Alien Lord

: Thanks, and update plan! !

The traveler sincerely thank you for your great support. The average traveler's average has risen to 98. Haha, seriously, this digital traveler has never thought about it. After all, the traveler's collection is only more than 3,000 points. The traveler is really satisfied!

Also thanks to the editor of the traveler, Green Fox!

Green Fox, thank you for your support, thank you!

Pedestrians promised in the testimonials on the shelves. At the end of the month, they must have reached 100. Pedestrians have been updating 15,000 words every day before the year. Although they are still still two, they have reached 100. However, the two Only, the traveler should have risen to 100, rounded up, hehe

Therefore, everyone, the traveler absolutely updated 15,000 words every year before this year. I hope you can continue to support the traveler, thanks! (There are so many manuscripts, you don’t have to worry too much.

Of course, you don’t think that one hundred would seem like a lot, huh, huh, honestly, you really don’t make any money. This month’s manuscript fee doesn’t even cost 300, up to 270 yuan, huh, this little money , I believe no one will be in the eyes now, but at least one month’s instant noodle supper money is earned, hehe

Although there is little money, but the support of the big guys, the traveler still has to bear in mind. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about the **** or the educator. As long as there is a big support for the educator, the educator will not be the eunuch.

Finally, nagging, you have the ability to support the downside, so that the pedestrian can buy the supper instant noodles, but also have the money to buy cigarettes, ha ha (to be continued.)

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