Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Chapter 731: Super Mecha

Black paws...

Wang Bu'an is still fresh in his memory.

The lethality of this thing is too terrifying.

The opponent can kill even the interstellar patrol ship! Not to mention ordinary battleships.

What is the length of the Kuafu-class battleship? Only 400 meters away! However, the C-class patrol ship has a length of 8800 meters! That's more than 20 times!

In terms of the strength of the hull, the interstellar patrol ship is much stronger than the marine battleship.

You must know that the interstellar patrol ship is capable of jumping in space!

This kind of battle report is not unexpected at all.

Surprisingly, why did the praying mantis choose the earth?

Could it be said that they have already discovered that, in fact, the earth talents are the final culprit, so they come directly to the bottom of the pan to draw wages?

So how did they discover the earth? Are the earthlings themselves leaking secrets?

Or did they get information from Transformers?

Who said that mantis creatures have no wisdom?

Who said that mantis creatures don't know how to think?

stand out!

I promise not to kill you!

"Master Wang..."

"Don't worry, just go back as soon as possible."


Wang Bu'an said calmly.

The earth is in danger.

The earth was discovered by the enemy.

At the beginning, Hawking once said that going out is not necessarily a good thing.

If you hide quietly in the solar system, perhaps no other creatures will notice you at all. Can develop safely and freely.

Once you go to the outside world to reveal your identity, it is possible to attract powerful enemies.

It now appears that Hawking's prediction is confirmed.

The earth is indeed exposed.

It really provoked a powerful enemy for itself.

This enemy is not in the galaxy. It came from an extremely distant galaxy through a temporary wormhole.

What are they going to do?

Are they really going to destroy the earth?

Interstellar flight is as boring as ever, and there is a bit more undisguised anxiety.

Li Mu, Ye Shengge, Ding Chen and others are very worried.

Only a few months after leaving the earth, so many changes happened?

I don't know how many of the former comrades-in-arms died?

Although, cloning technology can bring everyone back to life. However, there are some differences in their thinking.

There will definitely be many differences between the cloned individual and the ontology.

Two good friends, after being cloned, they may become ordinary friends. Not even friends anymore.

Life can be cloned.

But feelings can never be cloned.

Opponents' attacks on cloning technology are mainly focused on ethics.

The cloned father may not love his children.

The cloned child may be unwilling to support his father.

The cloned husband may be unwilling to accept his wife.

The cloned wife may also be unwilling to accept her husband.

In the field of cloning technology, Wang Bu'an has always been at the forefront of the storm, and the debate is very fierce. He is the main target of all opponents.

Even if he is not on Earth, White Whale Technology cannot escape.

In the past, due to the need for confidentiality, no outsider knew Wang Bu'an.

But now, his name is already a household name. There is no way to keep it secret anymore.

There are many reds.

Many of his bad things have also been revealed.

Even if the parties concerned want to work hard to control, there is no way.

After all, it is now entering the space society. There are too many things to keep up. It is even impossible to track down the IP.

There are too many planets.

The network architecture is also much more complicated.

Previously, an IPv6 address was sufficient. It has now been upgraded to IPv8 and above.

At the same time, more virtual addresses have also been added. Make reverse tracking impossible. Various private firewalls also seriously hinder the tracing of information.

At the same time, the world has become bigger and the market has become bigger. Companies such as Google, Apple, and Microsoft cannot become giants.

There are many companies that can compete with them. The information industry has blossomed.

Moby Whale Technology sells chips behind its back.

Computer chip...

Mobile phone chip...

Communication chip...

Contains various communication chips in the interstellar era.

General chips are used on the earth. If you want to use it across planets, you have to use special extremely long wave communications.

The patent for this extremely long wave communication is in the hands of Professor Ma Xiangtong.

Strictly speaking, it is in the hands of Hutian University.

Every year, Hutian University collects tens of billions of yuan in patent fees.

When the old principal Kuang Donghui retired, he said with emotion, “Now Hutian University has too much money and I don’t know how to use it. I don’t dare to embezzle...”

Fortunately, Wang Buyan himself was too lazy to respond to various attacks on the Internet.

Say what you like.

Cloning technology will never give up.

Now, in several places, human genetic samples are secretly kept.

If human beings really suffer a large-scale attack from alien creatures, it will cause heavy losses. Even if only a few survive, these genetic samples will work.


A large number of clones.

A veritable creation of people. Create people in large quantities.

There is no need to conceive in October.

It only takes 30 days to clone an adult.

As long as there are sufficient resources, 10 billion or 100 billion humans can be cloned. All of them are adults. None of them have serious genetic defects. It is relatively perfect.

Of course, such a human society may be completely different from the current one.

That is the society of human cloning.

Two months later, Wang Bu'an finally returned to the earth without any effort.

The patrol ship appeared directly over the Pacific Ocean.

The situation is indeed a bit serious.

Praying mantis creatures have established many bases deep underwater in the Pacific Ocean.

Yes, it is the base.

They almost occupy most of the ocean.

On the sea, there are a large number of praying mantis flying and patrolling. Attack any human weapon that tries to approach.

Both aircraft and missiles will be attacked.

Completely suicidal attack.

End up with fighter jets or missiles.

Wang Bu'an silently raised the telescope and carefully observed the flying praying mantises.

Their body is actually not big, only the size of a wild boar. But their wingspans are all over five meters. Thin as cicada wings. The flight speed is extremely fast. The action is also very flexible.

It is estimated that there are already very many such flying mantises. What appears on the sea is just the tip of the iceberg.

Obviously, the human coalition forces can't compete with each other for pure consumption.

How much does a flying praying mantis cost?

How much is a fighter?

How much is a missile?

Very uneconomical.

Unless there is a way to kill in large quantities.

Unfortunately, until now, the human coalition still has not found a way to kill the flying mantis on a large scale.

Someone suggested the use of nuclear bombs.

It was rejected immediately.

Using a nuclear bomb on the earth is ready to abandon the earth.

The pollution of nuclear bombs must be very serious. In less than a few hundred years, I can never imagine that I can live again.

Moreover, it is hard to say whether the nuclear bomb can perform its due role if the other party is hidden in the sea. If the other party could absorb nuclear radiation, it would be counterproductive.

"Chief Engineer Wang, Marshal Weidelong is here."


Soon after, a high-level coalition army met with Wang Bu'an.

The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss ways to eliminate the mantis creatures. Or find a way to close the wormhole in the sea.

"Some scientists have suggested the production of super large battle fortresses."

"That's a large mecha?"

"It's a fortress that can move and has a strong combat power."

"Is there a plan?"

"Five sets are now ready."

"What do you think?"

"Of course it is not difficult to design. But what about production?"

"Yes! Of course it is easy to draw a drawing. It is not easy to produce it."

"The Rock 900 engine can't meet the needs."

"Unless nuclear power is used."

"But, in case nuclear power is used by the enemy..."


The high-level military officials attending the meeting were very worried.

Especially senior generals from the United States, Russia, Europe and other places. They are absolutely unwilling to let the enemy absorb nuclear radiation.

The last time the 500 million-ton super-large nuclear bomb fell into the depths of the Pacific Ocean already scared many people.

Fortunately, Wang Bu'an succeeded in salvaging the nuclear bomb.

Otherwise, so many nuclear materials will be absorbed by alien organisms, and the consequences will be disastrous.

"power system……"

"Control system..."

"Weapon System..."

Gradually summarized the three major problems.

Huge mecha requires very powerful power. At least above 5 million KW.

The control system must use stream of consciousness. Mechanical operation, or computer control, I’m afraid they can’t keep up with the ever-changing Judging from the combat experience summarized so far, the movements of those flying mantises are very flexible.

If the action of the human mech is too slow, it is easy for the enemy to find the weakness.

After all, any weaponry is flawed.

Once the weakness is found, it is over.

The Death Star is so powerful, isn't it killed by a single attack?

The setting of the weapon system is also a huge trouble.

What weapon?

How to arrange weapons?

How does the energy for weapons come from?

Do you want to install a particle beam on the large mecha?

Facts have proved that the particle beam is quite effective against flying mantis. The energy consumption is too great.

It must be a flat or overhead shot. In order to avoid harm to the earth.

So, in this way, 5 million KW is far from enough.

In order for the particle beam to have sufficient lethality, at least a power reserve of more than 100 million KW is required.

What is a reserve?

It is usually not used.

The mobile mech uses another power. No need to compete with particle beams for power.

Such a large package is definitely not something other people can undertake. Only one person can take it. He is Wang Bu'an.

Only White Whale Technology and Tyrannosaurus Rex Industry can afford it.

"Master Wang, how long will it take?"

"I need three days to consider it."


"I'm going back."


Wang Buan silently returned to the Canglong Bay Resort.

Fortunately, it has not yet been damaged. Still so beautiful and so luxurious.

He came back too suddenly, and there was no one acquaintance in the resort.

His wife, such as his wife, was not there.

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