon only thought that it was two Hulks in the past.

However, his mission is only to find enemies, and he doesn’t bother to care about what the Hulk does.

Continue to change back to the color of the branches to hide yourself.

It’s just that this chameleon didn’t notice that two pairs of eyes were staring at him not far away.

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