Agriculture Escape: Ultimate Boss Has A Space Pocket!

Chapter 489: Big pot rice is not good

Lausanne hurriedly asked: "Is the establishment of a transport team any definite benefit to our tribe?"

There is no benefit, just want them to transport, who will do the business at a loss.

Sheng Huaixuan said with a smile: "The imperial court has an independent transportation team, so you can set up a transportation team privately, so that more high-quality commodities and technologies from Xiaoyao City will flow into your local area, and your local products will also flow into the market quickly, and the economies of various regions will be integrated. With your local development, you have money on hand, you can buy all kinds of commodities, you don’t have to worry about seeing a doctor, you can live in a good house like the southern Xinjiang, you can drink clean water, and you can use convenient coal. The children can go to school, too.”

"Without a professional transportation team, all kinds of raw materials can't get in or out. Everyone privately hires horses, carts and ox carts, and the cost is huge. Who wants to go to your place to open a shop and build a factory for development."

"If they can't develop, and everyone's living conditions are not good, how can it be possible to send their children out to school."

"A nation, without the support of a strong culture, will sooner or later be annihilated in the long river of history."

Obviously talking about the transport team, suddenly it involves the annihilation of a famous clan.

Father Lausanne and Lausanne were frightened and retorted in a low voice, "Our tribe has existed for hundreds of years without going to school."

Sheng Huaixuan raised his eyebrows and smiled mysteriously, "After that, you should have seen the development of Xiaoyao City, and the children are working hard."

His subtext is that if the people of Lausanne do not go to school, even if the tribe still exists, it will gradually decline.

Father Lausanne's IQ went online, "If we set up this transport team, we can let the clansmen go out to school?"

Sheng Huai said: "Xiaoyao Kingdom treats everyone equally, as long as they want to go to school and meet the standards, they will all be accepted."

Cultural integration is the best way to unite ethnic groups, Sheng Huaixuan added: "Don't worry, areas where the population reaches the standard will build new primary schools, middle schools, and technical colleges. Those with excellent grades will be directly promoted to Qinghe University, and Shuxiu will still be able to. It’s all free, but without a transport team, even building a college and transporting materials is a hassle.”

Sheng Huaixuan had said so much, and Luosang would understand no matter how hard his mind was. In any case, the transportation hub between the tribe and Free City had to be established.

Lausanne asked, "Then what is the method of transportation for our transport team? We can't provide free transport, can we not pay?"

"The horse doesn't have enough money for food and grass, the brothers don't have money for food and lodging, and if they delay the family's stocking, they can't have money. If there is no woman in the family to accompany you, you won't be able to compensate?"

After he said that, Sheng Huaixuan couldn't help laughing, "How can there be no money to set up a transportation team? All major merchants will think about transporting goods to various regions for sale. You can help them transport fees, or you can buy from them at low prices. , and then go back to the tribe to resell it, isn't it all silver?"

"Of course, your charging price also needs to have a unified standard. With the corresponding cargo guarantee, everyone will give priority to your transportation team."

Lausanne felt a little troublesome, but Father Lausanne thought it was very good. The things they bought this time were not cheap. If they could wholesale them in large quantities, they would definitely make a lot of money if they shipped them back.

Father Luosang agreed immediately, "We will go back to the tribe to set up a transport team, and then we will trouble Shanda to help us contact the merchant."

Sheng Huaixuan smiled slightly, "No hurry, no hurry, you guys have a look first and establish the requirements for transportation."

Father Lausanne and Lausanne took over the translated version of the report, and when they saw it, they were dumbfounded, "Do you still have to pay the customs clearance fee?"

"Tax, what the **** is this?"

Sheng Huaixuan said: "Our road construction requires huge human and material resources, and there will be road repairs in the future. The horse manure of the transportation team also needs to be maintained by special personnel to ensure the safe transportation of the road. This little customs clearance fee, Every team has to pay."

Lausanne was dissatisfied, "I can't do it without walking on the road!"

Sheng Huaixuan smiled and said, "You can skip the road and leave, then you will have to collect a customs clearance fee."

Running on the road is much faster. Compared with the time cost of delaying on the road, Father Lausanne thinks the toll is reasonable. When he went to the Central Plains in the early years, the imperial court also levied tolls. The road is much better than those broken roads. Son.

Lausanne asked again: "Then why do we have to pay taxes when we set up a transport team?"

There has been no taxation in the southern Xinjiang region since ancient times, Sheng Huaixuan explained patiently, "You are now a part of Xiaoyao Kingdom, whether it is a transport team, or their textile mills, mines, and barbecue restaurants, as long as the income reaches a certain level the amount, there is an obligation to pay taxes.”

Luosang couldn't bear it any longer, "What is the obligation, what benefits did you give us? We have not made a lot of money, so we still have to give you money. Before Yan Guo, they all gave us money."

At that time, in order to show the style of a big country, the Yan Kingdom sent money and things to Nanjiang every year, and Nanjiang was also the strength accumulated during that time.

Sheng Huaixuan said with a smile: "The imperial court maintains the safety of everyone's life and property. The roads you see, the army, the colleges, medical centers, etc. you just mentioned, all need a lot of money, and the common people pay taxes. It is for the people and it is for the people.”

"If you deny that you are not a member of Xiaoyao Nation, then we can expel you from here now."

Luosang grabbed Sheng Huaixuan's shirt, gritted his teeth and said, "I was here decades before you guys!"

Sheng Huaixuan was not at all embarrassed, "This is Xiaoyao Country, you are the patriarch of Lausanne, paying taxes is necessary and unavoidable."

Luosang gritted his teeth angrily, seeing that he was about to fight, Father Luosang coughed, "Big pot rice doesn't taste good."

Luosang quickly regained his sanity, loosened Sheng Huaixuan's shirt, and said angrily, "Hmph, less than 10% of the tax, I don't care about you."

Sheng Huai Xuanyun tidied up his clothes lightly, "If the two of you have no other opinions, I will ask someone to discuss the operation mode of the transportation team with you."

Father Lausanne smiled and nodded, "Okay, I'll trouble you, Mr. Shan."

When he came out of Sheng Huaixuan's room, Luosang scolded, "The tax, the tax of the fart, I don't account for it, so he can't find out."

Father Lausanne rolled his eyes at him, "The Central Plains taxation rule has been in place for thousands of years. If you really want to investigate it, you will have to spend decades in prison. Let's hand it over. The imperial court can expand the transport fleet by itself, but use the money that can make money. It is enough for the business to be safely handed over to us."

"If our tribe can be as good as Happy City, no matter how much tax we pay, it will be worth it."

Lausanne thinks of villas that are warm in winter and cool in summer, medical halls with superb medical skills, colleges that learn knowledge and technology, various delicacies, strange but easy-to-use toilets, toilet paper that is inseparable now, water pipe circulation technology... .. Thinking about it, I also think that if the court can help them develop the tribe into this, it seems that it is not impossible to pay taxes.


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