Alien Domination

Chapter 670: Found anomalies

"Failed, but about half a kilometer away from last time."

Yun Hai's voice rang in Zhi Han's mind.

"Come again."

There was no opportunity for Yunhai to refuse at all. Zhihan, who looked like a magic barrier, ejected a dismantled metal instrument from the ejection bay, and at the same time bounced a processed box in the direction of Yunhai.

I can't remember how many times this is, and the plan to capture the "radiation source" has failed time and time again.

In fact, in Yunhai's mind, this has become an impossible task.

But Zhi Han was stubborn. Maybe everyone would commit this kind of stupidity on different things, and for a while, he would seem to have no intention to change.

"Quantity must be controlled. I have made a device on the outer wall of the box. As long as it is turned over, the device will be activated. The nebula environment is simulated inside the box. Although it is impossible to be exactly the same, it is generally It’s almost the same."

When Zhi Han's voice sounded in Yunhai's mind, his tailbone swung lightly. When the unknown instrument approached the edge of the nebula, he tapped another freshly-baked box in the past.

"Come on, what we can do, at least compared to before, we have already extended the distance a lot."

"This is very important, not only for aliens. I have tested the first few boxes. Although they did not catch the radiation source, the strength and toughness of the metal material of the irradiated box has increased by at least dozens of times."

"Do you know what this concept is? As long as we can grasp the radiation source, after research, and then find a lot of metal to radiate them at the right distance, we can build a super warship."

"Absolutely super battleship, it can ignore civilizational artillery attacks of level 3 or higher, and it can even smash any giant ships that block it by relying on kinetic energy."

Zhihan's voice grew louder and louder, and Yun Hai believed that if he stood face to face with her now, he would definitely be able to see the excitement on that beautiful face.

"has no meaning?"

Yunyue's voice rang, obviously not interested in Zhihan's proposal. She said: "You have to figure out, although you are a human, we are a civilization of alien beasts. Which alien beast civilization do you see will drive a warship? To fight?"

"Well, the super battleship can't attract your interest, so what about the super alien?"

"If we can thoroughly analyze the structure, composition, etc. of the radiation source, if we can keep having this terrifying and magical radiation, sooner or later you will become indestructible."

"Imagine that scene. Facing the fierce artillery attack of the huge ship, you turned into a thunder and lightning. In your violent collision again and again, the huge ship became riddled with holes, and finally exploded and disintegrated..."

Zhihan was full of bewitching auras before he finished speaking, Yunyue was obviously caught by her itching, and said to Yunhai impatiently: "Come on, boss, you must succeed!"


In the process of mental communication similar to chatting on a public channel, the capture plan was over again, and Yun Hai said helplessly as he looked at the gray metal box that was silent not far away.

The cable protruding from the assault ship was floating nearby. When it accurately grasped the metal box and dragged it back, Zhihan's unwilling voice rang again: "Give me a little more time, this time I will make a stronger bite. Out of the box."

"Whatever you want, but you have to be clear. No matter how you toss, you can dismantle the entire assault ship, but you must ensure the integrity of your artificial intelligence Super Brain."

Women get crazy but can do everything, not to mention Zhihan is not a normal person at all.

"Actually, capturing and researching radiation sources is much more important than this super brain."

Sure enough, perhaps after hesitating, Zhihan still said what was in his heart.

"No way."

Yun said with a high pitch, and instantly responded.


Zhi Han replied helplessly, and then fell silent.

After calming down, Yun Hai estimated that Zhi Han would not be able to create a new and stronger box for a while. He once again began to concentrate his mental energy and try to explore deeper into the nebula.

The distance has reached twenty kilometers.

In just three days, the sea of ​​clouds has shortened the distance that can withstand radiation by 13 kilometers.

Thirteen kilometers, as far as Yunhai's current body size is concerned, it is almost a lift up.

But at this little distance, in the past three days, he just moved closer like a snail.

Thirteen kilometers has brought earth-shaking changes to the sea of ​​clouds.

If he knows that only such a short time has passed, and he can withstand the terrifying radiation at a closer distance, then the sea of ​​clouds will definitely not waste that long in the Orr galaxy. After all, it will become stronger in the shortest time, nothing. It's more tempting and more important than this.

At the edge of the Aite Nebula, there are still countless "radiation sources" gathered.

Obviously, they were attracted by the sea of ​​clouds.

As long as the sea of ​​clouds lingers on the edge of the nebula, they will definitely not leave.

Not only will they not leave, but the number will inevitably increase.

Spiritual power swept past and formed an ocean-like "radiation source insect tide", and the sea of ​​clouds began to explore deeper into the nebula.

Endless gas and dust are all over this space.

There are a lot of substances, among which Yunhai's spiritual power can be identified, and some are not clear to him, almost endless.

Just like the most advanced scanning and detection equipment, the spirit of Yunhai spread out like a net, slowly advancing forward.

There is no abnormality, except for the frantic "radiation source" that rushes to the edge of the nebula where the sea of ​​clouds is like a tide from time to time, there is no more life form or strange life form like a "radiation source".

"How are these radiation sources produced?"

"What is weird in this nebula?"

"Why do they die instantly as soon as they leave the range of the nebula?"

Questions filled Yun Hai's mind. At this time, when his mental power had reached nearly a hundred kilometers into the nebula, the anomaly finally appeared.

Mental power is like an electromagnetic signal that has been disturbed, and the mental power that was originally freely manipulated suddenly becomes confused.

Yunhai was not surprised but rejoiced.

"Radiation sources" will not interfere with mental power, no matter what they are or the radiation waves they emit.

"Sure enough, weird!"

Yunhai suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, just as he was about to concentrate on trying to explore what is interfering with his mental power, another abnormality appeared.

Behind him, behind Yunyue who was being "nourished" by radiation waves not far away, and behind the assault ship farther away, a large shadow was rapidly approaching under the blazing light of the star.

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