Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Chapter 572: Unidentified fighter

A bunch of raccoon dogs.


One sings a white face and the other sings a red face. They all want to coax themselves into the chime.

How can he be fooled if he is not a three-year-old child?

Obviously, it is Cobra who sings the black face.

The one who sings the white face is the umbrella.

The Umbrella Company must know the actions of the Hydra mercenaries.

The crab claw fighters are dispatched, and the umbrella company must have known.

They just took the opportunity to win over themselves.


Does Wang Bu'an need help from others?

Of course not.

He doesn't need anything.

It needs an environment that will not be harmonious. Then slaughtered.

What is a crab claw fighter?

Even if it comes to one hundred, one thousand, or ten thousand, it is a dead word.

As long as he is willing, the more than 3,000 industrial parks in North Tang City can produce countless Su-27 fighter jets, as well as their variants, while carrying Pili-15 air-to-air missiles to directly bomb them.

Now this Su-27 fighter is completely unarmed. It is to avoid overstimulating other people.

However, his patience is definitely limited. The rabbit bites even if you are in a hurry!

The big deal is destroyed with the earth.

Try to connect to Guanghan Palace satellite...

This is China's most advanced military reconnaissance satellite.

Many remote sensing detection technologies are provided by Wang Bu'an. There are many high-end raw materials.

It can accurately capture the tracks of the crab claw fighter.

The firewall of Guanghan Palace Satellite is very powerful. Outsiders cannot invade at all.

Fortunately, Wang Bu'an is not an "outsider".

He is one of the non-staff designers.

He also has two robot elves.

These two little guys are real Transformers.

Their hacking skills are also level 9999. It is not too difficult to secretly invade the satellites of Guanghan Palace.

After some secret operations, the second robot wizard successfully connected the satellite data.

All kinds of information came quickly.

Good guys.

It's not a crab claw!

It's three!

Yes, there are indeed three.

The Guanghangong satellite captured the trajectories of three high-speed activities in northern Africa.

After data comparison, there is no doubt that there are three Crab Claw fighters.

However, only one crab claw approached the battlefield.

The other two were hovering quietly in the airspace 300 kilometers away. I don't know what tactics are being implemented.

Perhaps, the other party is waiting temporarily? Waiting for the most suitable attack opportunity?

Perhaps this is a well-deployed trap?

The basic intention is to kill the target with one blow and kill with one blow.

If the target is careless and thinks that there is only one enemy, it will definitely reveal a flaw.

At that time, the other two crab claw fighters quickly pounced, and they could put each other to death.

Be aware that they are all equipped with laser cannons. Can emit high-energy laser beams.

Compared with the tiltrotor, the laser beam of the crab claw fighter is undoubtedly more powerful.

Even the special Su-27 made by Wang Bu'an can't stop it.

"Wang Bu'an, didn't you mean 30 minutes to win or lose?" Tross sneered, "It's been three minutes now."

"Don't worry." Wang Buan said lightly, "There is still enough time."

"I think you are delaying time on purpose?"

"I know there are two other crab claws nearby."

"is it?"

Tross was slightly startled.

A bad feeling surged from the bottom of my heart.

Wang Buyan actually knew?

He actually knew there were two more crab claws?

how is this possible?

How did he know?

You know, the stealth performance of the crab claw fighter is very good.

Almost no satellite of any country can accurately capture it. Not even America’s own lacrosse. How did Wang Bu'an know?

Could it be said that this guy has the ability of an unknown prophet?


Isn't this feudal superstition?

As a member of the Cobra Company, Tross would never believe these legends of gods and monsters.

"You have time to regret it now." Tross sneered.

"No." Wang Bu'an responded calmly.

"You will regret it."


"No, you must be scared."

"Stop gossip, I have prepared a rich meal for you, you can enjoy it slowly."


Tross was puzzled.

What big meal? What do you mean?

Damn Chinese, every sentence seems to have a different meaning.

Obviously it is exactly the same sentence, and when it is spoken from different people, the meaning may be completely opposite. It was terrible.

"Report! Unidentified fighter formation found!"

"In what direction?"

"Five o'clock!"


"One hundred and twenty-four!"


Troston's face changed drastically.

damn it!

What unknown fighter?

What is the origin? What do they want to do?

Is this what Wang Buyan is talking about? Where did he get the fighter from? Why can't it be distinguished?



There are actually one hundred and twenty-four!

So many fighter jets are dispatched together, do they want to trigger World War III?

One hundred and twenty fighters!

It's almost the level of the air division.

In peaceful times, it is incredible that so many fighters are dispatched together.

"Identify your identity!" Tross hurriedly ordered.

"Sorry, the radar can't distinguish automatically." The subordinate replied helplessly.


"There is no corresponding data in the Cobra radar system."

"how come?"

Tross frowned again.

The bad premonition surged again. Wang Bu'an must have done something again.

The question is, what exactly did Wang Bu'an do?

You know, Cobra's radar system is very advanced.

It definitely does not refer to a radar installed on a tilt-rotor aircraft alone. It contains all the radar data of the entire Western world.

No matter what kind of fighter, as long as it has ever appeared, as long as it has been detected by radar, it will enter the database of the Cobra radar system.

In other words, the mysterious fighter formation that came this time had never appeared before.

Otherwise, as long as it appears once, it will be tracked by radar.

As long as it has appeared once, it is equivalent to having an ID card.

"Analyze manually now."



"Headquarters has dispatched competent personnel for analysis."


Tross finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Since the people from the headquarters took the shot, then all the problems will be easily solved.

For the technical lunatics at the headquarters, Tross admired very much.

Those people were born for technology.

They can forget food and sleep, and do crazy research day and night.

Especially after the mysterious meteorite was snatched fifteen years ago, many technicians were even more obsessed.

Previously, Cobra's R&D department had only about 130 core technical personnel. Their IQ is at least 150% higher than that of ordinary people.

Thanks to the influence of the mysterious meteorite, the number of core technical personnel has now increased to more than 1,800. It has expanded more than ten times. The secrets they obtained from meteorites are increasing. More and more research and development results are beginning to be applied to practice. Laser cannons and crab claw fighters are two of them.

Of course, there are still many research results. Some are not clear to Troos himself.

Some of the highest core secrets, people of his level, are completely inaccessible.

Even President Trump has no right to know.

Unless it is the Cobra Company who takes the initiative to please Trump. Want to get more budget.


"Data analysis has arrived."

Sure enough, in less than five minutes, the headquarters of the Cobra Company already had preliminary feedback.

They agreed that this is a deformed Su-27 fighter.

It modified the engine and changed the aerodynamic layout.

But in essence, it is still an ancient Su-27 fighter.

Tross was finally relieved.

It turned out to be a Su-27 fighter!

it is good.


very good!

As long as it is a Su-27 fighter, there is nothing to fear.

This kind of old antique has no effect in today's contest between big countries.

Crab claw is the most advanced fighter. It is at least 50 years more advanced than the Su-27. Even a hundred years. It is impossible to lose in a heads-up against the Su-27 fighter.

However, after a brief moment of relaxation, Tross' mood began to sink again.

After all, it is one hundred and twenty-four Su-27 fighters!

This amount is too scary.

Where did so many Su-27s come from?

China? impossible!

Polar bear? It is impossible!

Their fighter jets, UU Reading can not secretly enter the Sahara Desert!

The only thing that can be done is crab claws.

Even the f-22 or f-35, it is impossible to be completely invisible if you want to run such a long distance.

You know, such a long voyage must be accompanied by an aerial tanker. The huge body of an aerial tanker is absolutely impossible to hide. Any military reconnaissance satellite can be found.

As long as others catch your tanker, they can infer some clues and then repeat the tracking analysis.

The invisibility of f-22 and f-35 does not mean that there is no radar reflection at all.

It's just that this reflected signal is very weak and very small. It is easy to be automatically ignored by the radar.

However, once a caring person performs manual tracking and analyzes all the reflected signals, it is certain that the flight trajectories of f-22 and f-35 can be found.

Only the Crab Claw fighter can be completely invisible and do not reflect any radar signals.

To be precise, the reflection area is not as good as a hummingbird. Even manual analysis cannot be retrieved.

So, here comes the question...

Where did these modified Su-27s come from?

"What did the headquarters say?"

"Said it took off from around Beitang City."

"Northern Tang City? Impossible!"

"The headquarters did say so."


Tross shook his head stubbornly.

How could there be so many Su-27 modifications in North Tang City?

You know, Beitang City is currently a desert, an immigration area that has not been developed and utilized at all.

Will it become magic?

So many fighters have changed?

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