Alien paradise

Chapter 114 Unknown Memories

It only took less than ten minutes for Chaoyang to find the cabin of the man with a strong life.

The cabin was small and contained nothing but a few beds.

Lovisya was also lying on the bed, but to his surprise, she was actually chained. If it weren't for the fact that the bed this person slept on was larger than the others, and there were several layers of blankets underneath, he would have thought that the brotherhood was divided.

"Is this some kind of anti-sleepwalking measure?" Chaoyang glanced a few times to confirm that there was nothing unusual in the room before focusing on the target, "Are you sure it's her?"

"The vitality characteristics are the same, what's wrong?"

"This guy is a woman," he replied. Although the other party had spoken in the church, his voice seemed quite neutral when he was masked, so he didn't think about it.

"So what? It doesn't matter whether she is a boy or a girl. Even if she is a neutral person, her will power is the same."

"..." Chaoyang silently rolled his eyes. Sometimes he even felt that he should be an angel. "I still don't know how much willpower she has."

"Then you have to seduce her better and bring out all the desires in her heart. I think it's okay for you, come on!" Elodie urged irresponsibly.

Chaoyang sighed, sat down beside this person's bed, and stretched out his hand to press her forehead.

In an instant, he seemed to have fallen into a storm, with wild air currents emerging from below and blowing him outward!

In this chaos, he could only vaguely see a few memory fragments——

A mine with green tree trunks...

The miners armed themselves with weapons and fought their way out of the security team...

And a familiar woman was smiling at her...

Then his consciousness was violently pushed back!

"So fast?" Elodie said unexpectedly.

"Trouble, this guy has a very strong sense of resistance, and his own strength is not bad. The dream spell cannot easily peek into her memory." Chaoyang shook his head.

"So you can't?"

Chaoyang was choked. He couldn't tell for a moment whether this was just Elodie's unintentional words or whether there was something in the other person's words. "Don't you hurry? Even though it was only for a moment, I saw an acquaintance... This guy may have a better relationship than us." Think closer."

Yes, he only had a one-time relationship with that woman, but the memory is still fresh to this day - after all, his first pot of gold in this world was earned from her.

That Triton woman named Haiya Mira.

Elodie also looked at the memory of the second round of the game. As soon as Chaoyang reminded her, she immediately remembered, "Is this the sister Haiya mentioned?"

"Other than my own sister, who else would smile like that to her? It can't be her best friend, right?"

"Your statement is a bit far-fetched, but I can pretend to believe it."

"Okay, then I'll look for other evidence..." Chaoyang said helplessly. After all, information is very important for the guidance of dream books. The more real the emotional memory is, the more it can touch the heart of the person being guided. If Haiya is not her sister, and he implants memories based on the emotions of relatives, then the other party will only feel extremely inconsistent when they wake up, as if they have had a ridiculous dream.

With no more options, he decided to use a dream spell on Lovisya as well.

Since both of them are members of the fraternity, they may be able to find some fragments in their memories that corroborate each other.

This time, Chaoyang fell asleep smoothly.

Lovisya's subconscious made little effort to stop him, and he reached the memory maze easily. However, the memory blocks that made up the maze looked desolate and dilapidated, with tangled vines everywhere.

This scene is really inconsistent with her age.

The first scene that was glimpsed was still deep in the mine——

"Ah! - kill me! It hurts -!"

Harsh screams came one after another, as if this place was not a mine, but a place of execution for torturing prisoners on death row. Chaoyang also felt a chill rising behind his back, because what he saw was the same as an execution ground: many miners were tied to death on wooden frames, and behind them stood many people who looked like overseers, but these people were not holding whips, but Sharp meat cleaver.

They energetically and neatly found the part of the miner's body where the tiny arms grew, and cut them off one by one with a knife, as if they were no different from peeling potatoes. But those things are obviously not foreign objects. Every time a miner cuts off a piece, he will make a shrill scream, and a large amount of blood will gush out from the wound, which makes people feel sick just looking at it.

At the end, the supervisor will insert the knife into the meat and make a circle. After repeated operations, some miners' backs are like craters, with bloody holes everywhere.

At this time, a miner suddenly became silent.

The person behind him held his neck, shook his head and said, "It's useless. It's dead. Bring another one."

The screen suddenly began to shake and moved closer to the wooden frame. Chaoyang suddenly realized that it was Lovisya's turn!

He quickly jumped to the next memory block - this way of viewing could easily create the illusion of empathy, and he didn't want to leave an indelible shadow on himself.

The next scene was also deep in the mine, but it was obviously in a different place.

In front of you is a huge rock formation. Its height is quite astonishing and you can't even see the end of it. This means that the size of the mine is extremely huge and it was definitely not mined by manpower. There are many supports erected under the rock formation, and a large hole has been dug out. Through this excavated area, Chaoyang saw many green veins, embedded in the rock formations like the branches of a thousand-year-old tree.

"Quickly, send the next group of people up! They won't be able to hold on any longer!" someone commanded.

I saw a team of people carrying stretchers hurriedly rushing to the bottom of the rock formation, and all the miners lying on the stretchers were dripping with blood. When they were placed under the green light of the mine, an incredible scene happened! The hideous wound began to heal, and the gouged flesh hole expanded and closed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then grew tiny granulations.

"It's almost time, get out quickly!"

Everyone picked up the stretcher again and quickly turned back along the original path. It was not until they were two or three hundred meters away from the rock wall that they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Dooley, how long will it take for these people to recover?" the leader asked.

A man dressed as a scholar came over and inspected it a little, "Let's rest for at least half a month, and then we can work for about three months."

"Can it be shortened? For example... take a week off?"

"Don't you understand what 'at least' means?" The man said impatiently, "Why is the construction deadline so urgent?"

"Yes...the boss is urging me hard."

"It's up to you." The man said indifferently, "If you only rest for a week, they will relapse very quickly, and they may be scrapped after just one use. Of course, if you are willing to buy people, there is no problem in such a rotation - —”

Before he could finish his words, a thunderous explosion suddenly came from behind everyone!

The strong air flow caused people to stagger, and patients on stretchers also fell to the ground. In the upside-down view, Chaoyang saw dozens of miners carrying muskets appearing in the smoke, and the leader was the woman who slept in the same room with Lovisya.

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