Alien paradise

Chapter 222 Cutting-edge Technology

It's over... I'm still a step too late after all.

Farrellan couldn't help but hold his forehead. If he had known this, he would not have decided on the plan to recruit the fleet.

"Didn't you say they wouldn't leave the port until dark?" Dane walked slowly behind him, "Obviously the night hasn't arrived yet."

Just as the reporter said, although the sun has completely submerged below the sea level, a dim orange-red color can still be seen where it sets. It not only reflects the waves on the water into purple, but also prevents the night from occupying the entire sky. It can be seen from the shadow of the wooden pile that was dragged along the pier that the other members of the investigation team did not abide by the agreement.

"It must have been instigated by Sir Dulin." Farrellan sighed, "Although Ryan is the leader, he is not a person who is good at making decisions. Unless I can catch up now..."

"The City Guards still have two speedboats, but it will be dark soon. If you take other boats and approach the warship rashly, you will probably be regarded as a pirate." Dann rejected his idea, "My suggestion is that you go to the warship first. Set up a place to stay for one night, and then go out to stop the fleet tomorrow morning."

"It's too late. No one knows from which direction the navy will approach. By the time they show up, the city is already within the range of bombardment." Farrellan shook his head. "Now we can only do as you said before, to the west. and evacuate the masses to the south, and then expect the Navy to not fire first and ask questions later.”

Having said this, he waved his fist bitterly, "If I later confirm that the early evacuation was instigated by Du Lin, I will definitely make this guy look good!"

"So we just need to wait for daybreak and find the fleet in advance, right?" There was no nervousness in Dan's tone, "Okay, I'll take you to see His Excellency and see if he has any good ideas. "

"he is……?"

"The envoy of Paradise Sect." The reporter smiled, "Don't worry, I can't vouch for it elsewhere, but there is no problem that he can't solve in Brilliant Castle."

In the reception room of Yeni Holy Church, Chaoyang set his sights on Farrellan after listening to Dan's explanation of his purpose.

In fact, as early as three hours ago, he learned about the arrival of the Old World Survey Team from Sandra. Ever since the day when the nobles and company executives fled, he had expected that this kind of thing would happen sooner or later, and he also expressed Paradise's attitude to Sandra and others: as long as these people did not cause trouble in the city, Paradise would basically ignore them.

But he didn't expect that the day after the investigation team arrived at Brilliant Castle, all their identities would be exposed, and they would ask for help from Paradise. It had to be said that the teams sent by the Old Continent were not very reliable.

"So his request is to try not to destroy the fleet while conveying the news that he is actually safe?" Chaoyang touched his chin and laughed, "I understand, this is actually not difficult to do."

"Really?" Farrellan couldn't help but ask, "Once the Seagull returns to the fleet, the five warships will enter combat readiness, and even I can't confirm their current positions."

This means that it is necessary to find the fleet in a maneuvering state on the vast sea, which is absolutely impossible to do with just two speedboats.

"Of course it's true, but I have to ask a question first, Mr. Farrellan, are you afraid of heights?" Chaoyang asked with interest.

"Afraid of heights? No...I don't have such a fear."

While answering, Farrellan has also been sizing up the envoy of this mysterious church. The first thing he felt was youth. He had visited many sects in the past, but he had never seen such a young divine envoy. This also confirmed one of his guesses, that is, the Paradise Sect is probably a newly established sect, which may also explain why the Lord of Paradise responded so actively to the envoy's prayer. When a sect sprouts, gods always have to take more care of their own people.

Another point is the attitude of the other party - Farrellan noticed that whether he was talking to Dann or talking to himself, his expression and words did not change much. He did not have the arrogance of becoming the chosen one at a young age. There is no contempt or hostility towards the Old World Survey Team. It is really difficult to see such a peaceful and polite attitude among peers of this status.

But Farrelly also had another bad idea.

That is, the identity gap between the two parties is so great that they are not even qualified to make the envoy feel emotional.

He hoped it wouldn't be the latter.

"As long as he's not afraid of heights." Chaoyang turned to Dan and said, "Tomorrow you can take him to the beach in the northwest. There will be a solution to the problem there."

Farrellan barely slept.

When a hint of fish belly white appeared on the horizon, Dane knocked on the hotel door on time. Then the two of them took a carriage heading north along Central Street, and soon left the city and arrived at a slightly deserted beach.

The sun had just emerged at this moment, and the sky was a hazy blue-gray. As soon as Farrellan got out of the car, he felt the sea breeze whistling around him, and the cold water vapor in the air made him shiver.

"It should be over there." Dann also jumped out of the car, scanned the beach and pointed to an open space not far away.

Farrellan looked in the direction he pointed - there were several rows of colorful flags planted in the open space, and in the middle of each row of colorful flags was a flat, hardened ground, which looked a bit like a racecourse in a metropolitan city. But no matter how long the racetrack tracks he had seen were connected end to end like a ring, here it was a straight line to the end.

In addition, these roads were quite wide. He made a casual estimate and found that the narrowest one was over ten meters, which was already wider than most streets in Brilliant Castle.

At the end of the hardened ground, there was a strange gray-green machine parked. It had wheels, but it was very small. There was a long horizontal board connected to the bottom. At first glance, it looked a bit like the wings of a kite.

It wasn't until he got closer that Farrellan realized that this metal creation was actually surprisingly large, far larger than an ordinary carriage. He originally thought it was some kind of strange structure, but he didn't feel any special fluctuations after touching it.

"Are you Farrellan?" At this time, a man came over carrying the stairs.

"Yes, may I ask who you are..."

"Anthony." The other party put the ladder on the machine, then took out a roll of cloth from the bag and threw it to him, "Take it, and then climb up."

Farrellan looked at Dane with some confusion, and the latter nodded to him in the affirmative.

Then he climbed up the ladder and onto the machine.

There are actually two narrow seats on it, and it does look like a people-carrying vehicle. It's just that he has no idea at all. The presence of wheels means that this thing is running on the ground, but if it can't even go to the sea, how can it look for the fleet that may approach at any time?

Anthony also climbed up, passed him and sat on the seat in front of him. Although Farrellan had never seen such a machine, he could still tell that it should be the driver's seat. The densely packed instrument panel in front of the driver was probably used to monitor the operating status of the machine.

Anthony pressed a red button, and Nuoda's machine suddenly shook, and a series of dull exhaust sounds came from its head. But this popping sound soon turned into a continuous blast!

Farrellan was surprised to see that the two blades at the front of the machine began to rotate faster and faster, turning into a transparent afterimage within ten seconds!

The machine is powered up!

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