Alien paradise

Chapter 128 Goodbye Brotherhood

Chaoyang didn't pay attention to the hot discussion on the Internet. He had long known that doing so would definitely cause an uproar, especially using overload to burn down the computer room of the Wuxor Cross Building and publishing MI6's confidential documents - after all, the other party was not a good person, Bulgaria The companies that were burned out have proven that they don't play by the rules. Only by striking the outstretched hands of these people head-on and showing that they have the will and strength to retaliate can they feel a little afraid.

However, this did not satisfy him completely.

Taylor did not reveal a word of the inside story until the end, and his biological father, Edmund Taylor, or George Flynn, seemed to have disappeared from the world. There was no news about him thirty years ago. This person could not be searched from any direction. The devil's clues ended here.

Judging from Taylor's reaction, the top management of MI6 does have a certain understanding of demons, but the relevant information does not exist in the computer room of the Cross Building... This only shows that the level of confidentiality of this information is higher, and the agencies that handle it are also more sophisticated. hidden.

Chaoyang carefully recalled the establishment process of Xia Paradise and found that Taylor's joining was really not an accident.

As a high-level seed, he has friends with quite a few wealthy people, including even criminals like Wayne James. As long as the park still treats these wealthy people as invitations, the news will inevitably reach Taylor's ears.

Even if it wasn't Taylor, it might be some other sunflower seed.

But is it possible for the park to choose ordinary people as its invitees?

Chaoyang thought it was negative.

At least not possible in the early stages.

Ordinary people's personal abilities and knowledge vary widely, and coupled with the huge base, he really can't count on these people to complete the task.

In addition, when the Gate of Destiny was being prepared, Taylor, Anthony, Naruko Asahara and Zhang Zhiyuan all used their real-life connections to a greater or lesser extent. The latter three offered corresponding rewards, but Taylor said that they had not thought about their hopes for the time being. What I want to get will be discussed later. Looking back now, this was probably because he knew that there was a price to pay for making a wish to the devil, so he chose to postpone it.

Since there are no problems with the review, the matter is over... Of course, he still has to deal with the aftermath for some ordinary people involved in the Twin Towers Bridge incident.

This was proposed by Elodie.

Chaoyang originally thought that she would be resentful about Taylor. After all, he hired her to obtain key information, but he did not reveal anything to her when taking counterattacks. It wasn't until the next day that she realized that the breaking news that day was related to her, and she called immediately. In the end, she was indeed angry, but the details were slightly different from what Chaoyang thought.

Elodie didn't mind him attacking Taylor. According to her, espionage was an act of war. It was normal for both parties to come and go. Whether they lived or died depended on their own abilities.

What makes her angry is the citizens of L City who were involved when the Twin Towers Bridge was raised.

Chaoyang naturally paid attention to this. As soon as Taylor's car passed the gate line, he immediately lowered the gate to prevent more vehicles from entering the bridge road. The twenty or so cars that drove in also stopped quickly, but in the panic, several collisions still occurred. In total, one person was slightly injured and seven vehicles were damaged.

From the angel's point of view, this completely crossed the boundary between good and evil. What made her even more uncomfortable was that the hand of the skeleton was also involved. Fortunately, these mistakes were not irreversible. She requested that a portion of the five million reward be used to compensate the innocent people for their losses.

Chaoyang comforted her for a while before she calmed down.

Anyway, it was Taylor's money, and he did not intend to use it sparingly. In addition to the five million euros earmarked for the Skeleton Hand, everyone who went on the bridge received one hundred thousand yuan in compensation, and the one who was slightly injured received two hundred thousand yuan.

It took him almost half a day to properly handle these matters. No matter who came to investigate, it would be impossible to find the whereabouts of the funds.

Towards evening, Chaoyang suddenly received a text message from Elodie.

"Go back to the temple, you have a new visitor."

This surprised him slightly.

However, the other party urged him urgently, so he immediately locked the entrance passage and escaped into the world on the other side.

After a short period of darkness, he arrived at the paradise base at the bottom of the church. Arriving at the ground hall, Chaoyang saw Elodie already standing there waiting for him. Her face was slightly pale and she was panting. It was obvious that walking back and forth had consumed a lot of energy.

Chaoyang stepped forward, "I thought you wouldn't be so quick..."

"You won't contact you so soon?" Elodie interrupted, "Am I going to have to be sulky for a few days before I can reconcile with you? Please, we are all adults, and we will be punished if we do anything wrong. Take responsibility, arguing will not help things. Besides, Skeleton Hand is also responsible, after all, I am one of the instigators."

"Well... by the way, the compensation has been paid out, they will never know who sent the money."

"Well. In order to prevent the same thing from happening again in the future, I hope you will have more trust when cooperating with the Skeleton Hand, and tell us your plan before taking action... at least tell me." Elodie said seriously, "If I If we are present, there will be no such mistakes."

"Sure." Chaoyang agreed after all. "Who is the new visitor?"

"Who else could it be?" She raised her eyebrows, "Your seduction seems to have been successful."

Lovisya only brought Hai Qi this time. Since it was confirmed that the mysterious organization behind the temple was not hostile to the Miners' Brotherhood, they did not need more guards to accompany them.

While drinking the hot tea brought by the nun, Hai Qi still had some doubts about the reason why her companion insisted on visiting, "Are you sure you saw my sister in your dream?"

"This is the ninth time you have asked me the same question today." Lovisya's answer was still full of patience, "I have told you many times that it was not a simple dream... I not only met her, but also talked to her We got it right. I have known her as long as I have known you, and I am very familiar with every word and deed of your sisters. I am very sure that it is Haiya."

But her heart was far from being as determined as she showed.

In fact, Lovisya hesitated for many days after seeing Haiya in her dream before deciding to tell Hai Qi about it.

Haiya's whereabouts have been unknown since she was captured by the company. Although everyone didn't say it, they all knew that she was in danger. As Haiya's sister, this incident undoubtedly hit Hai Qi the hardest, but she never expressed too much sadness because she was worried about affecting the morale of the brotherhood. If you simply tell the other party about "dreaming about Haiya", it will only make the other party more sad. In addition, dreams are illusory things. If everything is her fantasy, Hai Qi will be so disappointed. ?

It wasn't until the infection broke out again yesterday that Lovisya made up her mind.

She may die at any time, and it doesn't matter if she dies, but this extremely real "goodbye" will disappear with her, and Hai Qi may never know the whereabouts of her sister.

She is not qualified to judge the authenticity for the other party.

Only by letting Hai Qi meet the person Haiya mentioned in person will she not have any regrets.

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