Alien paradise

Chapter 123 Sunflower Project

Under the perception of the Cyber ​​Eye, the network here is like a spacious data building. The green channels represent connection lines, and the red ones represent obstacles or traps. Obstacles are like piles of debris that can be easily climbed over, while traps are mostly anti-hacker programs, which are like red squares on the road. As long as you don't touch them, there's no big problem.

The network configuration of MI6 is the same as that of most key institutions. It is divided into two layers: inner and outer. The inner layer is physically isolated and theoretically cannot be penetrated even by the Cyber ​​Eye. But coincidentally, there are often multiple cameras in such computer rooms to monitor whether the internal conditions are normal, and such cameras are connected to the external network for maintenance personnel to view. This is a necessary setting for security, but it has become a loophole for Chaoyang to penetrate physical isolation.

He only needs to enter a camera in a shooting room through the external network, and he can directly invade the closed network he is watching through "vision".

Physical isolation is a theoretically impossible line of defense, so the storage in these computer rooms contains the most confidential files. Even because it is too secure, many files are stored in clear text, including those working for MI6. List of all employees.

Chaoyang used Taylor as a keyword search, but did not find Jason Taylor himself.

Could it be a fake name?

He scratched his head with a headache.

Of course there is another stupid way, which is to use photos. Most employees have photos attached to their profiles, and it’s impossible for Taylor to even have her facial features reshaped. The problem is that there are nearly 4,000 employees in the top-secret server. If you compare them one by one with the naked eye, it would take three or four days to see them all.

Chaoyang could only shake people again. He dialed Elodie's phone, "There is good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"Hey... are you okay?" The other person seemed stunned for a moment.

"very good."

"What, don't scare people the first time you open your mouth." The girl said dissatisfied, "I'll listen to the bad ones first."

"The bad thing is that the overseas trip has been cancelled. Taylor's suspicion is now infinite. I only have one last piece of evidence to confirm his identity."

"It's really him! I also thought there was something wrong with him before... He is obviously a successful entrepreneur, but he knows a transnational drug lord like Wayne James." Elodie quickly accepted this conclusion.

"You sound... quite happy?"

"Another company owner is about to be ruined. Of course I'm happy. What's the good news?"

"The good news is of course that the mission rewards will come faster."

" this what you want to tell me?" Elodie smacked her lips.

"No, I mainly want to ask, do you have any experts who are proficient in programming in your team?" Chaoyang briefly explained his troubles, "I need a program that automatically compares photos."

"There is a hacker, but I don't know if she can meet your requirements." The other person seemed to be moving, "Well... just ask her directly. Fleur!"

After a while, another woman answered the phone, "Hello, boss! My name is Fleur. The boss has given me instructions. If you have any questions, just ask!"

Her voice sounded full of energy, with a hint of Latina in her accent, as if she was about to rap at any moment.

"...Can you write a program to compare photos?"

"Does the boss have any time requirements?"

"The sooner the better, preferably today."

"This..." Fleur was a little confused, "I don't have any ready-made products on hand. It's easy to write it, but if you want to be more efficient, you have to let the AI ​​spend time learning, otherwise the practicality will not be as good as manual comparison. If you If you don’t mind, I can go to the hacker market to buy this trained program, or go to the big data center to hack one and use it... Of course, there is a certain risk of leakage in these."

Big data center?

Chaoyang's heart moved slightly, and he suddenly thought of another candidate.

That is Choi Jung Eun.

Last time she and Zhang Zhiyuan tracked down her process, he saw it all. Unlike Frey, who is a wild man, Cui Zhenen has internal channels to mobilize police resources.

But the problem is identity...

He can't use his identity as the host of the park to directly ask the other party, right?

"So do you have software to change your voice?"

"That's true," Fleur immediately replied. "Not only can you change your voice, but you can also simulate other people's bodies. The premise is that you have a recording of the other person."

"Okay, let Elodie send me a copy."

This is the awkward part of relying on ability, Chaoyang thought to himself. His ability to control the network far exceeds that of any hacker, but he can't write the simplest program.

After a while, the angel sent the program over, with a line of small words added at the bottom: "It cannot be used for evil."

I'm not Feng Ge, so I can't do so many evil things. Chaoyang opened the software disapprovingly, and after some fiddling with it, dialed Cui Zhenen's number - before making this call, he had already confirmed that Zhang Zhiyuan was not with the other party.

"Hey, are you busy? I need you to do me a favor." Chaoyang said in Detective Zhang's voice.

"What's the matter? You're not repairing your neighbor's computer, are you?"

Facts have proved that Cui Zhenen had no doubts at all.

"No way. I want to compare photos. It's the kind of program that automatically matches real people with photos. You should have one, right?"

"Nonsense! But we are no longer in the Interpol department, why are you still here to examine people?"

"I'm very anxious now, can you send it over first and then talk about it?"

"Okay, you owe me one more time."

Cui Zhenen quickly sent a message to Zhang Zhiyuan's WeChat, and Chaoyang, who was well prepared, immediately intercepted it.

"This is a software interface. You just click on it and upload it directly."

"You won't leak the secret, right?"

"What are you thinking about? This is something used by the police."

That's right, he would delete all these records after the operation... Just in case, Chaoyang asked specifically, "What if the person in the photo had plastic surgery?"

"You can still recognize it. This is something fed by hundreds of billions of data, and it also judges facial bone characteristics. Unless you cover your entire face, you can still recognize it even if you wear a mask or a hat."

With these words, Chaoyang immediately took action. He first exported MI6's employee data, then filtered out the photos, and then uploaded them into the comparison program together with Taylor's multi-angle photos.

Thirty minutes later, the program had results.

Surprisingly, Taylor himself was still not among them, but Chaoyang saw the list of the other two people. They were Diad Flynn and George Flynn. The similarity of their characteristics reached 78% and 78% respectively. 86%! Especially George Flynn. Chaoyang stared at his photo for a long time and found that he did have a bit of Taylor in him.

The problem is that Diard was born in 1921, George was born in 1950, and Taylor is forty years old at most. There is a huge age difference between the three.

But Chaoyang discovered something new.

While looking through Diard and George's files, he noticed that both men were involved in a top-secret project called Project Sunflower.

Following this keyword, Chaoyang also found the detailed files of the Sunflower Project on MI6's intranet host. After a brief browse, he couldn't help but marvel at the British intelligence agency.

This is actually a huge plan covering nearly 3,000 people. It was born after World War II, and the purpose of its creation was to keep it secret in the Internet era!

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