Alien paradise

Chapter 153 Are you satisfied with this exit?

Zhang Zhiyuan and others also discovered strange creatures appearing at the gate of the camp. In shock, they even forgot to shoot.

"I'm sorry, if this thing were brought to Earth, it would definitely be a great discovery of the century!" Zhou Zhi muttered as he put down the telescope.

Choi Jung-eun doesn’t think so.

"No, you will only be strangled to death by those old biology experts."

"The park has released a new mission. It is confirmed that this object is related to Abvich. We need to destroy it, and we are only given five minutes." Naruko Asahara noticed the information window that popped up in the upper left corner of her field of vision, and reminded everyone. .

"Only five minutes? I'm afraid the city guards are dispatched." Zhang Zhiyuan turned his head and looked in the direction of the city - although there was still silence there, they had been blocked at the entrance of the camp for nearly twenty minutes, with continuous explosions and The sound of gunfire was enough to alert the two watchtowers to the east.

As for the Black Steel Security Company... after blocking the door and killing more than a hundred people, their morale had already collapsed and they could not even organize a decent counterattack. What's more, an extremely ominous monster has appeared now, indicating that there are people within Black Steel who believe in a cult. If this matter is revealed, Black Steel will not be able to gain a foothold in Brilliant Castle in the future.

"Five minutes? I only need one minute, you all have to watch out for me!" Anthony inserted the last grenade into the launcher, got up from the hiding place, and ran quickly towards the gate.

"What does he want to do?" Zhou Zhi was shocked.

"Who knows, cover him first." Zhang Zhiyuan said helplessly, "There may be some who are stubbornly resisting in the enemy camp."

But the actual situation is that no one pays attention to the Russians now. The mercenaries ran faster than anyone else when they saw the monster. They only regretted that their parents had lost two legs. Anthony approached the monster alone and was only ten meters away.

Now everyone knows what he wants to do.

He put the RPG on the opponent's "head"!

"This distance is too close, and the warhead will not detonate at all." Naruko Asahara frowned.

"He didn't intend to detonate it. He probably wanted to use the thrust of the rocket engine to directly punch a hole in the monster."

After getting along with each other in these rounds of games, Zhang Zhiyuan has gotten to know Antony Chekov better and better - he not only likes exciting fights, but also likes to do things that are in the limelight. According to Zhou Zhi, in reality he is a middle-aged man in his forties, and his temperament should be more calm, but now it seems that he has a tendency to become younger and younger as he plays.

Anthony did exactly that.

He squatted down in front of the monster, set up the RPG, and pressed the trigger impatiently.

The rocket-propelled grenade suddenly emitted a dazzling tail flame and flew towards the potted monster - and the monster's reaction was also exaggerated. It waved out those slender black lines almost at the same time, knocking the warhead away with a clang, and at the same time Cut Anthony into three pieces.

The rest were stunned. fast!

The initial speed of the grenade was slow. It could run more than 130 meters in one second. It was difficult to catch the trajectory with the naked eye, but it was easily bounced away by the monster!

"Have you seems to wait until Anthony takes action before reacting." Cui Zhenen whispered, "Does this guy not have sensory organs, but acts based on hostility?"

"How about I give it a try."

Naruko Asahara took the initiative to shoulder the sniper rifle and ran out of the ditch with her waist bent.

She moved about a hundred meters to the west before lying down again and taking aim.

The moment the gun rang out, the monster indeed moved - everyone saw that a bullet accurately hit the humanoid body under the monster. The huge kinetic energy directly tore one leg into two halves, but the monster also swung towards the ground. Pulling out all the "cloth strips", he flew out like a spring, and the direction he soared into the air was exactly where Naruko was!

The monster jumped over a hundred meters away in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that she couldn't escape, Asahara Naruko pulled out her dagger and tried to fight the opponent, but before she could get close, her legs were cut off, and then a black line penetrated straight through her forehead.

Looking at Naruko's limp body, everyone realized that this thing was not that easy to deal with.

And there are only three minutes left.

"What should I do?" Zhou Zhi looked at Zhang Zhiyuan subconsciously.

The latter was also lost in thought. Judging from the current situation, bullets were not suitable to deal with this kind of monster, let alone cold weapons. The host also mentioned that the potted monster's weak point is its lower body made of flesh, so the only thing that can attack the weak point without causing hostility in advance is——

"It's explosive." It was Cui Zhenen who spoke.

The two looked at each other, obviously thinking of the same thing.

"Explosives?" Zhou Zhi asked.

"Yes... we made enough explosives into a trigger bag, and then brought it close to the monster, just like passing by the zoo to watch new animals, and then - bang!" Cui Zhenen made an explosive gesture, "Look Going up there would be like committing suicide, but we won’t die, the monsters will.”

"There's no time to hesitate. Let's exchange for the TNT kit first." Zhang Zhiyuan just did it and immediately exchanged the remaining points for pipe explosives, then took off his belt and tied them up. The fuze is easy to solve. A high-explosive grenade can cause the explosive to explode.

Two minutes later, everyone was given a packet of dynamite.

"I'll go first, and then you guys will make a decision based on the situation."

After Zhang Zhiyuan finished speaking, he ran towards the monster without hesitation.

The latter only moved less than ten meters in such a long time. Since one leg was shot off by a sniper rifle, it can only hang another soft "cloth strip" as a foothold, walking like a lame. Just looking at the monster's current movements, it's hard to imagine that it has extremely high flexibility.

Zhang Zhiyuan quickly caught up with it and pulled out the grenade's pin.

Only a loud bang was heard, and the flames swallowed up one person and one monster in the blink of an eye! When the smoke and dust dispersed, only a section of intestines and half a broken leg remained in the monster's lower body. Although the upper part looked intact, it seemed to have been severely damaged. It was lying on the ground unable to move, and could not even stand upright before.

"Okay, this method works!" Cui Zhenen decisively followed suit and rushed forward to hit the target.

Soon there was another earth-shattering explosion!

Zhou Zhi seemed to hear a cry from deep in his heart.

The monster finally stopped moving, and the remaining organs in its lower body festered and decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye until it turned into pitch-black dust.

Should it be over?

At this moment, Zhou Zhi heard the rapid sound of horse hooves coming from the road behind.

The guns and bullet casings left in the pit are disappearing quickly. It is obvious that the paradise does not want visitors to see these weapons that do not belong to this world.

Zhou Zhi shrugged, it was undoubtedly too late to evacuate now, so there was obviously only one quickest way to exit.

"Oh, if I had known I should have chosen the first one."

He pulled the grenade latch and ran towards the soundless remains of the monster.

"No, wait--"

A woman's voice sounded from behind.

He turned around and smiled at the other party's figure, and then a violent explosion caused him to instantly disconnect.

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