Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 759: The attacker? Lovers?

"Oh oh oh oh oh"

Yun Luo and Xia Xiaoyu have already arrived on the duel arena, and the surrounding students suddenly heard a wave of cheers and shouts, but these cheers and shouts were basically for Yun Luo, which made Xia Xiaoyu tolerate. I couldn't help getting nervous, and in the same way, Yun Luo was also nervous.

Unlike Xia Xiaoyu, she was nervous because everyone's eyes were focused on herself. She was very uncomfortable with this situation. Being the focus of everyone would only make her nervous.

"Teacher, is it okay?" The cheers around are too loud. These students are too enthusiastic, but the enthusiasm is not for Xia Xiaoyu. This makes the three daughters of Yue Shihan a little worried, watching the duel slightly slightly Shaking Xia Xiaoyu, Lin Wanxin also asked nervously, "Look at Xiaoyu's appearance."

"Well, she is very uncomfortable, and these cheers give her a lot of excitement, but it doesn't matter. Although I really want to win this duel, it doesn't matter if I lose, and it was also a good time for her. Experience, as a student at the God of War Academy, I will definitely experience these in the future, and these are good tuition fees."

After talking, Mu Xiaoxiao paused and looked at the three women beside him, "You are the same. Sooner or later, you will experience this. Although your background is not rich and honorable, since you have become my students, you will definitely be in an ordinary place in the future. The strong above the people have to get used to these things."



"Can we also be strong?" Lin Wanxin and Liu Mengshu were silent and did not speak. They knew that even being strong would not be easy, but Yue Shihan said with a look of excitement, "Sounds very good," Imagining the scene after becoming a strong man worshipped by everyone, Yue Shihan couldn't help but drool.

""This guy is helpless, Mu Xiaoxiao covered his face.

"Let's start, then" the referee gave an order and instantly withdrew from the field. A magic wand suddenly appeared in Yun Luo's hand, with a delicate gem inlaid on it. Regardless of Yun Luo's soft and weak appearance, its own strength was not weak. In the first moment, she was the first to react, holding the staff, and muttering a spell in her mouth.

Xia Xiaoyu, who was a beat slower than her, gritted his teeth, and now it was too late to recite the spell. Thoughts flashed, Xia Xiaoyu kicked his legs, and rushed to the rhyme of rapid chanting amidst everyone's exclamation.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Ruoshui opened his mouth wide and turned stiffly to look at Mu Xiaoxiao.

"Don't ask me, I don't know either." Mu Xiaoxiao also said that he was innocent. He really didn't know anything. Apparently, "Seven realities taught her." Then, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her. A glance at Lin Wanxin and them, and seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's gaze, they nodded in unison.

"It was teacher Qishi who taught us. Although Xiaoyu is a magician, teacher Qishi still taught her some melee combat skills."

"It's really messy, Qishi, Mu Xiaoxiao is ashamed.

Xia Xiaoyu was about to rush to Yun Luo's face. Although he was not a professional fighter, his speed was not fast, but it was okay to paste it before Yun Luo's spell was finished. After seeing this scene, Yun Luo had to give up this Gao. Order magic. But after chanting a few spells briefly, a magic barrier appeared in front of him, and he felt a little strange. It felt like he was fighting a swordsman.


However. The duel had just begun, and a violent explosion suddenly sounded. Before everyone could react, a huge barrier appeared above their heads, a magic enchantment, but this translucent magic enchantment only lasted for a few seconds. time. It slammed into nothing.

"This is." Ruo Shui was stunned after seeing this scene, but Tang Xing on the side quickly reacted, his expression stunned, and he suddenly waved his hand.

"It's not good that there are assailants"

"Boom boom"

There were two more explosions. It seemed that they were indeed the attackers. The students present were not nervous or worried. Where is this place? The War God Academy, he dared to attack the War God Academy. It was indeed a death. However, Mu Xiaoxiao felt that it was not that simple. He waved his hand and looked at the two girls who were stunned in the duel, asking them to come back quickly.

At the moment when the explosion sounded, several teachers from the War God Academy immediately rushed in the direction of the explosion. They were also surprised that someone dared to come to the War God Academy to cause trouble. They were the first people ever to come to the War God Academy. However, when they came to the matter When the place was sent, he was stunned. Except for the ruins all over the ground, there was only one skeleton knight standing there, and on the ground, a huge six-pointed star magic circle burst into dazzling brilliance.

"Not good" These teachers are all experienced and powerful old people over half a hundred years old. How can I not know what it is when I see this magic circle, and just about to escape, the magic circle suddenly shines and envelopes them in an instant. Go in

"No," one of the old men shouted, "This magic circle"

Without any destructive power, they originally thought it was a magic circle that sealed themselves and others. What surprised them was that this magic circle actually extended to the surrounding infinitely, and at the same time, a few beams of light began to appear in the distance straight into the sky. Was the magic circle laid around Kamikaze City? Who did it on earth?"

"More than that, even the barriers of the War God Academy were completely broken. How could this be?" Another old man looked very ugly. "Unless it is someone who knows the barriers of the War God Academy well, otherwise it's impossible."

""Everyone went silent, this sentence was obvious, and they knew all about the barriers of the War God Academy. Could it be that there was an insider? But how could the teacher of the God of War Academy betrayed? Suddenly, a huge force suddenly spread from the other side. Several old men, look at me and I look at you. Is there a duel field over there?

"Unexpectedly, so many people gathered here, it really made me feel a lot easier," a sudden smiley voice came into everyone's ears from the duel field, and turned his head to a huge head. The flying monster appeared on top of the head, and it was a young man standing on it that made the sound.

"Pretend to be like the wind, and always accompany me," Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but vomit after seeing this scene.

"Hello, who is that guy?"

"I don't know, it's probably the person who attacked the God of War Academy."

"It seems a bit familiar" was sent by a senior classmate.


With a cry of exclamation, both Tang Xing and Ruoshui widened their eyes, looking at the young man above, who seemed to be someone they knew. Mu Xiaoxiao tilted his head slightly. At the same time, the Dean of the God of War, Carlo and the deputy dean Feng Luo arrived here at the same time, looking at the figure above, her eyes widened and speechless.


"Hey, who is that person?" Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but slammed into Ruoshui next to her.

"Stuart" at this moment Ruoshui didn't even bother to stare at Mu just said blankly.

"Stuart" Ruo Shui ignored Mu Xiaoxiao, and Tang Xing next to him sighed after seeing this scene and slowly said, "He was born a commoner, but he is a super genius. Dean Carlo is a very important person."


An old blood, lover? Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes widened and looked at Ruoshui Shenfeng in surprise, but it was a pity that the other party didn't have any idea here, but just stared at the sky blankly.

"If you are your sweetheart, you can be regarded as one's own? Why?" Mu Xiao pointed up, "Why is this?"

""Tang Xing shook his head, seeming to be shocked, "I don't know, but the key point is that Stuart died for some reason."

"Huh? Dead?" Mu Xiaoxiao blinked and looked up at the figure above. After a long while, he said, "Don't tell me, those people are ghosts." To be continued.


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