Alien paradise

Chapter 162 Prohibited Knowledge

Sandra's injury was not serious.

The wound on her waist was nearly 15 centimeters deep and had entered the abdominal cavity. It was only supported by the force of muscle closure that prevented all the organs inside from escaping out.

Even Gawei couldn't help but look surprised after seeing her injuries.

"Do you need me to help you contact the medical priest?"

"It would be great if you don't have to queue up." Sandra smiled happily, "Unfortunately, Brilliant Castle is a small place. By the time your priests from the Divine Machine Cult come over, I should have recovered."

"That's not will only last about a month." Gewei coughed twice and then lay down on the hospital bed next to him.

"Master Priest, I am going to remove your clothes and bandages." The doctor reminded.

"You guys can do whatever you want, don't worry about me."

When Gewei's clothes were removed, everyone gasped.

I saw that her body was covered with dense scars, some of which had healed for a long time, while some were still pink in color. What's even more surprising is that the stitches on these wounds are very rough, and some of them look like they were fixed with screws.

"You..." Sandra didn't know what to say for a moment.

She originally thought that the other person's earrings and pendants were just an alternative dressing style, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

"Don't stare at me, I'm almost blushing." Gewei grinned deliberately, the silver beads on her tongue sparkling, "That's why I don't want to trouble you."

"But the other priests I've seen seem..."

"That's because they usually hide well." She said disapprovingly, "This is how we get closer to the gods. As the saying goes, the more like a machine, the more powerful it can be. Do you want to give it a try? In fact, It’s pretty good once you get used to it.”

"Thank you, I still can't." Sandra refused without hesitation, but there was a smile in her eyes. After experiencing the battle in the Yuanwang Tower, she suddenly felt that the relationship between the two had become much closer, and the other person's exaggerated dress was no longer dazzling.

After the wounds were treated and everyone else had retreated, Gewei sat up from the hospital bed and said, "There is a mole in the city guard."

"It may not have been leaked from the army. People around the lord are also suspected... The identity of the person who transformed into an evil creature has just been found out. He is not an ordinary soldier, but a squadron leader who is resident in the lord's castle." She received He smiled and said in a deep voice.

The time of the attack was also perfectly timed, just after he had met with the count and received support.

As for the meeting with the paradise messenger, it should not be part of their plan.

Sandra couldn't help but have a headache, "But I don't know if he really wants to kill me, or if he is controlled by the cultists."

"There is no essential difference between the two. If you have that thing growing on your body, I will still kill you." Gewei shrugged, "Believe me, this is for your own good."

She nodded and didn't answer.

Sandela believed that it was impossible to become a cult believer, but she could not guarantee that everyone in the army had the same idea as her. After three years of getting along, she still has feelings for City Guards. If possible, she didn't want to kill any of her subordinates with her own hands.

What's more, finding a mole is a matter within the military, so there is no need for an outsider to worry about it.

Gawei didn't dwell on this topic, "Have you really met that person? I mean...not one of his followers."

"That one?" Sandra was a little confused as to why she used this description. "The person I met was the person who caused the previous series of events. He was also the savior of evil things in your eyes. He called himself the ambassador of the paradise. Who are you referring to?"

"...Of course...No, forget it. I can only confirm this if I see the other party." Gewei shook her head, indicating that the matter was over, "Then what did you talk about? What does paradise mean?"

"Paradise is just a symbol, or a delusion. This organization hopes to make the world like a paradise, where everyone can have enough to eat and drink... Although it is not the other person's original words, this is what I understand. .”

Sandra obviously didn't believe it.

Gewei saw her joke, "Don't underestimate the power of faith, they are already on the way to fulfill God's will."

"A queen who sacrifices for others? This is impossible according to common sense... Let's get down to business. Have you ever seen such an altar?" She gestured with difficulty, "The top is a bouquet of wild roses, and the bottom is a human's altar. Brain.”

The priestess frowned immediately, "Where did you see it?"

"It's not me, it's someone from Paradise. It's in the study on the third floor of the Black Steel Building."

Unfortunately, an explosion completely destroyed the study, and she could only choose to believe in the Paradise Messenger for the time being.

Gewei fell silent for a rare moment, pursed her lips slightly, and seemed to be lost in thought.

After a long time, she sighed and said, "This is indeed the altar of a cult, and the evil gods they believe in are different from those in the past. They are a force that has only emerged in recent years. They generally only operate in the Old Continent. Unexpectedly, they even The New World has also appeared. This is a dangerous signal and I must report it to the bishop."

"The evil god is different? Is there a new evil god?"

"It's not right to say they appeared. They are ancestor gods and have existed in the world for a long time. We just discovered them." Gewei corrected.

"Can you tell me more about it?"

For the first time, Sandra really wanted to understand this aspect.

"In order to avoid causing panic, the church stipulates that knowledge about evil gods cannot be spread to ordinary people. Of course, it also has the purpose of preventing ignorant people from imitating and worshiping." Gewei lay back on the hospital bed again, "It wouldn't work if it were someone else, but if you ask ... Let me be a little more accommodating. To put it simply, there are currently six evil gods confirmed by the church, namely "Rotten God", "Chenxing", "Xu Ming", "Hidden Mist", "World" and "Weibo". "Mystery", they have more or less entered our world, but most people only know about the Rot God and the Hidden Mist, because they have actually caused huge disasters. "

Sandra knew this.

According to legend, people will suffer from birth, old age, sickness and death, and materials will wither and decay, all because cultists introduced the God of Corruption into the world. And a long time ago, humans could live forever.

At least he won't die of old age.

The most impressive thing is the corruption and poisonous water incident that lasted more than 150 years. A cult called Terror Shadow summoned the power of the evil god in the city of Meili in the old continent and turned an entire river that ran through the city into poisonous water. . Once a person drinks it, he will immediately wither and decay like a plant, and his life span will be drastically shortened to a few days and a half months. What's even more frightening is that these people don't seem to feel any strangeness or pain, but welcome the end of their lifespan like real old people, as if they have lived their entire lives. The disaster resulted in the deaths of nearly 100,000 people and the complete devastation of the city.

The hidden mist is even more familiar.

The entire New World is the work of this evil god. The ubiquitous fog traps people on the edge of the continent. It breeds hysteria, fog spiders and other unknown monsters. It requires a great price to move forward. The tragedy of the Acropolis is even more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Since the incident happened only fifteen years ago, and most of the people who experienced it are still alive, it has become the most widely circulated and famous evil god.

Even a three-year-old child knows the name of the Hidden Mist Cultist.

"What about the other evil gods? Their names don't seem to have anything to do with evil..." Sandra was a little confused.

"New believers will have similar questions at the beginning, and the church gives two explanations." Gewei stretched out two fingers, "One is that they are pre-gods and cannot be described in human terms of good and evil. Currently, What is certain is that they do pose a huge threat to the continuation of mankind. Second, the name must be summarized accurately, not to demonize the enemy. In addition, we mainly deal with evil creatures and cultists. The name of the evil god itself is a matter of course. not so important."

"Hmm... barely it makes sense."

"But I think there is a third reason." Gewei stretched out another finger and pretended to whisper, "That is that some people are afraid. They are afraid of these evil gods and dare not give them too vicious and terrifying names. Number, just in case the other party hears it one day. Only a name that is neither salty nor bland can alleviate this fear."

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